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CCSF 2013 Day 14: A Final Day of Festivities   Jessica | 11/14/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  8

A Final Day of FestivitiesHas it reached the end of the CCSF already? Darby, Ghosthande, and I hope that the last two weeks have been very enjoyable for every Creatures fan! Thank you to everyone who helped make this festival possible this year. No sad faces, though: Today still features a plethora of new releases to enjoy!

Chester's Remarks: "My favorite saying is that everything must come to an end; even the best carrot. I shall be deep in exploration of this underwater world! Who knows... Perhaps this is where I find an aquatic carrot!"


- Deep Abyss by Grendel Man and Mea: Explore this wonderful and mysterious aquatic metaroom!

- Pobble by Clohse: Make sure no Creature drowns when Pobble is around!

- Fruit Sculpture by Ghosthande: Let your Creatures eat this delicious new C3/DS agent!

- Chester Coloring Page by Darby: Bring Chester offline with this adorable coloring page!

- Coral Sprites (Golden Corals and Red Corals) by Mea: Imagine the possibilities with these sprites!

- Aquatic Userbar by Eprillios: Match today's theme and show off your love of the aquatic!

- Ettin Exploration Equipment by Sam999: Take a look at this adventurous Ettin!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: A final witty word from Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Check out one final CCSF metaroom idea at LoverIan's blog!

- Contest Winners: Don't forget to find out who won the CCSF contests! Congratulations Sam999, Christine, KittyTikara, and InsanityPrelude!

- Giveaway Winners: Congratulations to Rat-Tailed, ArchDragon, Cake, and Lenn for winning the codes for various Creatures games! Winners will be contacted today with instructions for redeeming these codes.

This was a wonderful year to celebrate Creatures, and I hope that there was something for everyone! My fellow co-coordinators, Darby and Ghosthande, were immensely helpful and had some amazing ideas. Special thanks to Rascii for hosting the CCSF at Creatures Caves! You can always help support Creatures Caves if you like. And naturally, a hearty thank you to those who contributed and those who simple enjoyed the festival. Creatures might be an old game, but this community always finds new ways to innovate and make things interesting. There are many years of the CCSF left: Keep an eye out for news in 2014! As always, a heartfelt welcome to all for keeping Creatures alive.
CCSF 2013 Day 13: A Hopping Good Time   Trell | 11/13/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  5

A Hopping Good TimeWe've hopped along the CCSF with Chester the Rabbit in no time at all; maybe the little bunny could use a rest in... Your world! Today's main release features a wonderful little rabbit for your DS worlds. Don't forget to vote in the contest polls; today is the last day that they're open! Only one more day left in the CCSF... Enjoy!

Chester's Remarks: "I must be looking in a mirror! Guess the competition for my carrots just increased exponentially!"


- Chester the Rabbit by Clohse: Set little rabbits like Chester loose in your Docking Station!

- Swamp Pod Plans by KittyTikara: Take a look at a wonderful swampy metaroom idea.

- Pizza Dough Mushroom Sprites by Mea: Delicious looking sprites, courtesy of Mea!

- Creatures 2 Userbar by Eprillios: Show your support for the second instalment of the Creatures series!

- Old Article submitted by Malkin: Another great old-school article! The full citation is "Creatures 2". Next Generation: 23. July 1998.

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: LoverIan is back to posting a new metaroom idea each day at his blog!
CCSF 2013 Day 12: A Massive Exodus   Jessica | 11/12/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  4

A Massive ExodusGrendels often inspire fear in some, but never such a great exodus! Today's main release features a new genetic Grendel breed. We also have an awesome new C3/DS agent that will help with all sorts of exportation! Only a few more days left of the CCSF... Enjoy!

Chester's Remarks: "My poor carrots! They were stolen from me, and I shall complain because complaining is what I often do best."


- Tera Grendels by HavenHoney: Download this new very brightly colored Grendel breed!

- Mass Exporter by Clohse: Discover a new and simple way to export your Creatures!

- Bakery Celebration Sprites (Cookies and Piles of Frosting) by Mea: The bakery explosion continues!

- Linux Userbar by Eprillios: Find another great userbar to show off your preferences!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: LoverIan is back to posting a new metaroom idea each day at his blog!
CCSF 2013 Day 11: Happy Birthday Creatures!   Jessica | 11/11/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  9

Happy Birthday Creatures!Today marks the 17th anniversary since the release of Creatures in 1996! We have a bit of an old-school feel to the releases tomorrow, with a new metaroom to enjoy and a very interesting article from the mastermind behind Creatures! Enjoy!

Chester's Remarks: "I'm swimming, swimming, swimming! So much to explore down here, but I have a feeling no one has perfected an underwater carrot yet. That shall be my invention... If I could figure out how to invent! I'll just be a bunny for now."


- Sea Monkey Marina by Clohse: Have fun letting your Creatures swim around in this new aquatic metaroom, complete with lots of things to discover!

- Article from Steve Grand: Find some fascinating information about the evolution of Creatures, as well as some ideas behind Steve's new project, Grandroids!

- Old Article Submitted by Malkin: Today's blast-from-the-past article is very fitting, as it features an interview with Steve Grand from 1997! The full citation is "The game industry's Dr. Frankenstein". Next Generation: 8-13. November 1997.

- Bakery Celebration Sprites (Donuts, Puffy Donuts, and Tarts) by Mea: Celebrate the CCSF and Creatures' birthday with these delectable sprites!

- Creatures 1 Fan Userbar by Eprillios: Declare your support of the original Creatures game!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: LoverIan is back to posting a new metaroom idea each day at his blog!
CCSF 2013 Day 10: Shiny Metals and Colors   Jessica | 11/10/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  5

Shiny Metals and ColorsWe've seen a wide variety of breed releases so far, but none with a decidedly metallic feel until today! All of the contest entries also closed yesterday, and the polls have opened as of today! Make sure to vote for who you think should win the poetry and screenshot contests. Lots of excellent entries!

Chester's Remarks: Pretty colors! It's rather difficult to weave between these legs, though... Much safer to peer out from underground today!"


- Colortrue Gaius by Jessica: A colorful pack of new Gaius to enjoy!

- Updated Gaius by Jessica: Just a few genetic changes help improve this breed!

- Contest Entries by Various: View the entries, and then vote for the poetry and screenshot contests!

- Redcap Mushroom Sprites by Mea: More mushrooms to enjoy from the talented Mea!

- Harlequin Userbar by Eprillios: Spread your love of the very colorful Harlequin Norn!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!
CCSF 2013 Day 9: Complete Freedom   Jessica | 11/9/2013discuss  4 comments  4  log in to like post  3

Complete FreedomAs we jump into another weekend, it's time to celebrate with a lot of freedom! Today's main CCSF release features the Freedom Project, which puts control in each user's hands and builds off of such projects as the Block World and Garden Box. Don't forget to enter the contests: Today marks the deadline!

Chester's Remarks: "Wow, what a view from up here! I still prefer the ground. Wait, I see a carrot! Now to figure out how to get down..."


- Freedom Project by Ghosthande: An amazing new metaroom that lets each person build it up!

- Recent Community Releases by Jessica: Don't forget about some of the other recent releases!

- Old Article Submitted by Malkin: Check out this old-school article, with the full citation of Clarkson, Mark (February 1999). "Creatures 2: Power-ups and Help on How to Keep Your Norns Alive". Computer Gaming World (175): 258.

- Coral Sprites (Pink Pearl, Fan, and Large) by Mea: Imagine what an underwater environment would look like with these sprites!

- Fallow Userbar by Eprillios: Show off your love of the Fallow Norn!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!
CCSF 2013 Day 8: A Season to Celebrate   Jessica | 11/8/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  4

A Season to CelebrateIt's another wonderful day to be a fan of Creatures! Today's releases include a new genetic Norn breed, a bunch of baked good sprites, and more. Make sure to participate in all the fun of the CCSF. We're already a week in... But there is still a whole week left to go!

Chester's Remarks: "Brr... Some might like to celebrate every season, but this snow in Chione just makes me want to burrow!"


- Four Season Norns by HavenHoney: A brand new genetic Norn breed to enjoy year-round!

- Interview with GirlySatan: Read up on what's been going on with GirlySatan's Creatures 1 world!

- Bakery Explosion Sprites (Bread Bowl, Bread, Bismarks, Puffs, and Rolls) by Mea: The local bakery exploded and released a multitude of beautiful new sprites!

- Zebra Userbar by Eprillios: Black and white stripes make up this new userbar!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Stop by LoverIan's blog today to find a new metaroom idea!
CCSF 2013 Day 7: Bites and Sprites   Ghosthande | 11/7/2013discuss  3 comments  3  log in to like post  8

Bites and SpritesWe have a lot of neat releases today! Gather your Norns, grab some popcorn, and get ready for C-Rex's Radio Theater. No, really-- the popcorn is on us!

Chester's Remarks: "Munch munch munch.... nibble nibble."

Oookay, so much for that diet you were talking about... popcorn is a good bunny treat, right? Just steer clear of the cotton candy--there's nothing like a bunny hopped up on sugar.

- Our first release is the Petz Treat Pack by Laura: five delicious snacks your Creatures are sure to enjoy--including popcorn!

- Creatures Audiobook Project by C-Rex: a selection of Creatures fanfiction read by some our very own CCaves members! Note that the file is about 60 MB. The audiobook files are in .mp3 format and include:
* Norn Napped! written by Kat and read by mlohse;
* The Tolthian Creature Tales Book One - A World Divided - Prologue written and read by Jessica;
* The Cookie Ettin Story written by Officer 1BDI and read by LoverIan;
* Sometime in 2021 written by Eprillios and read by Jessica

- Bulby Plant Sprites by Mea: I can't help but envision popcorn growing on these plants. Yummy!

- Grass Sprites by Mea: Would look equally good on land or underwater.

- Weird Plant Sprites by Mea: I'll bet they'd look really nice in any dry, deserty area!

- Astro Userbar by Eprillios: twinkle twinkle little star... now you can have Astro Norns on a cute userbar!

- And speaking of Petz treats, we have another great article reposted by Malkin: "Finding companionship in a digital age". Next Generation: 56-63. October 1997.

- As always, don't forget to check out LoverIan's blog for new metaroom ideas, and stop by Ask Laura to see what advice our Agony Aunt has for those fuzzy scamps!
CCSF 2013 Day 6: A Not-So-Miserable Day   Jessica | 11/6/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  4

A Not-So-Miserable DayAnother day means another bunch of new CCSF releases! Today marks one of our bigger days, with a pack of Creatures, an agent, and a number of sprites to enjoy. Thanks to everyone who has made the festival so enjoyable so far! Hopefully we'll continue to celebrate Creatures and bring more people into the series!

Chester's Remarks: "Poor Grendels. I snuggled up with one, and she was a rather polite being. I still say rabbits are the best, but Grendels aren't half bad! Aside from the lingering smell... Oh dear, time for bunny bath time!"


- Miserable Grendels by KittyTikara: A pack of 15 Grendels with many "miserable" quirks!

- Awkwood Hanging Basket by Clohse: A lovely DS agent to hang around and enjoy!

- Desert Wasteland Sprites (Daytime, Dawn/Dusk, and Nighttime) by Mea: A three-part series of the Desert Wasteland at different times! Enjoy these breathtaking views of this metaroom concept.

- Hardman Userbar by Eprillios: A rather tough-looking userbar to show off the Hardman Norn!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: More witty and useful advice from the one and only Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Stop by LoverIan's blog today to find a new metaroom idea!
CCSF 2013 Day 5: Green and Growing   Ghosthande | 11/5/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  7

Green and GrowingWell, it's Tuesday, which inexplicably happens to be my favorite day of the week. We're now five days into the CCSF and we've got a lot of submissions that match this year's ecology subtheme. Get your worlds ready for some brand spankin' new flora!

Chester's Remarks: "Mmm, these flowers smell delicious! I'm typically on a strict diet of carrots, but I might need to test some of these out... They tickle my curious nose!"

- Colorful Flower Pack by HavenHoney and Laura: including seven new flowers for you Garden Box fans. I especially like the Dundra... very groovy!

- Random Plant Ideas by KittyTikara: a bunch of neat concepts for new plant species. I dig the star plant!

- Coral Set 1 by Mea: a handsome set of sprites for a new kind of coral. There really haven't been enough corals for C3/DS, in my opinion, but Mea seems determined to change that. Way to go!

- CC Chat Userbar by Eprillios: featuring our very own Pepsi the Nornbot!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: check out LoverIan's blog to see what he's cooked up today!

- Malkin has re-posted another great old article for us to enjoy: "Artificial Intelligence enters next Millennium". Edge (United Kingdom: Future Publishing): 12-13. July 1996.

- And as before, don't forget to take a peek at the Ask Laura Column to see what our favorite Agony Aunt has to say!
CCSF 2013 Day 4: A Day of Color and Suspense   Jessica | 11/4/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  4

A Day of Color and SuspenseSome of us might not be too excited about the end of the weekend, but today marks another great day of CCSF releases! Make sure not to forget about the contests and giveaways: We've received some great entries so far! Today features a variety of releases, from a Grendel breed to a Creatures story. Spread the word!

Chester's Remarks: "You know, Grendels don't actually smell all that bad! I've been on a highly scientific olfactory mission and my conclusion is that Grendels faintly smell of carrots. Do not attempt to eat them, though... The taste is quite unpleasant!"


- Colorful Grendels by Grendel Man: A new Grendel genetic breed features five beautiful colors!

- Sometime in 2021 by Eprillios: A two-part story with an interesting start. Jump in on the suspense!

- Lesser Redcap Mushroom Sprites by Mea: A lovely sprite set for a potentially poisonous growth!

- Banshee Userbar by Eprillios: A userbar fit for every Grendel fan!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: Read some excellent Creatures advice from our very own Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Stop by LoverIan's blog today to find a new metaroom idea!
CCSF 2013 Day 3: Felis Norns and More!   Ghosthande | 11/3/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  7

Felis Norns and more!Well, we don't have quite the early start today, but there are plenty more great submissions on the way! (I did not mean for that to rhyme.)

Chester's Remarks: "Norns are rather cute! I'm not too concerned about this whole big concept of artificial life, though. My biggest question is why this perfectly good dirt is NOT being used to cultivate carrots. Preposterous!"

- Felis Norns by InsanityPrelude: bringing a more feline touch to one of the cutest Norn breeds.

- A Norn Couple Drawing by Norn_XXL: with a touching story to go with it. I love it when players get attached to their Creatures! ;_;

- Blue Fire Lantern Sprites by Mea: looks like something that would fit perfectly in a metaroom like Chione.

- Siamese Norn Userbar by Eprillios: for those of you who support the most purrrfect breed. Okay, I'm sorry, it was a bad pun. But I just had to! [ntongue]

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Stop by LoverIan's blog daily to find a new metaroom idea!

- Malkin has also reposted a neat old article for us to enjoy: "The power of life: CyberLife introduces the next word in the digital pet craze". Next Generation: 206. November 1997.

- And as a reminder, don't forget to check the Ask Laura Column for new Creatures advice from our very talented advice specialist, Laura! She'll be posting great new answers during the CCSF. :)
CCSF 2013 Day 2: Zombies and Iceshrooms; Oh My!   Jessica | 11/2/2013discuss  comment  log in to like post  4

Zombies and Iceshrooms; Oh My!The Creatures Community Spirit Festival 2013 is in full swing! Halloween may have ended a couple of days ago, but a few leftover minions were found wandering the corridors of C3/DS. Dare to give them a try! We also have several other goodies today, including a new sprite set and userbar. Don't forget to check out the coloring pages, too! Most of all, enjoy the CCSF and have a blast downloading the newest releases throughout the middle of November! Plenty of more surprises are in store...

Chester's Remarks: "Goodness gracious! Zombies give me a start even when they're not so scary. I think I have a new personal high jump record..."


- Zombie Creatures by Mea: Seven unusual C3/DS Creatures from one of Mea's feral runs. Their organs are all dead, but they refuse to die. Perhaps a genetic analysis is in order... For those who dare!

- CCSF 2013 Coloring Pages by DarbyDoo: Eight awesome Creatures images just begging to be colored in! Remember to print using the "Fit" or "Fit to page" setting.

- Iceshroom Sprites by Mea: A unique set of sprites showing off the Iceshroom, an icy cold mushroom.

- Toxic Norn Userbar by Eprillios: A userbar with a very Toxic appearance!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: Make sure to check in and find a new piece of Creatures advice each day from our very talented advice specialist, Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Stop by LoverIan's blog daily to find a new metaroom idea!
CCSF 2013 Day 1: Contests and Giveaways   Jessica | 11/1/2013discuss  1 comment  1  log in to like post  3

Looking for another way to get involved with the CCSF 2013? Take a look at the list of contests! These include an art contest, handmade contest, poetry contest, and screenshot contest. There is a wide range of options available, hopefully so that everyone has a chance to participate! Prizes should be quite fun this year, as Ghosthande put in a lot of effort to create some unique C3/DS agents. Perhaps we'll see a preview of those in a few days to entice more people to enter the contests...

We also have three Creatures giveaways that began today! Looking to play a Creatures game, but don't actually have it? Browse through the following topics for more information about the giveaways:

Creatures: The Albian Years | Creatures Exodus | Creatures Village

What else is there to do during the CCSF 2013? Plenty, of course! Why not try one or more of the following ideas? There's always something brewing in the community!

- Adopt and care for a Creatchi
- Chat with other Creatures fans in CC Chat
- Post something to the gallery
- Upload a download
- Participate in CreatureLink

That's only on Creatures Caves! There are many active blogs around the community that will likely have a lot of new content during the festival. Additionally, some great releases were posted prior to the CCSF over the last few months. Keep an eye out for an overview of these during the festival!
CCSF 2013 Day 1: A Delicious Opening   Jessica | 11/1/2013discuss  1 comment  1  log in to like post  9

A Delicious OpeningWelcome to the first day of the Creatures Community Spirit Festival 2013! We have a great lineup this year, all scheduled to be released between November 1-14. Make sure to check out the brand new CCSF section, which will contain all news posts and a handy list of releases! Some may have noticed a peculiar being in the recently released CCSF buttons. A rabbit, named Chester, to be exact. He'll be making regular appearances and commentary for each day's releases! So let's jump in!

Chester's Remarks: "Shh, I'm hiding from that rather menacing looking Shee! Who knows if roast rabbit is next on the menu after the Roast Mock Ettin? I only risked a quick peek today!"


- Roast Mock Ettin by Ylukyun: A Creatures 2 COB that seems to have been a leftover from the Halloween spookiness! Never fear: This is merely a mock Ettin, made out of textured vegetable protein.

- CCSF 2013 Activities by Jessica: Enjoy one or all of the unique activities for the festival! These PDFs feature a printable logic puzzle, maze, word search, and word unscramble. Can you finish them all?

- Old Article Submitted by Malkin: Re-discover a blast from the past with an article titled Creatures! The full citation is "Creatures". Next Generation: 91–92. May 1997.

- Water Lilies Sprites by Mea: A set of beautiful sprites depicting water lilies and their flowers.

- Creatures Caves Userbar by Eprillios: A userbar sure to show off your love of Creatures Caves!

- Ask Laura Column by Laura: Make sure to check in and find a new piece of Creatures advice each day from our very talented advice specialist, Laura!

- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Make sure to stop by LoverIan's blog daily to find a new metaroom idea!

* Check back for another announcement regarding ways you can get involved and win later today! *

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