slot | Geat-D | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | Jade Norns
The Jade Norns were created in Blender using GeneForge and compiled using EggForge. Textures were edited with GIMP.
They occupy Geat Slot D and use a modified CFE Genome that gives them slightly longer lives and shortens the half lives of many toxins/antigens.
Also included is a dumpling vendor agent that creates food for your creatures. |
slot | Geat-W | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | Originally released for the CCSF 2024, the Winter Norns were created in Blender using GeneForge and compiled using EggForge. Textures were edited with GIMP.
They occupy Geat Slot W and use a modified CFE Genome based on the Frost Norn concept by Arnout.
In addition to being much more resistant to cold, they are able to derive nutrition from detritus and age slower/live longer. The cold will also improve their immune function. |
slot | Grendel-C | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | CosmicSynthetics, Jesseth, SnapDragon | website | [view] | The C2 to DS Boney Grendels are a conversion of the Boney Grendels from C2 to DS by CosmicSynthetics and Jesseth, released for the CCSF 2023. They use breed slot Grendel C.
Changes include consistent sprite sizes; the addition of missing life stages, expressions, and so on; and body data to increase compatibility with other breeds. It comes with a modified Beefcake Grendel genome (originally by SnapDragon), with changes meant to replicate the original Boney Grendel's genetic quirks.
An older version of this breed has been made by AngelNorn and can be found here. It uses the same slot. |
slot | Grendel-T | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | CosmicSynthetics & Jesseth | updated | 12/13/2024 | website | [view] | A conversion project that moves up the original Bulbous Grendels from C2 to C3/Docking Station. Sprites are not simply ported, but altered in various ways to bring the conversion up-to-par with normal C3/DS breeds.
Uses a customized version of the Jungle Grendel genome created by CosmicSynthetics by default, but comes with a few replacements such as the normal Jungle genome and the Banshee genome.
This breed was a CCSF 2022 release. If you cannot download this breed from the CCSF website, a copy is hosted here on Creatures Caves.
An older version of this breed has been made by Pharoah (with a fix by Norngirl), and can be found here. It uses the same slot. |
slot | Geat-B | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | The Sea Norns were created in Blender using GeneForge and compiled using EggForge. Textures were edited with GIMP.
They occupy Geat Slot B and use the Water Norn genome by Arnout |
slot | Geat-Y | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | The Amphibinorns were created in Blender using GeneForge and compiled using EggForge. Textures were edited with GIMP.
They occupy Geat Slot Y and currently use the Water Norn genome by Arnout https://creaturescaves.com/downloads.php?section=Breeds&view=409 |
slot | Grendel-U | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | ***Updated to include the correct genetics***
Drawing inspiration from will'o'wisps and bioluminescence, this Grendel breed was created in Blender using GeneForge and compiled using EggForge. Textures were edited with GIMP.
The Boglight Grendels occupy Grendel Slot U and use a modified CFE Grendel genome that makes them more tolerant to water, derive more protein from animals, the ability to eat detritus(though the positive effects are silenced) and to snatch critters when bored. |
slot | Grendel-O | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | The Mosaic Grendels occupy Grendel slot O and were created using Geneforge/Eggforge and the scale pattern was pulled from a free to use texture resource and edited in GIMP.
They come complete with a modified CFE Banshee Grendel genome that replaces the desire to take eggs with toys, makes them less likely to clash with Norns when angry(though they still carry the gene), age slower and live longer lives.
You will need to install the bigger sprite allocation fix by Verm, otherwise your game will crash when they reach adulthood. |
slot | Grendel-U | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | Drawing inspiration from will'o'wisps and bioluminescence, this Grendel breed was created in Blender using GeneForge and compiled using EggForge. Textures were edited with GIMP.
The Boglight Grendels occupy Grendel Slot U and use a modified CFE Grendel genome that makes them more tolerant to water, derive more protein from animals, and to snatch critters when bored. |
slot | Geat-F | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | The Toro Norns occupy Geat slot F and use a standard CFE genome. They were created with Geneforge, Eggforge and GIMP.
They have custom tails, smaller ears and "beefier" bodies, as well as horns that grow as they age. |
slot | Grendel-S | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | The Sulfur Grendels occupy Grendel slot S and were created using Geneforge/Eggforge/Gimp.
They come complete with a modified CFE Grendel genome that improves their resistance to heavy metals, makes them less inclined to beat up norns, and instinctually seek out critters for food.
Be sure to install the bigger sprite allocation fix by Verm, otherwise your game will crash when they reach adulthood.
https://creatures.wiki/Bigger_Sprite_Allocation |
slot | Grendel-V | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | updated | 11/7/2024 | The Infernal Grendels occupy Grendel slot V and were created using Geneforge/Eggforge/Gimp.
They come complete with a modified CFE Grendel genome (based on the 2017 Banshee Grendel genome) that see them more resistant to many types of poison and injury, as well as increased aggression and resistance to heat.
Before hatching your fiendish new friends you will need to install the bigger sprite allocation fix by Verm, otherwise your game will crash when they reach adulthood. |
slot | Ettin-J | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | First release of the Nightcrawler Ettins.
They occupy Ettin slot J and use CFE Ettin genetics.
Created with Geneforge/Eggforge/AI Texture Generator/Gimp
Enjoy! |
slot | Ettin-B | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | The Honey Ettins use Ettin slot B.
Created in Geneforge, GIMP, Eggforge and an AI texture generator. |
slot | Norn-U | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | MKX | updated | 10/30/2024 | The Ryu Norns occupy Norn Slot U and are based on the Bondi Norn genome.
They were created with Geneforge, GIMP, Eggforge and an AI texture generator. |