
11/4/2013 | 1 |
Some of us might not be too excited about the end of the weekend, but today marks another great day of CCSF releases! Make sure not to forget about the contests and giveaways: We've received some great entries so far! Today features a variety of releases, from a Grendel breed to a Creatures story. Spread the word, and enjoy!
Chester's Remarks: "You know, Grendels don't actually smell all that bad! I've been on a highly scientific olfactory mission and my conclusion is that Grendels faintly smell of carrots. Do not attempt to eat them, though... The taste is quite unpleasant!"
- Colorful Grendels by Grendel Man: A new Grendel genetic breed features five beautiful colors!
- Sometime in 2021 by Eprillios: A two-part story with an interesting start. Jump in on the suspense!
- Lesser Redcap Mushroom Sprites by Mea: A lovely sprite set for a potentially poisonous growth!
- Banshee Userbar by Eprillios: A userbar fit for every Grendel fan!
- Ask Laura Column by Laura: Read some excellent Creatures advice from our very own Laura!
- Metaroom Idea by LoverIan: Stop by LoverIan's blog today to find a new metaroom idea!
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