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Small Birb


 visit Pann's website: Heck Yeah, Creatures!

Thanks. I just feel really bad. My dad feels even worse probably, he was his best friend.

Small bird who lives here sometimes, and wanders other times.

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Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

So sorry to hear about this, Panda. :( *hugs*


 visit Tarilithina's website: Miscellaneous Creatures Stuff

:( Aw, that's horrible, Panda! *hugs*

Small Birb


 visit Pann's website: Heck Yeah, Creatures!


Small bird who lives here sometimes, and wanders other times.

Got Creatures related content to share? Submit to Heck Yeah, Creatures!

Icon by gettehld on twitter!

Geek Ettin


 visit eprillios's website:
  9/17/2013  1

My condolences, Panda. :( *hugs* I agree with Laura. I had the same experience. Two of my grandparents died in the same year, unexpectedly. My grandmother seemed to be doing well, but she died from cancer later. :( It's part of life, sadly. Don't forget that there are good moments in life, though! If you need any help, we're here for you. :)

Geek Ettin's Lab (New!)
Bill Gates: "Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one."

Small Birb


 visit Pann's website: Heck Yeah, Creatures!

Thank you very much.

Small bird who lives here sometimes, and wanders other times.

Got Creatures related content to share? Submit to Heck Yeah, Creatures!

Icon by gettehld on twitter!

Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes
  9/17/2013  1

You aren't dumb, Pann. I'm sure the departed would be happier knowing you hadn't given up on him before he died. :C

Updated Rehosting Policy[/title]
Wee Scrivener


 visit Trell's website: TrellyOllyOxenFree

Oh no... I'm so sorry love. My deepest condolences to all parties involved... You aren't stupid, my dear, goodness no. Hope... Hope is a tricky thing. It gives people something to grasp onto even in the darkest times; but sometimes things take a turn for the worse and it can feel as though it was wrong to hope all along. But, it doesn't mean that it's stupid to hope. That small remnant of hope can be what helps those who are hurt cope with the losing loved ones, and help those who are in trying situations keep heart. It's never wrong to hope.

"Holy crap in a casket!"

Small Birb


 visit Pann's website: Heck Yeah, Creatures!

You're right about that, Darby. I guess as soon as he was going to get the plug pulled on him I was angry and just really upset. You guys caught me in my fresh emotions, there. I kind of just poured all of it out without holding back. I didn't mean to put myself down, either.

It's a new day and I feel better though. He finally passed away yesterday evening. I accepted that good things come to an end eventually, and Adam, our friend, had an amazing life, I'm sure. He did a lot of exciting things like travel to Europe and work in Poland for a while, and he was a really good cook. He also seemed to be loved by so many. And he had us in the end as his friends. He died knowing he had us to count on, and that he had a good life.

Small bird who lives here sometimes, and wanders other times.

Got Creatures related content to share? Submit to Heck Yeah, Creatures!

Icon by gettehld on twitter!



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Sorry I'm late to the conversation, Pann, but my deepest condolences to you. It sounds like Adam was well loved his whole life, and that never faded. Remembering him and all of the good times will help, but never sell yourself short on the grieving process. I send you all the best, and hope that everyone can eventually smile whenever they think of him.

Discover Albia




My cousin is my absolute best friend in the whole world. His sister has had cancer for many years but has always bounced back when it started getting worse, so everyone is always positive about it. But the cancer has now metastasized in her brain and there's no way she'll ever recover.
I have no idea what to say to him. I see his icon telling me he's online everyday, but I can never click on it and start a conversation. We haven't spoken in weeks.
He's had to bottle up a lot of emotions the past few years with both of our grandparents dying as well as two of our uncles- it hit him harder because he lived with them. But he never let any of those emotions show.
I'm afraid he's going to have a breakdown and there's nothing I can do because he lives on the opposite side of the country.
I can't stop imagining what may happen. What if he feels that nothing is worth it anymore and commits suicide without me even getting to see him one last time?
I feel so useless. Even if I were there I'd still feel useless. In this situation, I probably AM useless.
I just don't know what to do. I think that I probably shouldn't even bring it up, I don't want to force him into talking about something he may not be ready to talk about.
Wow, this is one huge wall of text. I'm sorry, I shouldn't burden strangers with things like this.




I know it might be hard but just go to talk to him. He needs you now more then ever probably. i know how you feel atm when my best friend's stepfather had cancer in his brain. i just had the luck he just lives 15 km away from me so i rushed over there on my bicucle. but serious go talk to him he realy needs you probably.

Ik zwaai met mijn handen en mijn handen zwaaien terug.



The thing is that we're both stupidly bad at communicating, and the three hour time difference gets in the way, too.
The next time he's online I'll start up a conversation, but I'm not going to push him into talking about his sister. I'll wait until he's ready.




That's good if he want to talk about it he will probably do it.

Ik zwaai met mijn handen en mijn handen zwaaien terug.



So, my last employer finally paid me my last paycheck about three weeks ago, and everything was fine until today - when I found out it had bounced! The funds were deducted back out of my account and now I literally have like 30 dollars to my name. Thanks a WHOLE lot =_=

Drawing today!



I'm sorry to hear that Chocosauraus :(.
I'm in need of a hug because I was supposed to have a fun night and instead learned my boyfriend has his ex on Facebook and lied to me three
times. Got mad ran out of the theme park restaurant and since it was Halloween themed people kept trying to scare me till they got
my murderous glare. I was lost in the cold and rain to top it off. He thinks he did nothin wrong.

Wee Scrivener


 visit Trell's website: TrellyOllyOxenFree

This mean jerk wad on DeviantART spammed me with scary stuff. [ncrying]

"Holy crap in a casket!"



 visit Tarilithina's website: Miscellaneous Creatures Stuff

I'm so sorry to hear that, guys.
*hugs all who are in need*
*supplies chocolate and tea*




So, around thanksgiving, one of my guinea pigs died of pneumonia. The vets said that she was at least 8 years old, and might have simply stopped eating because she couldn't smell, see, or taste anything and thus couldn't determine if things were edible.

The worst part was that my surviving guinea pig didn't seem to notice her aunt/mother had died and was making "where are you?" chirps while walking around her body. ;-;




 visit Issy's website: Quasarian Curiosities

I've lost yet another boyfriend.

This one was much nicer to me than the last, and all seemed well for a while. But he got a job, and stopped hanging out with me because of it. I didn't think much of it, he still talked to me and we still spent time with each other, but he was always tired and far less happy overall.

Eventually he stopped talking to me in a caring manner, making it seem like more of a chore.

And so yesterday he ended it. Now I don't know what to think. I'm fairly certain some form of depression has ensued (it started weeks ago when he stopped acting like his normal self) but especially today, I think it has come in full force. Partly due to a lack of closure as he never gave a reason as to why he wanted to break up.

In my daily life I have no friends to talk about this to, really. (Not that I would, anyway. I tend to suffer alone) They've never been in relationships, and the rest are dudes so that would be weird. Especially since the one I'm closest to other than my recently ex is my recent ex's best friend, I don't want to even mess with that. [nsad]

The amount of loneliness and feeling of uselessness is pretty much unbearable. I'm fairly certain he was the last boyfriend I will have in high school... which I guess is okay. Just means no prom for me.

On top of all this, my mom rushed to the emergency room at roughly 4:30 a.m. for chest pains. So I spent the entire day feeling miserable and worried. I guess people could tell cause no one would really talk to me. How fun. I have also gotten about 3-4hrs of sleep everyday this week and past week (except weekends)

So yep, thats all. Isn't it great? [ncrying]

(not trying to be super negative and all, but everything just seems terrible right now and I just wanted to throw it all out there. :/ )

~Issy [ngeek]
Senior Wrangler


  1/23/2014  1

Well, that's what this bit of the forum is for. :) It doesn't do to bottle it up - that only causes more problems in the long run.

Over the years I've realised that, irrespective of whatever else is going on, lack of sleep will make everything 100x worse. I know it's hard if you can't sleep, but try to curb any tendencies you have to stay up late or do Tons Of Stuff. Treat yourself kindly! (And yes, I know that's easier to say than do!) But you can be your own best friend, which has the bonus that you're always there when you need you. :) And, while it all seems super-grim right now, things change, often quite quickly. Hang on in there.

*big hugs*



 visit Pixis's website: Pappus Café

I know it's probably wrong of me to bump this up after it's been inactive so many days, but I need a little advice :( Does anyone on here have experience with the ACT test? I'll be taking it this year and my parents signed me up for a prep class. I've been told that the entire rest of my life depends on how I score on this test and I'm not good at tests, so I'm really worried [ncrying]



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia
  1/30/2014  1

I remember taking the ACT and SAT tests back in the day... If I recall correctly, that was back when they used a different scoring system (because I guess I'm old like that!). Although the scores are important, your results definitely don't determine the rest of your life. I think I took both tests twice, although my scores didn't go up much. It's worth it to take it seriously, but don't stress out over it! See how you feel during the prep class. If you're still not very confident after it's done with, let your parents know. It's much better to feel prepared and confident than to be rushed into taking the ACT test. Your score is typically used for getting into college, and admissions offices look beyond just pure numbers. Good luck!

Discover Albia

Patient Pirate




Agreeing with everything Jessica said! Good luck OctoberFlash :)


 visit Pixis's website: Pappus Café
  1/31/2014  1

Thanks, guys :) :)

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I've never had any experience with ACT tests, but I wish you all the very best with yours, OctoberFlash. Just work hard, believe in yourself and you'll pass! By signing up for a prep class, you're certainly starting off in the right direction. :)

And like Jessica said, don't be afraid to ask for help if you're stuck with anything!




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

When I was doing my exams, one of the things that helped me was doing as many practice exams as I could - by the time I got to THE EXAM, it felt familiar, and I was used to having to think on my feet, so I wasn't as stressed out about it as I would have ben otherwise.

My TCR Norns
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I need a hug, guys. :\

For the past week and a half I've been holed up at my in-laws house, because I don't feel safe in my own home. This all stems from some trouble I've had from two of my neighbours; I'd previously agreed to foster their cat after they received notice, from their landlord, to vacate the property in January. However, when I broached this with my Dad (who also happens to be my landlord) he said I wasn't allowed, which is fair enough.

After that these neighbours started giving me trouble with intimidating behaviour and abusive text messages, all because I can't look after their cat while they're homeless. As of now, they're under a supervision order and are currently waiting to be forcibly evicted by the courts. Until then though I don't feel able to go back and while my lovely boyfriend and his family are more than welcoming, and treating me like one of their own, my Dad doesn't understand my reasons for wanting to be away. He rang me last night and said I was weak, amongst other negative things.

It sucks because I did try to go home on Sunday, but when I saw that they were still living there, I freaked out and just couldn't be there; my boyfriend said he couldn't leave me in that state either. On the way back to his, I just couldn't stop feeling like I was pathetic, so my Dad's just pretty much confirmed what I'm already feeling. I'm going to try and go back home this weekend, but it could go either way. I also feel guilty for having to take time off from my voluntary work, and for leaving my own cat with some friends; just feeling all round unreliable and neglectful. :(




OH WOW that's a horrible story, Laura! *gives a BIG hug*
It really sucks your dad can't understand why you don't feel safe at home. Fortunately you have a lovely boyfriend who will take care of you!

Maybe your neighbours have already noticed you're gone and you can go back without showing you are home, so they won't wait for you or something..



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia
  2/4/2014  1

Lots of love for you, Laura! That's a terrible story, and I don't blame you for being uncomfortable being there. If I was in that position, I'd likely be camped out at my parents' house and avoiding my home until the neighbors left. I feel bad that your dad can't see things from your point of view. Maybe he would do something differently if he was in the situation, but that doesn't mean that what you're doing is wrong or weak.

Don't feel bad! It's a really weird and scary situation. It's your neighbors who made things awful, not you. At least you've got some great support from your boyfriend and his family!

You are henceforth only to label yourself as "weak" if you find that you can no longer lift a feather when you're in perfect health. Barring that, you're one strong lady with lots of great things going for her!

Discover Albia

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Thank you for your replies. :) All things considered, I'm really lucky to have such supportive people around me, including you guys. And my Mum actually. She seems to be more sympathetic to my feelings than my Dad is, I just wish she could talk him round somehow. It's difficult though.

I can kind of understand why my Dad might have the view he does; he's never scared or intimated by anyone. He's always been able to stand up for himself, so it's probably not easy for him to see how someone else (particularly his daughter) could be terrified by something he wouldn't be. I just have to keep reminding myself of this fact every time I get upset over what he said, for it's likely to be all it boils down to...

Many thanks again, everyone. You all rock!

Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

I think I'm adjusted to living by myself by now but other people seem to think I'm a hopeless, sad, lonely, stupid sack. A friend of mine called to invite me to her cousins birthday party and her mother, knowing it's just me right now, told me that it's great that I have my dogs but they aren't the same as people. Yes. Thank you for educating me.

Even better, my friend latched onto me saying "I get a little sad sometimes" and decided to be kind of overbearing and dramatic, saying if I'm sobbing at 3 AM that I should call her right away. I appreciate the concern but acting like I'm so dependant makes me feel like people don't respect me.

Probably the icing on the cake is when her boyfriend decided to call and ask what my husbands rank was so that he could brag about how his retired bum 'outranks him' by time in grade, because saying he's better than my husband over the phone is a great way to make a first impression.

I'm not really angry - I'm more annoyed. I'm not comfortable talking to this friend about how homesick I've been feeling lately because I don't want her to pander to me and act like I'm some kind of victim. I'm still going this weekend but I don't think I'll be going to visit very often. Buh.

Updated Rehosting Policy[/title]



First off, let me give you all a bit of background here: I am homeschooled, have been since I was in grade one (I am now hitting grade eleven), and am so far behind in math I've lost count of the years.

Every year, to find out what curriculum my mum should buy, she gives me a placement test for things like mathematics and reading. I'm also dual-enrolling with a local community college for the first time this year, which means that once a week I'll go into a uni classroom to sit with a bunch of early-20-somethings to be lectured to, and then I'll have a week's worth of homework to fill out and bring back to the next lecture all so that I can earn high school and college credits simultaneously. For the dual-enrollment, I also have to take a placement test that's not much unlike the ACT/SCT. And I'm terrified.

I just got done with my first round of math placement tests, and it was all pre-algebra and algebra 1. I failed it. More than half of the questions on one of the tests was answered with either a resounding "I don't even know what this means" or a complete guess at the answer. And all of these tests are constantly reminding me of the one I'll have to take for the college, but it's not just going to be my mum that's grading it. Actual people, with actual lives, who know what they're talking about, will look over what I've written in and laugh. I know I'll have to take remedial math for sure, and it's embarrassing. The last thing I want is to be called stupid, and I feel like if I fail the test and then have to take a 'you're way behind' course then that's what I'll be.

Everyone says you need math to make it through life, or to get a good job, but I know that's not true. I want to become a writer, and put together scripts for films and shows, and I don't want to clog up my head with useless algebraic junk if I'm never going to use it. But other people don't understand that, so they just pass me off as someone who doesn't care about having a life, or someone too naive to notice 'the real facts', someone who's going to crash and burn as soon as they're on their own.

I'm a pale, skinny, sickly-looking kid who can't get a sentence out properly, and all of my life I've been nothing but underestimated, and I hate it. My mind has always been the strongest muscle in my body, and I used to be able to impress people with how much I knew about something or how quickly I could process information, and I could prove to them in that way that I was useful. But now I feel as if all this math stuff is going to make me look stupid, and if people view me with nothing in my head then I have literally nothing going for me. I don't want to look dumb, or distant, or weak, or unable to communicate, even if I am, because that will make me a useless member of society; one of the people who wastes their life and never does anything but steal away oxygen.

TLDR; I'm horrible at maths, and people are going to know about it. I'm afraid that people are going to call me stupid, and I'm afraid that I'll believe it, too.




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki
  7/30/2014  1

All that the placement test will do is make sure that you're in a class where the teacher knows where you're at and what you need to work on. Adult education teachers can be really supportive because they understand that you might not have had a good run of it due to illness or whatever. It's actually quite common for students to miss a fundamental concept early on, and then feel bad about maths for years and years and decades, because the subject marches on. It doesn't mean that you're stupid, and no good teacher will make you feel that way. (Unless they just get so pumped about maths that they don't appreciate your frustration.) It just means you might need more practice with the basics - which is nothing to be ashamed of.

There's some new research out there which says that reading and maths ability are driven by the same genes - so if you're a good reader, it might just be a case of finding different ways to think about maths. Listening to classical music, for example. :)

Some of the things that I appreciate about studying maths, despite being thoroughly frustrated with it at times is that it has given me an awareness of just how much gambling is stacked against you, and how to manage your money, and how to use trig to build houses that will stay up, and how people use statistics to mislead you.

Best wishes with the test, and the next step in your education!

My TCR Norns
Manic Scribbler



Wow, how did I not see this thread earlier? Well, this reply may be weeks late. I hated mathematics too. I got straight As but that doesn't mean it was taught well.

All the students I've known, from kindergarten to college, who were "good" at math never looked down on anyone with poor grades. We asked each other questions, and we did our best to explain things to each other. In my experience, your peers in college won't look down on you. Everyone's in the same boat trying to finish education so they can get on with their lives, lol. Being homeschooled is tough because you don't have any fellows to share your troubles with. One more thing: this might be a California thing, but nobody ever asked the teachers questions because they never understood where we were having trouble and often didn't even understand the material. :P Peers really are life-savers.

It might even be better being in a remedial math class than a "normal" one, since the "goal" of that class isn't to "pass" but to build foundations that people are missing. In my experience the teachers working in the remedial math classes know what they're talking about and understand the students... Like, you can actually ask the teacher a question and they'll actually do a good job of understanding you and explaining things to you. In a "normal" college class the teacher has a lot of material, a lot of students, and is just going to keep marching on leaving any stragglers behind.

Well, I'm going to vent now. [nblank]

My in-laws are blaming me for my health again, always "You're making it up", "You're just not trying hard enough", "You're lazy". I have two major health issues. The first is a recurring condition that is very painful, very tiring, and if severe enough, will require surgery or kill me horribly. The second is delayed sleep phase, a circadian rhythm disorder that makes me an extreme night owl. One or the other is enough to make living according to a "conventional" life almost impossible, so it's great that I have both. Anyway, according to my in-laws both are my fault, because I'm too lazy to sleep properly so of course I experience debilitating pain and thirst and fatigue every so often. If only I could get my act together and be a proper—just thinking about them disgusts me now.

Normally, we'd ignore them... But we can't anymore. GF and I are now financially dependent on them, and will probably be for a long time. We have no choice but to listen to their garbage. It's humiliating, even more so for GF, because she had shown me houses, talked about which one we were going to start our lives together, the future, she's ashamed that she can't get those things for us, we had savings, had... Not anymore. My in-laws, who have the free time, working organs, and wonderful human brains to look up what ails me, now bear down on me almost constantly. I can't stand being in the same room as them anymore. Even when we're not in the same room I feel cornered and trapped like an animal. I can't do anything at night when I function best, I'm too tired during the day, the stress makes it difficult for me to write at all, and now it's taking a toll on my health.

Also they shouldn't have a dog, or any pet. They are only making his reactivity worse (so now it's even harder for me to write! GREAT), and if he ever has any health problems they are not going to be willing to spend the money on his healthcare. They aren't willing to spend money on him now, when he's healthy. Eyes, ears, brains, all going to waste, adding needless anxiety and fear to the life of the poor dog in their charge. Legally it's not "abuse", it's just "bad ownership". Any progress I make with him has and will be undone by my in-laws. It's very disheartening.

I've been reading voraciously to cheer myself up. The fatigue and pain aren't making it easy for me to absorb what I'm reading. I'm constantly re-reading the same paragraphs and pages and falling asleep. I have grave, sobering dreams, but they make me feel better because my in-laws actually listen to me in them.


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