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Peppery One


  5/19/2017  1

Absolutely. Do not self-diagnose. Nocebo effect is a thing. It's like placebo, but bad. It makes you feel sick and awful.
Medicine students suffer from this all the time. They hear about some awful syndrome or deadly disease, as well as the symptoms, and suddenly you have a bunch of mortally ill young adults.

WebMD is basically nocebo the website. Slightly aching throat. Diagnosis: terminal throat cancer.

Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis...


 visit Zurinsel13's website: Random maybe

I don't know where to start, but I feel bothered a lot by a colleague at university. He is 6 years older than me and weirds me out my acting very immature. A week ago he wanted me to ruffle his hair in front of my best friends at uni, he did not get it that his behavior is gross and even as an extrovert too much for me. At a hike a few further weeks ago he always tried to get my attention and talk to me. Yesterday he wanted me to feed him steak, which I refused to do, a bit later he wanted to feed me sweets. I really don't have the energy to tell him that he should please stop with this. I try to ignore him if he does that, but his behavior gets even more extreme. Does someone has advice what I can do?
Sorry for ranting, I really needed to get that off my chest

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
-Jonathan Swift



 visit Intyalle's website: Nadia Eat Hand
  5/22/2017  1

Sounds kind of like he's got a thing for you :/ Unfortunately, if you haven't got the energy to tell him to cut it out, I really don't think I've got any suggestions for you. *hugs* People who disrespect boundaries like that really suck, though.

Also known as bab_5_freak from the old Gameware forums.


 visit Zurinsel13's website: Random maybe

I assumed that as well, however I don't think he cares about my needs at all. 2 months ago when our university had an event I forgot to drink and eat the whole day and because I was cleaning up with him I told him after a while that I don't feel well and have severe headache. He ignored it completely so I walked to the others at the little Café we should meet afterwards and I collapsed. One of my best friends at uni took care about me for hours, while the problematic colleague, who arrived a short while later did not get in which situation I was, even after people told him, that I fell almost unconscious.

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
-Jonathan Swift



 visit Intyalle's website: Nadia Eat Hand
  5/22/2017  2

The fact that he doesn't care about your needs doesn't mean he doesn't have a thing for you. Some people are just like that. It *does* mean he's pretty gross and you totally shouldn't go there in a million years, and it also means he's probably kind of rapey (because someone who doesn't care about your boundaries in one area, usually couldn't care less about them in the others either), but it still doesn't mean he doesn't have a thing for you.

It just makes that fact kind of scary.

Also known as bab_5_freak from the old Gameware forums.
Patient Pirate



  5/22/2017  1

I could use a hug right now.

And that colleague sounds like bad news. Have you raised the issue with any other friends in the group? I don't know how comfortable you are with discussing something like this with them, but it might be worth mentioning that his behavior is making you uncomfortable. At the very least, you'll have someone to look out for you if the behavior escalates.



 visit Zurinsel13's website: Random maybe

Hugs for @Intyalle and @ylukyun thank you very much for listening, I needed to get that off my chest.

You are indeed right, exactly this scares me a lot.
I haven't yet talked to friends of the group yet about this, out of fear that they will think that I just wanna gossip.

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
-Jonathan Swift

Patient Pirate




Thanks for the hug. :)

Have you got any other (offline) friends you can talk to about this, or maybe a family member?

Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula
  5/22/2017  1

*Hugs ylukyun*

I'd recommend you tell someone Zurinsel13 if its bothering you, although if I were in your situation I'd probably end up telling him to shove off. He's clearly making you feel uncomfortable on purpose and getting some sort of kick out of it.

Patient Pirate



  5/22/2017  1

Thanks for the hug C-Rex!


 visit Zurinsel13's website: Random maybe

I talked to my family and my closest friends about it already, one part says I should keep ignoring him more, the other ones say I should tell him. I think I will keep going with the situation as it is now, but the next time he decides to act that weird again I will tell him to stop bothering me plus that he should stay away from me . I noticed that his behavior really did drag me down a lot, I felt under the weather the whole day, which tells me indeed, that this is not something I can ignore completely.
Plus if my friends are right, he got a thing for me... which would put me in an awkward love triangle I surely did not wish for. It makes you especially weary if the weird colleague wants to go dining with you and the guy you have actually a crush on.

Thank you again for listening, it means a lot to me to have such kind people hearing me out. Please feel hugged :)

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
-Jonathan Swift



 visit Intyalle's website: Nadia Eat Hand
  5/22/2017  2

@C-Rex: It's not necessarily out of intentional malice. Plenty of people are just too shallow and self-centered to really, *properly* thinks things through, especially in a culture that supports and excuses rape (and the great many social constructs leading up to it that say that non-marginalised people are welcome to, nay, entitled and very nearly *required* to, run roughshod over the desires, thoughts, opinions, feelings and boundaries of marginalised peoples).

@ylukyun: *hugs*

Also known as bab_5_freak from the old Gameware forums.
Patient Pirate




Thanks for the hug Intyalle!
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

I've got to go to the NHS walk-in centre tomorrow as I've been having a few pains in my abdomen. I'm really worried it's going to be something serious like cancer. :(



*hugs* I'm glad you are checking it out if it is!
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Made the mistake of reactivating my Facebook account yesterday. After seeing some of the disgusting things people have been writing on certain pages, I don't think it will be staying active for much longer.


 visit Zurinsel13's website: Random maybe
  6/4/2017  1

I'm sorry to hear that, C-Rex :( feel hugged please!

I talked to the troublesome colleague who was giving me problems, it didn't help at all which makes me sad, so feel sick when I see him. Not only did he interrupt me a lot when I talked, he always said he didn't remember nor did he apologize once, he always said that I just didn't understand his humor. Also when I mentioned that I find it sexist that he wanted me to feed him, he was infuriated and told me he wasn't one, but 5 min later he said it was just miscommunication between man and woman... <-< I will try to avoid him as much as possible.

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
-Jonathan Swift

Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula
  6/4/2017  1

Eurgh, what a piece of trash. [nangry]

I ended up deactivating my account again in the end. Truth be told I rarely ever use the website anyway - it's the messenger that I find to be more useful. Today has been kind of a rubbish day in all honesty anyway - tried playing Docking Station and it crashed, and now I'm having issues with some Minecraft shaders I downloaded. :P



 visit Zurinsel13's website: Random maybe

Sorry to hear that, I hate it when games won't work , especially after you added some mods. My Skyrim works now really stable, the only thing which is broken is shooting arrows. It will only shoot directly forward, nowhere else. Need to fix that :P
I am always surprised how stable my Docking station runs o-o I have added so many downloads to it and it doesn't crash... ( creatures Exodus GOG version)
My original Creatures Gold crashed so many times when I played it back in the day

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
-Jonathan Swift

Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

I'm probably going to reinstall both games now, at least I'll have a better idea of what mods I'll be installing.

In other news, I suspect yet another guy has blocked me on Whatsapp. I sent him a message on Facebook asking if it might have been a glitch. Obviously coming clean about what they want from me is out of these peoples' grasp...



 visit Lurhstaap's website: Addicted To CAOS

People suck. :( *offers hugs*

Conclude with killer catchphrase.
"This is not knowledge -
this is information!"
New Model Army, "Courage"

Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Thanks Lurhstaap. :( It's happened to me four times now, if it is indeed the case. I just don't understand their mindset at all. I guess I did kind of dodge a bullet though - he was always busy and even if anything did happen it probably wouldn't work. Even so, I thought he would have had the decency to tell me. Obviously he's more of a coward than I thought.


 visit Intyalle's website: Nadia Eat Hand
  6/4/2017  1

I, too, offer hugs all around :( Especially Zurinsel... creepy rapey dudes are not fun. Best advice I can give is to stand your ground wherever possible w/ regards to your boundaries, and never, ever be alone with him.

Also known as bab_5_freak from the old Gameware forums.
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Turns out he didn't block me, he just needed some space. He could have at least told me. He also replied to my Facebook message somewhat angrily too. How was I supposed to know? 😠
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Said person has now told me to "give him some space" via PM. If he's gonna be like that I don't think I'll carry on talking to him. I sent him one message asking if he's doing alright, and that was all. It's not as if I'm flooding his inbox. -_-



Need to vent. Just got home from psychologist visit.

He doesn't have the tests to diagnose someone on the autism spectrum apparently. He can't send me to anyone either, because he doesn't know anyone who does and will also accept my poor people insurance.

Literally my only option around here is to go back to the place where I went before and had a woman talk to me like I was just a lazy person looking for a handout. A woman who spent 15 minutes asking me about my drug use history (read: doesn't exist because I never did anything) and decided nothing was wrong with me and I just needed to go to a group meeting and sit and have someone talk to me and magically become able to deal with people.

Maybe when I get the nerve up this time will be different.

I wanted to punch my psychologist in the mouth when he gave me that shrug when I asked him what I was supposed to do and he replied "Unless you're able to just go, there's nothing you can do."

Between my love of cookies, tea, and the observation of genetics in nature I'm practically a Shee.[ngrin]


 visit Intyalle's website: Nadia Eat Hand

Ugh. Hate people like that so bad >.< Lots of (optional) hugs for you, FaerieHawk. Dealing with psychs is the worst

Also known as bab_5_freak from the old Gameware forums.


  6/9/2017  1

Before I go back to that place this time I'm going to write everything down I want to explain to them so that I don't freeze up and forget everything.

Seriously america is the dumbest country ever when it comes to taking care of its citizens.

Between my love of cookies, tea, and the observation of genetics in nature I'm practically a Shee.[ngrin]



 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki
  6/9/2017  2

Writing things down is a good start, also finding out more about your rights as a patient. It won't change the options available, but it will help you use those options better.

My TCR Norns
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

I feel pretty awful today, and wonder what the point of life is. Future has barely any prospects and it's not like I'm going to get anywhere.
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Everyone's felt this way at some point, let me tell you - when troubles strike, it can feel like things will only get worse, but that is the pessimist in us talking. If we just try to keep the our wits about us and respond to the situation with positive and constructive actions, we can break out of the cycle and things can get better. Sometimes all you need to do is to simply let time pass and to resist the temptation to overreact and aggravate the problem. During times like these, I find it helps to distract myself by actively engaging in other areas of my life.

I wish you all the best. Your outlook on life will get better so long as you give it a chance to. :)



 visit Lurhstaap's website: Addicted To CAOS
  6/13/2017  1

I've been there. What I've ultimately concluded is that existence is worth it, because the alternative is a deep and inexpressible horror. If you spend long enough truly contemplating nonbeing, suicide becomes a lot less appealing. I can't say I'd NEVER do it, still - if I had terminal cancer or something, the calculus might change. But for the moment, mere misery and failure at life is still better than not existing at all, feeling nothing, being nothing.

See, at first it's easy to tell oneself that'd be an improvement, a relief. But it's not a relief because you're not around to FEEL relief. Everything is gone. EVERYTHING. That makes even the tiniest sparks of goodness more valuable.

Conclude with killer catchphrase.
"This is not knowledge -
this is information!"
New Model Army, "Courage"

Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Thanks for the advice. I feel pretty inconsiderate now discussing that knowing my friend took his life. He wouldn't want me to feel this way.


 visit Lurhstaap's website: Addicted To CAOS

It's not inconsiderate. Most of us struggle with these thoughts at least briefly at some point in life. It's natural and normal. Just give yourself time to work through your own thoughts and emotions.

Conclude with killer catchphrase.
"This is not knowledge -
this is information!"
New Model Army, "Courage"




So last night I remembered the name of a third location my Psychologist talked about. Looked it up and SURPRISE also complaints of billing problems, poor treatment of patients, and swapping of employees so you can't get used to who you're talking to for too long.

There is no help for me and there never will be, I guess. Poor people don't deserve help.

To top it off my friend just shut me down because I got upset at him for saying I should move to another state as if that's something someone like me can reasonably do. I can't leave my room without feeling unsafe and that's with family around that make me feel safer and a place I can go to for help even if my grandfather is a massive lazy jerk.

So now he's no longer an option in my head because he's now a 'danger' to my brain. I probably couldn't feel safe moving in with him because the last thing I need is another person snapping and not wanting to talk to me because just moving away from my home and family is literally like asking me to skin myself and then sit in a corner until it heals.

I wish I'd never been born. Or that I could just die in my sleep. Or I could just die in general.

Between my love of cookies, tea, and the observation of genetics in nature I'm practically a Shee.[ngrin]

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