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Excellent News on CL!   xan | 5/14/2003  comment  log in to like post

There's been a big update at about the state of CL and things to come! Here's one excerpt:

The new owners of Creatures are a company called "Gameware Europe", which was set up, in part, by a gentleman called Ian Saunter who, if you consult your old Creatures manuals, you'll see has been involved with Creatures for a long time. In fact, he has been Development Director for several years and, before that, contributed in no small part to Creatures 1.

Interested? Then head over to and read the rest of it!
AmberCreatures Revamps!   Rascii | 5/14/2003  comment  log in to like post

The excellent AmberCreatures, run by our very own Don, has been completely revamped! There's a great new layout making navigation much easier, new downloads and files, and lots of other great new content! There are also new forums for various games, including Creatures and The Sims. Not to mention it is the home of the Creatures 2 Butterfly norns! So what are you waiting for? Take a look today!
MNB's Birthday   Nornmaster500 | 5/12/2003  comment  log in to like post

Today is MNB's birthday, so take some time out of your day to say happy birthday to MNB.

» Post MNB a birthday greeting

Zebra Norns Version 2.0   Rascii | 5/11/2003  comment  log in to like post

The Zebra Norns over at Mummy's Creatures now have a new version out! Version 1.0 have darker colors and are less striped than the new ones. Version 2.0 Zebra Norns use the same genome as the Bavaria Norns, a modified gold genome. They are amphibious and reach puberty earlier than the originals. This breed occupies Geat slot Z. This new breed has completely new, awesome sprites, so be sure to get them today!
All New Albia!   Rascii | 5/10/2003  comment  log in to like post

Yes, it's true! Today is the 5th birthday of Albia2000 and also the day of the revamp. A2k has all new areas, content, and an excellent new design! Some of the features include a webcam, quizzes, and interviews. Coming soon later on this week are the Essex norns and an all new agent for Astro Norns, so be sure to check back frequently! Have a look today.
Terra Update Bugs   Liger | 5/9/2003  comment  log in to like post

Well, three bugs were found and hopefully (to my knowledge) squashed. The frozen images for rain, clouds, and dust clouds has been updated.

Please download the patch and replace the new file into the agent folder.
Terra Update Released   Liger | 5/8/2003  comment  log in to like post

You can grab the lovely Terra 4.0 Update here:

Thanks to everyone on your feedback, its very much appreciated. I will be looking forward to the feedback on this patch as well.
New In The Community!   Rascii | 5/8/2003  comment  log in to like post

There's a new website for all of the Creature Labs sites called Creatures! At this site you can find the Creatures 2, Developer Network, Community, and DS-Aftermath websites. It's all hosted by Albia2000, so be sure to check it out today!

In related news, there's been an update at the Creature Labs website! It mentions the new community site and contains the following message: Announcements regarding the future of Creatures products, including Creatures Docking Station, will be made over the coming weeks.

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Last Chance...   Don | 5/7/2003  comment  log in to like post

Today is the last day will be we will be accepting news for the first issue of the DSAftermath newsletter that will reach around 500 Creatures fans. If you would like to be included, whether for an agent, website or to nominate someone else, email to the news moderator today!
Terra: New patch   Liger | 5/3/2003  comment  log in to like post

Thats right, a new patch already completed and ready to be released... its fate is in your hands. So check out the screenshots of the updates and get your bibble over to the forums to post about it!

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All New Alex's Creatures   Rascii | 5/3/2003  comment  log in to like post

I've recently stumbled up a great Creatures website called Alex's Creatures! Revamped last month, the site has a great, clean look, tons of downloads, secrets, desktop themes, links, and more! Also helpful if you're into AGC. So what're you waiting for? Check it out today!
Wanted: Files!   Ali | 4/30/2003  comment  log in to like post

Albia 2000 will be revamping on May 10th, and part of the revamp will include a new downloads database.

This database currently has all the official Creature Labs files as well as all the A2k files (with some new ones). There is also the capability of hosting other people's files, or linking to them via their website, so if you have any objects, Norns, or applets that should be listed, then send them to with a screenshot if possible. If you are not the author/creator of the work, please get their permission first :).
The Big 5K!   Astro | 4/29/2003  comment  log in to like post

Whoo! Creatures Caves has just had it's 5000th forum post! Yay for Creatures Caves and its forums! Keep those posts coming!

If you're not a Creatures Caves member then click here to join so that you can jump in and post in the forums today! Introduce yourself in the General forum and then poke around in the rest of the topics. :) We look forward to having you!
Information On Creature Labs?   Rascii | 4/29/2003  comment  log in to like post

Yes, it's true! Over at Business Weekly there's a nice long article with lots of information on what is to come of CL.

The assets of a Cambridge technology company which went bust twice in nine months have been sold in a deal shrouded in mystery.

It also seems that the company is called Entraline instead of CL! Interested!? Check out the full article here and discuss the situation here.
Transporter Room Beaming Down!   edash | 4/28/2003  comment  log in to like post

The Transporter Room is now finished! It is a new meta-room for Docking Station that allows you to transport norns and other objects around the ships. You can go to the official Transporter Room website at to download the room and hear more about it!

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