Creatures can now fully interact with and understand the world wrap in C2toDS Refresh!
NeoDement wrote:
-Creatures can now see objects over the wrap. This works by creating an invisible object with the same Category as the original, offset to the other side of the world. It even works for the pointer and creatures!
-Interactions with these Mirror objects will redirect to the same interactions on the original object. This is to account for objects that are near the wrap but can still be reached without the creature walking through.
-If a creature gets too close to a Mirror creature, the Mirror copy will move away from them slowly so that the creature keeps approaching until they cross the wrap and can interact with each other for real. (this had to be done because creature to creature scripts are complex and can't be faked with a simp object)
-Creature voices can now be heard over the wrap (previously norns could hear them but the player couldn't hear the creature bibble).
-The pointer/objects are no longer prevented from going over the wrap if a creature has their attention on them, the copies fill the same role.
-The Selected Creature/Attention Indicators are no longer made visible everywhere in the C2toDS room. Instead, copies of them are created and offset to the opposite side of the world so the camera can always see them.
-Optimization. Having the world wrap installed in a world with 16 creatures with fast ticks enabled appears to be on average ~43 fps slower than not having it installed.
The game variable "C2toDS_WrapTickRate" can be tweaked to control how frequently the wrap tries to move objects through it and create mirror objects. The lower the number, the more accurate, but it comes with a performance cost.
Check it out! Don't forget that we can help out by submitting issues and filling out the agent help descriptions for the catalogue files.