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CCSF 2022 | Wolfling Run Entrants Needed   Malkin | 8/13/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  2

CCSF 2022 | Wolfling Run Entrants NeededEemFoo has been busy setting up for the CCSF 2022 wolfling run. Entrants are still needed! There will be a new scoring system this year.

Submissions should be sent to EemFoo on discord (DMs are fine, they're always open) Please include what name you want to be listed as, the name of your creature, and breed sprites required. EemFoo will do their best to minimize conflicts, but there are only so many slots.
Treasure Found!   Malkin | 7/29/2022discuss  2 comments  2  log in to like post  6

Treasure Found!All documentation from Creatures 3D, the un-released (just planned) 3D creatures game, that was developed alongside Docking Station! Contains lore and concept art! Almost 200 pages!
C2toDS Refresh Update: World Wrap!   Malkin | 7/8/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  5

Creatures can now fully interact with and understand the world wrap in C2toDS Refresh!

NeoDement wrote:
-Creatures can now see objects over the wrap. This works by creating an invisible object with the same Category as the original, offset to the other side of the world. It even works for the pointer and creatures!

-Interactions with these Mirror objects will redirect to the same interactions on the original object. This is to account for objects that are near the wrap but can still be reached without the creature walking through.

-If a creature gets too close to a Mirror creature, the Mirror copy will move away from them slowly so that the creature keeps approaching until they cross the wrap and can interact with each other for real. (this had to be done because creature to creature scripts are complex and can't be faked with a simp object)

-Creature voices can now be heard over the wrap (previously norns could hear them but the player couldn't hear the creature bibble).

-The pointer/objects are no longer prevented from going over the wrap if a creature has their attention on them, the copies fill the same role.

-The Selected Creature/Attention Indicators are no longer made visible everywhere in the C2toDS room. Instead, copies of them are created and offset to the opposite side of the world so the camera can always see them.

-Optimization. Having the world wrap installed in a world with 16 creatures with fast ticks enabled appears to be on average ~43 fps slower than not having it installed.

The game variable "C2toDS_WrapTickRate" can be tweaked to control how frequently the wrap tries to move objects through it and create mirror objects. The lower the number, the more accurate, but it comes with a performance cost.

Check it out! Don't forget that we can help out by submitting issues and filling out the agent help descriptions for the catalogue files.
Spritist!   Malkin | 6/24/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  6

Spritist!SG has released Spritist, a sprite utility for C0, C1, C2, and C3DS, with file support for SPR, S16, C16, GIF, PNG, and more.
Roomie!   Malkin | 6/11/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  5

SG has released Roomie, a metaroom editor for C3DS. Roomie includes PNG-to-BLK conversion, CA emitters, and favorite place icons.
CCSF 2022 | Wolfling Run Submissions Now   Malkin | 6/10/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post

EemFoo is opening the floodgates for norns for this years wolfling run. there are 19 slots total this year. These teams are broken into four teams of five and will be played out on a new metaroom!

Expect antics much like the infamous reality TV Survivor show! Each team will have a 'flavour' of sprite breeds. The genetics can vary as that's up to you! The list will be posted on the CCSF discord and announced everywhere else once determined. Slots are first come first serve. ALL participants will get a little surprise at the end of the festival!

Submissions should be sent to EemFoo on discord (DMs are fine, they're always open) Please include what name you want to be listed as, the name of your creature, and breed sprites required. EemFoo will do their best to minimize conflicts, but there are only so many slots.

Team Purple will be official C3/DS breeds
Team Blue will be unofficial C3/DS breeds (keep in mind the C12DS breeds will be installed.)
Team Red will be C2/C1 style C3/DS breeds (please let me know which slots for sprites and which breed)
Yellow will be the wild cards! Anything goes for this spunky team!

Submissions should be sent to EemFoo on discord before August 15th. (DMs are fine, they're always open) Please include what name you want to be listed as, the name of your creature, and breed sprites required. A picture would be great too!
Terra Reborn Updated!   Malkin | 5/29/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  5

Terra Reborn Updated!
Allekha has updated Moe's edition of Terra Reborn, patching bugs, renaming files which caused clashes, and updating several aspects of the metaroom to be in line with the Creatures Development Standards.

Check it out!
Frog Norns for C3/DS!   Malkin | 5/23/2022discuss  1 comment  1  log in to like post  6

Frog Norns for C3/DS!Fruit of the Doom has converted the C2 Frog Norns to C3/DS! Like the original game, these Frog Norns only have one life stage.

The Frog Norns have a genome based on the Bondi Norns, they also already have the swimmer chemical, and eat critters when hungry for fat. The Frog Norns occupy Grendel Slot Y.

They can be downloaded from!
CCSF 2022 | Coordinator and Theme!   Malkin | 5/7/2022discuss  1 comment  1  log in to like post  2

The CCSF 2022 Coordinator and Theme have been revealed! Congratulations!
Albian Warp Client v.0.2.2 released!   Malkin | 5/4/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  4

Albian Warp Client v.0.2.2 released!The Albian Warp Client version 0.2.2 has been released!

This release makes a minor change to the Python-based CAOS injector to extend the timeout to infinite, in hopes of preventing the desynchronization of the engine and the client (aka the dreaded, 'e' issue).

If you have any issues with this release, please report them in Issues.

To get started with Albian Warp read this Getting Started Guide.

Happy Warping!
Succulent Bridge Released!   Malkin | 5/3/2022discuss  comment  log in to like post  2

Succulent Bridge Released!SG has just released the Succulent Bridge, which adds some much-needed plant life to the Bridge of the Shee Spaceship. The Succulent Bridge includes several background elements, as well as Gravitoveria plants, Euphorbiorb fruit, and warmly-glowing Comfort Orbs, transforming the cold bridge of the Shee Spaceship into a warm and vibrant place filled with stuff for creatures to eat and play with.

Check it out, in the COBs section!

Eemfoo Update!   Malkin | 4/28/2022discuss  1 comment  1  log in to like post  4

Thanks to the tireless efforts of those over at EemFoo's Archive ( Several new breeds have been created and others have been curated!

MarlisO's Weihnacht Norns
MarlisO's Zivil Norns

A C3/DS version of the Proto Rons
And a whole new set of CA to C3/DS conversions by Bedalton

Nab them now and take a look at the archive! Might find things you've never tried before!
Centaur Ettins?   Malkin | 4/26/2022discuss  2 comments  2  log in to like post  1

Centaur Ettins?Lacota has found the Centaur Ettins in Eem Foo's Archive. If anyone knows more details on this breed, please contact Lacota!
CCSF 2022 | Coordinator/Theme Vote   Freylaverse | 4/25/2022discuss  1 comment  1  log in to like post  2

Click HERE to vote for coordinator and/or theme!
Prototype Ron Norns!   Lacota | 4/11/2022discuss  2 comments  2  log in to like post  7

Prototype Ron Norns Recovered & RestoredThanks to the awesome work of the people on the EemFoo Discord, we have been able to restore a prototype version of Ron norns, as featured in the C1 file: "full.spr"

To correct the coloring in the SPR file, reversing the palette order was used.

The original sprite was the Male Adult. Sprites for younger ages were created by downsizing. Female sprites are the same as the male.

This particular breed has an unusual gait due to the shape of the leg. Ron norns too suffer from this, but their ATTs were adjusted by CL to ignore the issue. (The upper leg does not correctly connect with the lower leg in Ron norns).

Special thanks to NeoDement and Bedalton for making this happen!

Download from EemFoo

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