Development Forum |
Creatures: Albian ReGenesis 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
1/11/2013 | 8 |
I have this vision that I'd like to see become a reality, but it's a prestigious and wild one, that I don't have a chance of making real myself. It's a room for DS (and C3), but it's much more a world, with hopefully even more than one room. I've mentioned it before, but want to give it a thread of its own, to see if there are anyone able and interested in making this a reality.
I call it "Creatures: Albian ReGenesis"
It's Albia. Both C1 Albia, C2 Albia and something more.
After reaching Sphericus, a group of shee started feeling extremely homesick, and quite dizzy from all the treedimensionality of it all. So the decided to go back home. Stumbling across the Warp, they not only found their way home, but found a way to reach Albia in several versions and timelines. In a grand project, they utilized the Warp to bring together the best features of the Albias, past, present and future, all into one world - not so far from what it was like before they left, and before the lone shee let loose the Capillata and caused the volcanic eruption that tore the surface apart. Still, the lower levels of Albia - with its machinery and secrets, were available from certain parts of the surface. The Great Tree Yggdrassil had not withered and died, but rather stood taller and prouder than ever before. But in all their successful work with the Warp, the Warp backfired, and tore the shee off the world before they had completed their work and established a new home, back home. Where the shee went remains to be seen.
With this, though, it'll be up to you to reconquer the rebirth of Albia and allow life to prosper once again. Recolonize Albia with norns and ettins, or even grendels if you're thusly inclined.
That's the short version of the background story for a world I'd love to see. The graphics are actually being made for it.
Have a peak here.
- I usually update this with a small version of the most recent development.
The problem, though, is that I couldn't do the required coding for the life of me. The world would need to be "disced" like C12DS and C2toDS so it'll be round. I'd need elevators, machinery and an ecosystem. I'd like to add visible and functioning day/night-time, seasons and various plants and critters directly from or inspired by C12DS and C2toDS. I could manage most of the graphics, but for the rest, I'm more or less clueless.
If/when I get around to finish the graphics, I'd love to be able to get together a team of coders, graphical workers (for details, machinery and other stuff that's bound to come up) and perhaps even geneticists to make it all come together.
I'd like to add other rooms to the world as well, such as the temple-like building you see in the C1 background above the garden (or in my current profile pic here) and a few other places that might be natural to add.
Anyone think there might become any interest in establishing a team and make a new world?
ETA: Here's the world, pretty much complete and ready for mapping:
Click for full view.
 Wee Scrivener

1/11/2013 | |
That does sound like a nice idea. Although I'd probably only be of any help with the geneticists part.
"Holy crap in a casket!" |

1/11/2013 | |
What kind of genetics can you do? |
 Wee Scrivener

1/11/2013 | |
Mainly working with reactions and stimuli, but I'm starting to get into color genes.
"Holy crap in a casket!" |
 Sanely Insane

1/11/2013 | 2 |
Well, you've got my interest at least. I think what you've got so far looks pretty awesome (though I see a few parts that could become creature traps, particularly in the oceans).
I'm kinda skeptical about seeing this get anywhere, since large projects like this tend to have a very low proposed-to-completion ratio. That said, I am willing to give you a hand when the project gets to the point where CAOs and genetics are necessary.
CAOS-wise my specialty is critters and plants, but I can also do things like weather systems. I've even done most of the coding for a few metarooms (Past Seas and Chione V1.1, especially).
I'm also a very experienced geneticist - I've made over 100 genetic breeds. I still can't do anything with brains, but I'm well-versed with the rest of the genome. My C3/DS Downloads at the Realm contains my most recent work, and more importantly showcases what I'm currently capable of.
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog
 Lollipop Lord

1/11/2013 | |
Looks stunning, although there is a rather large empty part that could do with something adding to it. |
 Small Birb

1/11/2013 | |
Looks great so far! Hope it makes it to completion, I think this has promise.
Small bird who lives here sometimes, and wanders other times.
Got Creatures related content to share? Submit to Heck Yeah, Creatures!
Icon by gettehld on twitter!

1/11/2013 | 1 |
There are several empty parts that need to be addressed one way or another. And the ocean areas have just gotten an overall shape, but should be redesigned completely to function properly. Some areas can remain spacious, if they're used as room for transportation, or if they're used as room for injecting customizable parts. Because I can easily see this room/world being used together with a Garden Box like feature (or with the Garden Box) to allow people to design their own versions of Albia.
The important part right now is smoothing out holes and poorly-fixed graphics, and then adding a proper backdrop, so that the world can be worked with more deeply.
To start with, there won't be any need for any genetics - no ReGenesis breeds are even planned before the world is at least playable. What I do need is a way to disc the world, so that it can become round. Without that, any other work would just be messing around with graphics... Fun and play, but nothing more. |
 Wee Scrivener

1/11/2013 | |
Well, hopefully it all goes well! Good luck! ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif)
"Holy crap in a casket!" |

1/12/2013 | |
Well,with the merged and tweaked 2D graphics from Creatures and Creatures 2, it's intended for the Docking Station engine, and will thus remain in 2D. With help, it might be released before Creatures 4. |

1/20/2013 | |
Latest graphical update can be seen here (same link as in the original post):
Albian ReGenesis
So, I'm closing in on a finished version of the world now. I'm not planning on filling in any of the open spaces, but leaving them for more customizable content and elevator space. If you have any ideas about things you think need to be done here, please let me know. Meanwhile, I'll start with a background base, I think.
All comments are received with gratitude. |
 Sanely Insane

1/20/2013 | |
I have to say that I preferred the complete ocean tunnel that was in the previous version than the broken tunnel in this one (unless you're trying to remove it completely). This is just personal preference, though - it doesn't take a whole lot (if anything) away from the room.
You could stand to have a little less sky area - there's pretty much nothing that can be placed there. At the very least, the two inches or so of sky area at the top of the preview do nothing to add to the room and could stand to be chopped off (by that, I mean that the top of the giant tree would be a few pixels away from/touching the top of the background).
Finally, are the areas that appear to be filled in (e.g. the laboratory where you'd turn on the gene splicer in C2) meant to represent areas that aren't completed yet? Because if they aren't, I can't help but think that they look a little strange (or at least starkly contrast with the parts of the room taken from C1/C2).
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

1/20/2013 | |
First off, the tunnel is being rebuilt, because the old version didn't work when it got to the details. I'm still working on how I'll make it look right. It's a minor detail.
Next, the empty space above the tree is merely there as workspace, so that I had room to make the tree as tall as I wanted. It'll be removed.
Finally, I'm trying to remove as much of the doodads in the background graphics as possible. I've always felt that uninteractive objects that are constantly present in the world, but that you can't touch, or your creatures can't even see or smell, are annoying. So I'm trying to remove most background based doodads, from plants (except from trees) to machines, and rather find a way to place them back in as object (agent) graphics. Makes for a more interactive world with room for personal customization. So the lab place has been cleared out, but it's not quite finished yet, when it comes to background details.
Thanks for the feedback, Grendel_Man. ^^ |

1/26/2013 | 1 |
Slight update: Albian ReGenesis
I've added an elevator shaft between the temple and the genetics computer dome; it's inspired a bit by this video here: Creatures 1 Main Intro Video even though I can see that it's not the same place.
The place we look at here could actually be the same as the old castle ruins in the C1 garden background. How awesome wouldn't it be to rebuild that castle as a room in ReGenesis Albia?
Anyway, as always, feedback is appreciated.
ETA: Another update; the filled in areas have been tweaked to get more depth and fit better with the overall graphics. I filled in a bit of the ocean and completed the tube.
(Remember to refresh when you look at the image to make sure you see the latest update.) |


1/29/2013 | |
I like the idea of revamping the existing creatures games and merge them together into one big World.
Not to make bad mood, but what about copyright?
When you release a Version of this great project, i am more than willing to help you with some CAOS.

1/29/2013 | |
As I'm not taking any money for it, I've just assumed that there's no more copyright on this than there has been on C12DS or c2toDS, or any of the other rooms that have reused old graphics...
What CAOS can you do? |


1/30/2013 | |
Basic stuff.
A long time ago i was creating a lot of creatures related stuff like simple agents:
Food, Plants, Toys stuff like that.
but everyting is gone now.... -.- due server crashes and not keeping backups.
Now that i am back into creatures i started developing some stuff for the Garden Box, as i think it is a great Project.
Atm i am diging myself back into Caos, an example of a simple Pear plant of mine can be found here:

2/2/2013 | |
I think the Garden Box is an awesome tool for this game, and I hope that it, or parts of it can be used with ARG (Albian ReGenesis) in order to make customization of one's Albia possible. I would love some fruits (apples, perhaps) to grow in the great tree. Mostly, I would like to reuse or remake as much as possible from C1 and C2 to make that nostalgic feel, but I'm always interested in a few new touches and surprises as well.
What do suggest you could make? |

2/27/2013 | |
New update. This preview is a bit blurry, but you can see what I've done. I've added a C2 tree roughly where it would be in C1 Albia, and lifted the tower to be up in the branches. There are still a lot of detail work and fixing on the top of the branches (which were just cut off by the top of the screen in C2), but in the end I think this fixed an issue with too much unused air space.
Check it out: Albian ReGenesis |

3/9/2013 | |
Backdrop is slowly coming. Western tree more or less complete. Various details fixed.
My main issue right now (the backdrop isn't that demanding at the moment) is with the two plant filled domes, just right and a little up from the Shee statue. Should the plants be removed, and in that case, what should be in there? I won't be able to recreate just empty green house domes...
Also, should the Shee statue be removed? And what with the greater machinery, bookshelves and barrels? Ideally, I'd remove them, but it's a lot of work, and results may be varying...
What do you guys think? |

4/13/2013 | |
I'm still not sure what to do about the plant domes and the shee statue and that stuff. I'm considering just leaving them there, and having them be used just as in C2toDS.
As with the backdrop, I thought it would be better to just build on the already functioning C1 background. I just want to remove clouds and static weather phenomena, to make room for more dynamic weather systems. By doing this, I got back a free extra level above the great volcanic mountain; it just needs a little tweaking. But this is how it looks for now:
Albian ReGenesis. Better or worse?
And so; All levels are in place, and as they will turn out in a usable world. So, even though the background needs details, no floors will be moved about. This means that the world can be mapped out pretty soon now. The main issue with that is actually being able to make it disced, like C2toDS and C12DS. I believe Moe would be able to, but I don't know if he's around. I think I'll send him a message, asking him about it, but if he doesn't have the time and interest, are there anyone else around that might know? |
 Prodigal Sock

4/13/2013 | |
Cool! I hope you can find someone to do it, the background's really coming along nicely. ![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif)
 Tea Queen

4/13/2013 | |
I agree: the background is gorgeous, and I particularly love how you've merged the C1 and C2 graphics so nicely! It's like they've always belonged together; unless you're familiar with the Creatures series, you'd never know that they're from two entirely separate games.  |


4/13/2013 | |
Very nice indeed! It's all coming along great: I hope you're able to figure out how to make it wrap around. Like Laura said, you've done a really nice job of bringing together the C1 and C2 graphics. Keep up the great work!
Discover Albia |

4/27/2013 | |
The more I look at it, the more I feel there should be a room, or a set of rooms, where the dead tree is. A place for machines, probably.
An idea, if I can't find a way to wrap the world, could be to close off the volcano with a stone barrier, separate the world there, and insert a door or two that would send the creatures through, and thus around the world... It wouldn't quite be or feel the same, but it could work... |
 Devil COBbler

5/1/2013 | |
This looks amazing by the way. I am very fond of the merging of the two. I wish I could make it into a c1 world also!
Devilishly Yours,
GirlySatan ![[devil] [devil]](/images/smilies/devil.gif) |


5/1/2013 | |
its looking amazing bifrost keep going! i think liam might still be active and he should be able to contact moe.
i wish i could help you with this but i can't :< |


5/16/2013 | |
I'm speechless. It looks incredible!
Creatures tumblr
Blog:Methods of Creatures Madness

5/24/2013 | 6 |
Moe has gracefully enough offered his knowledge in wrapping the world around. This means that we might now ACTUALLY go beyond fan-art and into playable world mode. I'm more than just a little thrilled about this now!

6/4/2013 | |
Minor details are being worked on, and it's actually a lot more fun than I thought this part of the process would be. No update just yet, though.
But, I'm still not sure about this one thing, so please help me out here:
Should I remove the dead tree in the cavein favour of more structured rooms? This way, we could actually implement an agent injector and other gadgets into this world as well. But I'm really not sure how it would fit, or if people prefer the dead tree as a reminder of what used to be there in the C2 Albia.
What do yo guys think? |


6/4/2013 | 1 |
I personally really like the dead tree: I know it's a bit on the large side, but I feel like it fits in very nicely with the whole metaroom. Seems like a fine place for some Garden Box agents, too! I feel like an agent injector might seem a little too reminiscent of C3/DS, when the whole room really brings me back to C1 and C2.
Just my thoughts, though! I'm sure you can't go wrong from here: I can't wait to see this released!
Discover Albia |

6/4/2013 | 1 |
Thanks for the quick feedback. And you know what, Jessica? Just because of that input, I'm deciding to keep the tree. You're right when it comes to C1/C2 vs C3/DS feel. |

6/6/2013 | 1 |
Grendel_Man is now on board, and will probably be the world's mapper, while Moe gives us the wrap. Someone to code lifts and quite a few other things are still needed, so if you're interested, send me a word.
Latest update, and this preview is biger than the previous ones, I think: Albian ReGenesis
Shaft got canned. The red background is just to make sure I've cleaned up pixel residue from the C1 Albian skies. And it gives a nice dusky feel. There are still stuff to work out, and all feedback is still most welcome. |
 Wee Scrivener

6/6/2013 | |
It looks very nice. Is there going to be the C2 incubator area?
"Holy crap in a casket!" |


6/6/2013 | |
This looks awesome, awesome, awesome! Glad to hear you've got some great minds on board with you: This project always makes me happy. It's almost like this could have been the world map for something like Creatures 1.5 or 2.5. Everything just looks amazing!
Discover Albia |

6/6/2013 | |
Thanks. I'm really glad you like it. Creatures 1.5 or 2.5 was the thought I had when the idea originated. Then things got evolved to include more, grow a little and expand a little (as seen in Yggdrasil, as well as the astronomy tower in the other tree), and the idea became more of something old rediscovered and made new.
The C2 incubator area is a place that most likely came to be after the temple had been shaken too hard by the volcano just before C2. This area is the same as the jungle temple basement floor in C1, and also in Albian ReGenesis. I'm hoping, though, to be able to include a C1-like incubator in the house area, together with computers and other familiar things. Also, I would like to add pathways - doors etc. into other, previously undiscovered parts of Albia, as sub-metarooms, but that's in the future, when the main part is ready for launch. Perhaps what became the C2 incubator area, was a hidden, unreachable place in C1.
What if you could enter the temple and see what's deeper inside? |