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Agent Making Tutorials For C3/DS   Development   Malkin | 4/15/2013  log in to like post  9

A list of agent and metaroom-making tutorials for C3/DS.

A Guide to Agenteering - A beginner's tutorial for agent making by SG, covers a toy using Theist.

Basic Lift Script - from the Creatures Wiki, by Zareb with help from Edash and Liam. A lift which travels between two floors and has a call button on each floor. Intermediate. (See also new lift script, also on the Creatures Wiki, for a more fully-fledged lift.)

Basic Plant Script - from the Creatures Wiki, mostly by Zareb. Creates a plant which uses variables and subroutines to grow, live, set seed and die.

Basic Interactive Plant Script - from the Creatures Wiki. Creates a plant which will grow and ungrow, and allow itself to be played with by creatures.

Basic Interactive Plant Script Part 2 - from the Creatures Wiki. Building on the previous tutorial, creates a plant which will grow and ungrow, and allow itself to be played with by creatures. Adds the ability to die if it does not grow on soil or is hit to death by creatures, and adds the ability to create cheese or peaking pie if pushed.

Basic doll script - from the Creatures Wiki. Covers a toy doll which injects chemicals into a creature when played with.

Simple Door Script - from the Creatures Wiki, by Pilla. Creates four CA-linked doors, two from the norn meso to the workshop and comms room, respectively.

CAOS chaos - Requirements and Preparations, CAOS chaos - First Simple Object: Cheese CAOS chaos - Our Simple Object Un-Simplified! - a series of tutorials by AquaShee. Great for beginners.

CDN Overview of what you need to make an agent

CDN Creating Agent Art

CDN Attributes of agents - explains ATTR and other properties you can set on an agent.

CDN Making a Vendor for C3 (see also Making a Smart Vendor, a more complex vendor)

CDN Making a Toy for C3

CDN Making food objects for C3

CDN How to create .agent files for Docking Station and Creatures 3

CDN Balloon Maker Tutorial

CDN DSAG PRAY Template - a commented example of a PRAY template used for a Docking Station agent.

A C3/DS Agent PRAY File - by Malkin, a fully annotated C3/DS compatible PRAY template.

Compound Parts - a German/English tutorial which, line by line, teaches how to make agents with two parts, for use in vendors. Intermediate.

Honigtopf (Honeypot) - a German-only tutorial which, line by line, teaches how to make a one-sip honey pot. Beginners.

Ghosthande's Metamorphosing Toy Tutorial - teaches how to make a toy that changes its shape when played with.

Hungry Critter Tutorial - covers how to make a critter that hunts its food down. By Ghosthande.

C3 Bootstrap V2 - A copy of the C3 Bootstrap which has been commented, useful for examples of CAOS in action.

Learn to PRAY - a zipped beginner's tutorial by Hausmouse, teaching you how to PRAY your files together into an agent.

How to make Creatures clothes - By Ghosthande.

Creatures Development Standards - an attempt to make the Creatures' world consistent.

Darcie's agent tutorials - how to set up your workspace in Windows, and a little on spriting.

Beginner Tutorial Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Chocolaty Addendum. Covers how to make a vendor, by Moe.

Stimuli Notes - listing all the known stimuli and a general list of effects on a Civet Norn.

Metaroom making

Creating a Metaroom - A CCSF 2006 tutorial written by Liam and friends, covers metaroom conception, organisation, doing backgrounds, getting the room in the game, agents as part of a metaroom (covers a critter), music and smells, and beta testing to release. Assumes a prior understanding of CAOS and graphics skills.

Moe's Room Modelling Basics Tutorial - A CCSF 2006 tutorial by Moe focussing on the basics of room modelling and layout.

Photoshop Metaroom Background tutorial - A CCSF 2006 tutorial by Zareb explaining how to use Photoshop to create a background, for beginners.

Guide to Making Seasonal CA - a guide by Liam on how to make cellular automata change with the seasons.

Example of a day/night cycle - an example of a metaroom which changes backgrounds between day and night (Terra Pluvialis).


Updated by Malkin on 4/19/2013 - attributes.
Updated by Malkin on 5/15/2013 - couple of tutorials by Liam.
Updated by Malkin on 6/2/2013 - Chocolate Vendor Tutorial.
Updated by Malkin on 6/2/2013 - stimuli list.
Updated by Malkin on 8/8/2014 - + CAOS chaos and Making a Smart Vendor.
Updated by Malkin on 8/16/2014 - updating Creatures Wiki links.
Updated by Malkin on 11/10/2014 - removing Learn to PRAY by Hausmouse as it has 404ed, adding my PRAY tutorial..
Updated by KittyTikara on 4/19/2015 - updating Ghosthande's links.
Updated by Malkin on 9/9/2015 - update to Gameware Europe.
Updated by KittyTikara on 10/12/2015 - readding learn to pray.
Updated by Malkin on 5/31/2017 - simple door script.
Updated by Malkin on 11/24/2018 - + interactive plant tutorials from Cwiki.
Updated by Malkin on 3/29/2019 - basic doll script.
Updated by Malkin on 4/22/2022 - updating a Guide to Mac Agenteering.

cyborg | 11/17/2023  log in to like post

SG has updated their guide, it's no longer "A Guide to Mac Agenteering", it's now "A Guide to Agenteering".

They have the old version of the guide linked in the new guide.
Lioriel | 8/18/2022  log in to like post and all links connected to it appear to be down or have some other problem.
sg_the_bee | 4/22/2022  log in to like post  1

"A Guide to Mac Agenteering" is now at
Jessica | 4/11/2014  log in to like post

Unfortunately the site looks like it's down, or possibly gone. The Wayback Machine version doesn't seem to have any of the downloads saved, either. Maybe it's something to search for in the Lost Download Detectives topic?
Lambie | 4/11/2014  log in to like post

The "Learn to Pray" link for Hausmouse's tutorial seems to be broken.

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