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Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 4,

As I tend to Fly, I can't help but sigh with relief as the flowers from that strange iceplant, help lower Fly's fever. When I see that, I make a quick flight from the cave to grab more of those flowers, & some extra food. We still have some left over food from all that I harvested from the other day, but I want to make it last as long as possible. I hope Fly gets better soon, c1anddsaddict is really being driven nuts with worry about him. Hmmm, I'd better take her on a hunting trip with me, I hope that will help her get rid of the stress. I'll ask her about that as soon as she gets back from her walk. I hope she doesn't stay out there for too long, the weather is getting nasty.
Having caught a glimpse of the maps that c1anddsaddict & Fly have made, I decided it would probably be a good idea for me to do the same. That way just in case something happens to me one of the times I go out, they will be able to find the areas I've been gathering food from. I think I'll start working on it while I wait here in the cave.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 5, leaving for the ruins, with company...

Keeping Fly's fever down takes up a lot of those ice plant flowers, so c1anddsaddict & I head out into the sleet to return to the ruins & gather more of those ice flowers. Hopefully c1anddsaddict will be able to find something that I wasn't able to yesterday. Even though I am a borg norn & parts of body were replaced by machines, I'm not familiar with space ship machinery. I barely remember the world I came from, but I remember that I grew up hunting & foraging for almost all of my food, & that there wasn't much machinery, especially the types of machines you find on a space ship. So it's very possible that I missed some obviously useful or important machine.
I hope c1anddsaddict has something to keep at least some of the sleet off herself, that weather out there is not pleasant. Maybe she can use one of the cattail mats like an umbrella to keep some of the sleet off herself?

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm
  1/9/2013  1

Week 2, day 5, on the way to the ruins...

I was flying just a short distance ahead of c1anddsaddict keeping an eye out for dangers & possible food when I saw something just over the next snow drift. I dropped down for a quick landing next to c1anddsaddict & held my finger to my lips to warn her to keep silent. There was a slight grin on my face as I gestured for her to follow me, & digging my claws into the snow I pulled myself up the snow drift to show c1anddsaddict what I had seen.

We weren't the only ones crazy enough to be out in this weather, there at the base of the hill ahead of us, were two strange creatures. One was a very odd looking tiny flying creature that I had never seen before.

It was being chased by something that looked like a small wingless dragon-like critter. It was only about waist high to c1anddsaddict, but it was moving with almost ridiculous speed & agility.

Even so, the little flying creature was fast enough to dodge the dragon critter. We were able to watch them for a while before they disappeared into a nearby thicket. Oh well, time to continue to the ruins.

It takes us awhile to get there, but we finally reach the ruins & after I warn c1anddsaddict where the dangerous spots are, we begin our search.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 5, Exploring the ruins...

After showing c1anddsaddict the most dangerous spots, we searched the ruins for several hours before heading back to the cave. I kept an eye on her & Kankan to make sure that they didn't get confused & stray too close to the dangerous spots.

Heheh, it was pretty funny when c1anddsaddict accidentally set off the pregnancy scanner. I had to swallow my laughter as I listened to her yell at it. I couldn't resist teasing her a little, "yup, no way you could be pregnant since the only male in our group is Fly."
"I didn't know Kankan was a grendel..." I couldn't help but giggle when the creature detector went off when Kankan walked too close to it.
Oooo, the anti-bacterial spray gadget was definitely a good find, & I never realized what it was until c1anddsaddict told me about it. We definitely will make use of it when we leave the ruins.

It's a shame some of the stuff we could have used were in the dangerous spots, or were so broken that there was no hope of fixing them. We did find a few other things that we could use though. One was a somewhat dented but still intact case of food supplies, I think it might be shee food, it's pretty heavy but I think I can drag it without too much trouble. Another was a broken tea cart, the top shelf had been busted off, but the bottom shelf & wheels are still in fine shape. It was just the type of thing I had been looking for to help me move around deeper in the caves, but since we are going to be moving to a different shelter once Fly is better, I'm not sure if I should bother taking it with right now. We could use to help move stuff around the cave, but I'm not sure how much use it will be once we leave the cave. Ooo, oh look over there, a small kettle.
There were also some broken cables that we might be able to use as ropes as well, & that piece of metal over there has a smooth flat side with just a bit of a curve to it, if we attach the cable ropes to it, maybe I can pull it along the snow like a sled? That could be very useful for carrying heavier loads of food or building supplies across the snow, or just for the fun of giving sled rides.

C1anddsaddict calls me over when she finds a bottle, I'm surprised it wasn't shattered in the crash. I take a look at it, & I'm pretty certain it will help Fly, so we head back to the caves shortly after that. After dragging everything useful we found to the edge of the ruins, we used the anti-bacterial spray gadget to make sure not only ourselves but our new salvage was clean of nasty bacteria. Once we load it all on to the makeshift sled, I start pulling back to the cave. It's heavy, but not too heavy, especially when c1anddsaddict helps pull. When we get it to the top of a hill, I tell c1anddsaddict to climb on the sled & hang on tight. Heheh, Whee!!!! It's so much fun sliding down the hills, & it helps speed up our return to the cave as well.

We stop a few times on the way back to rest & grab a few extra bits of food that we find along the way, but as soon as we get back to the cave, we show the bottle to Laura & Fly. If Laura agrees with my guess that it will help Fly, we give it to him, & if needed help him drink it. I hope it works!

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 6, out foraging again....

Since I became a borg norn, I've never been good at sitting around & waiting, unless I was sleeping. So after resting for a bit while waiting to see if Fly improves, I offer to go out & start scouting around for locations that might provide better shelter than this cave. If someone wants to come along, I certainly wouldn't mind the company. I think I'll start working on that map while I am out there scouting. Since we brought back that box of food supplies, we should be fine for food for a bit. Hmmm... if it is shee food like I think it is, there will probably be a lot of tea & biscuits in there, but I'll still do a bit of foraging, just in case.
I pause in the snow just outside the cave for a few minutes, glad to see that the sleet has finally turned to snow again. Stretching my wings & tail a bit before I take off, I start flying slowly. If anyone decides to walk with me, it won't be any trouble for them to keep up with my pace.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 6-7, off for a swim....

I can't blame c1anddsaddict for staying to rest & sleep, but I'm still a bit too worked up to rest easily, so I guess this time, I'm flying off alone again. I think a quick swim would do me a lot of good, so I'll scout for potential new camp sites as I fly toward the sea. Ahhh... the night winds feel so good, it's a shame that it's winter, all the bats are probably hibernating. It's more fun flying at night when the bats are out as well.
As I fly past the stream & cattails, I remember that ice cave I had found, the one with the odd looking norn in it & I decide to make a quick run past it to see if the norn is doing any better. I guess the worry about Fly knocked the other norn right out of my mind. When I reach the cave I can see that they have woken up & moved around, but they look awfully skinny now, I don't think they found the food I had left for them. So I make a quick run to the cattail stream & harvest some of the roots to drop off at the ice cave. I hope they find the cattail roots this time, that norn really looks like they need the food. It's only after I am on my way to the sea again that it occurs to me that maybe they don't like plant based food. Hmmm, maybe I'll drop off a fish or something on the way back.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 7, at the ocean & back again....

Ahhh.... the sound of the waves against the shore sounds so sweet even way up here in the night sky. Too bad the sky is clouded over, the moonlight would look so pretty as it shines through the waves. I take my time gliding down to the ocean, just enjoying the view & looking around to see if there are any suitable spots nearby for a nice little camp. I don't see any suitable camp sites, but as I glide closer to the shore, I do see something else very interesting.
A colony of strangely marked seals are sleeping on the shore.

Wow, there sure are a lot of them & they are fairly large too. I'd better tell c1anddsaddict about them when I get back to camp. If we can hunt them successfully, we might be able to use their hides to help build our new shelter, or make warm clothes or blankets to wrap up in. Silently I fly back up into the sky to avoid disturbing the seals, I don't want to chase them off after all.
So I fly along the shore away from the seals & look for a quiet spot to take a quick swim before I head back to the cave for the night. Just as I find a nice quiet cove, sheltered by what looks to be a kelp forest just offshore, it starts to sleet again. Ewwww, it's already icing over my hair. Splash... Ahhh, it feels so good to be under the water away from that nasty sleet. Hmmm... if this is what the weather is going to be like for awhile, I had better bring back some extra food for everyone so that we don't use up the emergency supplies too fast.
I swim around in the kelp forest for awhile, just relaxing at first, then starting to search & hunt for extra food. I find plenty of smaller fish & crabs hiding among the kelp leaves, but I leave them alone for now, let them grow a bit larger before I start hunting them. As I am swimming around the base of a very thick patch of kelp, I feel a set of very sharp teeth scraping at my fins. I barely to pull my fins away in time. Twirling to see what dared to attack me, through the bubbles I see a large eel darting back into hiding! You think you can try to eat me & get away with it?! Oh no you don't, you're my meal now! After a short nasty fight, I finally capture & kill that eel, but it left teeth marks in some of my scales & natural armor. Those would have been some nasty bites if I didn't have those scales, as it is, it feels like they will be some nasty bruises instead.
I stuff some tasty looking clams & oysters into the eel & wrap it all up in fresh kelp, wrapping it up so much that you can't tell what is inside the bundle of kelp. I hide a few other things inside the kelp wrap, things that look like they will be tasty, & catch one extra fish, a slightly smaller one that I spear on the tip of my tail stinger, my claws are almost completely full with the kelp wrapped eel. It's definitely time to get back to my friends, I'm starting to get really tired. Keeping a very careful grip on the eel & the fish, I flap free of the ocean water & start flying back to the cave. Several times I almost find myself drifting off while I'm flying, not a good sign, I must be more tired than I thought I was. With a sigh of relief I pause at the ice cave just long enough to place the fish on top of the cattail roots next to that odd norn, then continue on my way again. When I finally make it back to camp, I land as silently as I can since it looks like everyone is asleep. Without disturbing anyone's sleep, I carefully bury the kelp wrapped eel in the coals of the fire so it can cook for breakfast, hopefully it will be a nice surprise for them. The only better surprise I can think of would be Fly waking up completely over that nasty poison. He will probably need lots to food to help him replenish his strength, I'd better get some sleep since that probably means I'll be doing lots of hunting & foraging again. Casting one final glance around the camp, I settle down next to the remains of the fire, a thought passing through my mind, I'll have to remember to start drawing my map when I wake up. I barely notice that I start rubbing the bite marks in my scales as I fall asleep.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 2, day 7, Sleepy time at the cave -

At one point a small noise wakes me from my sleep, I cast a tired eye around the cave, but I don't see anything out of place, so I close my eyes & return to my sleep. As I drift off, a thought passes through my mind, it will be hard to draw a map, when you don't have any paper, or a pen. All of my data logs have been made on the little computer that was put in my head when I was turned into a borg norn. Maybe I'll find paper & a pen in the ruins, I'll go looking through there again sometime soon.

*As she sleeps, nightmares of the borg start to enter her mind again, & she starts to toss & turn, talking to herself in her sleep. "Resistance is Futile"*

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 1, nightmares...

"Ughh.... Thanks for shaking me out of that dream c1anddsaddict. It was just a nightmare... I think. As unpleasant as that dream was, it did bring an idea to mind, but it's not a pleasant idea. If that potion doesn't help Fly, & he still shows no signs of improving, there is one more thing I can try, but only as an absolute last resort. It's not something I want to try at all, I'm pretty sure it would save him from the poison, but the cost of it could be much, much too high." I give myself a shake to try and push the unpleasant thought out of my mind.

I can't help but blink in surprise when c1anddsaddict shows me the micro grendel that snuck in while we slept & asks me to scan him. "Scan him for diseases? Okay," after a quick scan of the grendel I grin at c1anddsaddict. "Looks like he is clean to me. My scanner doesn't pick up anything."
I yawn & snuggle down closer to the fire, "Thanks again for waking me out of that nightmare again c1anddsaddict." I notice her worried expression & give her a gentle smile, "Don't worry yourself about me, sometimes it's a blessing that I can't remember all the details of my past. It would be so much worse if I could actually remember the faces & the terror of any creatures I had assimilated. Then, I'd be having nightmares of what I did, as well as what I lived through. Come on, lets go back to sleep, try not to have nightmares about it, with claws like these, it will be hard to weave a dreamcatcher. You don't know what a dreamcatcher is? It's a small little hoop that looks like it is filled with a spiderweb & decorated with beads & feathers, it's suppose to help stop nightmares. I haven't seen one in a long time...." My voice trails off as I fall back asleep.

I wake up later shortly after dawn & notice that c1anddsaddict is not in the cave. I look around for a worried moment, then relax as I see her outside of the cave making a snownorn. She seems to be having trouble with it. I can't help but grin as I go outside to join her in the snow, "I think you're doing a better job than I could. Just think how hard it would be to make a snownorn with these claws." I grin & clack my crab-like claws together. "It's rather hard to do any detail work with these."
I stretch my wings & roll over onto my back in the snow & look up at the crystals hanging from the roof of the cave. "Later today, I'll go looking for another campsite, maybe a change of location will help bring the others back to normal. Did you want to come with me while I look for a new campsite & forage?" I ask her.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 1, The search begins....

When she seems uncertain about going with me this time, I let her know it's okay if she wants to stay around the camp & keep an eye on everyone here. Besides as windy as it feels, the winds might carry me away faster than she can walk. Although, it would've been interesting to see how fast the winds would cause me to pull the sled while flying.
I go back into the cave to see how the eel, clams & seaweed I set to bake in the coals are doing, they smell delicious, hopefully the scents help wake the others. I cut off a chunk & set it aside to cool. While I wait for it to reach an suitable temperature, I pull out those ember berries, & hand them to c1anddsaddict still in their shells. The heat of the berries radiates through the shells. "If you get cold while outside, I think these will help keep you warm. Or you can use them to keep the others warm if the fire gets too low." Once I am sure everything will be fine while I am gone, I head toward the mouth of the cave again to fly off & being my search. Just as I am about to take off, I remember that seal colony that I had found, & tell c1anddsaddict about it before I forget again. I have no plans of hunting the seals today, since they are so large, & there are so many of them. I want someone waiting nearby just in case I get injured. I make one last check of the camp, & then take off to start the search.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 1, wow.... that wind....

Wow... I didn't expect the wind to be carrying me around like this. That wind is tossing me all over the place like a leaf in a storm. Wheeee! It's fun, & scary at the same time.... I have very little control over where the wind carries me at the moment. Who knows what places I will find under these conditions.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 1-2, crashing in the snow....

Wow, I think that wind carried me halfway across the island. I know it's going to take me quite a while to get back to the cave. Every time I flew closer to the ground to check out a possible spot for a new campsite, the wind crashed me into a snowdrift. I think I'm going to be quite sore later after I've rested... but that's for later, right now, I'm having too much fun. It's such a delightful challenge trying to fly with this wind. I've spotted several possible campsites, but none of them truly seem ideal, or even much better than the cave we are currently living in, but I'd better start heading back to the cave soon. This wind is going to be a pain to fly back in & it will be a long trip back.
It's hard work flying against the wind & I have to stop several times to rest. My wings are going to be so sore later. I'm flying past a cliff face when the wind blows a pile of snow off the cliff & into my face, blinding me for several seconds. While I try to clear my eyes, I can't see where I'm flying, & I try to hover in place, but an even stronger gust of wind starts blowing me sideways. Almost panicking I try to hold my position, but the wind is too strong & I feel myself slam into the snow on the cliff side. I don't even have time to brace myself before I feel myself falling & slamming into the stone under the snow... Owww.... Ow ow ow... I tumble a bit further than I thought I should have been able to... Crack! Owww....

Some time later....

Ooowww.... My head hurts as I wake up, I think it slammed into something while I was still rolling from that fall.... I wonder how long I was knocked out? As I open my eyes, I find that they are finally clear of that snow that had blinded me earlier. As I look around where I had fallen, I can feel my eyes widening with surprise & delight. I think I just found our new campsite, & everything I see just convinces me of it more & more. I'm not sure how long I spent examining the area, but I finally manage to pull myself away from the exploration long enough to find an exit that the others will be able to use to enter & leave at will. With a sad glance I leave to go & tell the others what I had found, I can barely wait to see it again. Hopefully I will be returning soon with the others soon...
I slide out of the possible new campsite into the falling snow.... wait, it's snowing? I must have been out for longer than I thought I was. I'd better get back before they get too worried about me. I dart into the night sky, relieved that the wind has died down a lot now. I pause long enough to memorize the area to make sure I will be able to find it again, & then I fly back to the cave as fast as I can. The only times I stop are when I land to grab some extra food & firewood to bring back to the others. When I reach the cave I slide to a stop in the snow in front of it, so eager to tell them what I found.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 2-3, The beginning of a day of insanity....

My eagerness to tell everyone about what I had found was bashed to pieces by what I found inside the cave. The cave was far darker & colder than it should have been, the fire had gone out & all three of my friends were laying like corpses on the floor of the cave. The tiny grendel that c1anddsaddict had found, was huddled up next to her along with Kankan. They looked up at me with terrified & confused eyes. I rush over & start checking everyone, & I breathe a small sigh of relief when I find that they are all still breathing. They are all alive, but they won't wake up when I shake them. I don't know what had happened, but I know that I have to get them all out of this cave. C1anddsaddict was right, there is something very wrong with this cave. I will have to investigate later, after I get everyone safely out of here.

Dragging everyone on to the cattail mats that c1anddsaddict had woven isn't easy, especially when you don't have any legs. My mertail is getting very sore from all the rough spots of the cave floor, but I won't stop until I get everyone out of here. As I move them I can feel how cold they are, so as soon as I get them onto the mats, I tuck the still hot emberberries next to them & curl the edges of the mats around them to help warm them up. Kankan & the little grendel snuggle up next to c1anddsaddict as I wrap the edges of the cattail around her. "I hope you two can help keep her warm until we are some place safer than this. It's going to be a long exhausting trip."
Moving them onto the mats gave me a better idea of how heavy they are, & I start to worry that I might not be strong enough to take everyone in one trip.

If I can't take everyone in one trip, how will I move them? I could carry them in my arms & fly to the cave, that might be faster, but I would worry about dropping them the entire flight. I guess I'll have to put them on the sled & drag them the entire way there, but I will have to find a way to make sure they don't fall off the sled, maybe some of the cable from the crashed ship can be used to tie them onto the sled. Once I get the first one to the new camp, I known I will worry about them waking up in a strange place & that worry won't go away until I get everyone moved to the new camp. Who should I take first? Maybe Fly, since he is the one who has been ill the longest. I really hope the move to the new camp makes everyone return to normal....

Dragging the sled over to the sleepers, I carefully move Fly onto the sled, & as I try to tie him to the sled I realize just how hard it is to tie knots in a cable when you don't have any fingers. I wish one of them would wake up & help me with this.... I finally manage to get Fly fastened down to the sled along with some of the stuff he had brought with him. I was going to leave all the possessions until last & make an extra trip for them, but I had to add his stuff to the sled when it occurred to me that if he wakes up before I get back with the others, he might be comforted by finding that he still has his stuff with him. As I struggle to drag the sled out of the cave & onto the snow, I decide that next time, I will put the possessions on the sled after I've dragged it & Laura or c1anddsaddict out onto the snow. I finally get the sled dragged out onto the snow & pause there long enough to catch my breath & tell Kankan & the little grendel that I will be back as fast as I can. Then, spreading my wings I grab the lead cable on the sled & start flying & pulling the sled across the snow to the new camp.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 3, Day of insanity... continued...

My wings are starting to feel like they are burning by the time I get Fly to the new campsite. There have been plenty of times where I flew all day long & my wings didn't start hurting like this, but flying while pulling something heavy is apparently a different matter. Sighing with relief I let the sled slide to a stop in front of the the entrance to the campsite. At least there is still a shallow path of snow leading into the cave, so it is easier to drag the sled & Fly into the camp that it was to drag them out of the other cave.

The warmth coming from the strange striped emberplants growing in the camp feels so good to my aching wings. I stop the sled at the edge of the snow & carefully untie & drag Fly to one of the warm patches of moss growing on the floor of this strange & beautiful cave that will be our new camp.
I try to make him as comfortable as possible before I drag his possessions into the cave & place them next to him. As I rest my wings for a few moments, I take a quick drink from the shallow pool in the back of the cave. The faint glow of the strange tiny critters swimming in the cascade of springs that feed the pool give just enough light to see the bottom level of the cave. I don't know what exactly it is about this cave, but it feels so peaceful & safe, I feel a little better about leaving Fly alone here. I don't want to leave the warmth & peace of the cave, but I need to get the others here before I can take anything longer than a momentary rest. So grabbing the sled I drag it outside & fly back to the other cave as fast as I can.

- a few hours later -

I don't know at what point the snow stopped falling, but I'm glad it did. Now the snow isn't adding any extra weight to the sled as I drag Laura to the new campsite. I'm glad I'm almost there finally, my wings are definitely feeling like they are burning now. At the top of a hill I land in the snow for a few moments to cool my wings. Ahhh... the cold snow feels so good against the burning ache of my wings, numbing it slightly. With a sigh I pull my wings away from the snow & climb on the sled & push it down the hill, using the momentum of the sled to help me back into the air.

- roughly half an hour later -

I let out a sigh of relief as I look around & see that we are almost at the new cave. I know when we reach the top of the next hill, we will be within sight of the cave finally. Stretching my sore wings, I push myself a bit harder, eager to get back into the relaxing warmth of the cave. With one finally heave I finally pull the heavy sled up onto the top of the hill & look eagerly toward the cave. What I see when I look toward the cave chills me to the core, there is a polar bear with her cub, sniffing around the entrance to the cave! Oh no... she must smell Fly's fish skin tent!

Letting go of the sled cable, I dive toward the cave & the polar bear. I have to keep her from entering the cave, Fly would be helpless against that polar bear, even if he was awake! My entire body is shaking with terror, how can I possibly drive that bear away from the cave? She is several times my size & could easily kill me with one bite or hit! The cub! Maybe, just maybe that will work...

Adjusting my approach I swing wide of the momma bear & flying at full speed I grab the cub. A painful jolt tears through my wings at the sudden impact & addition of the cub's weight. My gasp of pain is covered by the cub's wails of surprise & fear as I fly away from the cave. Momma bear's roar of rage makes me shudder in fear &... yeah, I'm not going to look behind me to see if I left a puddle of yellow snow behind, but at least I can hear her crashing through the snow after me & the cub. Pumping my wings harder, I fly just a bit higher, trying to stay out of her reach, but at the same time, I have to stay close enough to keep her focused on trying to rescue her cub.

I don't know how long I will be able to keep up this game of 'bait the bear'. My wings were already burning before the chase even started, & I can feel her claws slicing the air just inches under my mertail. How far away must I draw her to make sure our cave remains safe?
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shriek in pain as her claws slice my tail fin. Come on my exhausted wings, higher! Carry me higher! I must stay out of the reach of her claws!
The blood dripping from my wounded tail fin only seems to entice the momma bear even more, her attacks coming even faster as she chases me & her cub.

I can only whimper in fear & pain as I fight to hang onto the struggling wailing cub & try desperately to avoid those wicked claws that want to shred me to pieces.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 3-4, Owwww... everything hurts.

The ache in my wings is more than matched by the pain in my tail. Momma bear's claws have ripped through my mertail scales several more times, & the cub's claws & teeth have managed to rip through the scales of my arms. My blood drips down my body, splattering into the snow leaving a blood trail behind us. Everything hurts at this point, even my heart, I hate having to torment the momma bear like this, making her worry so much about her cub. I'm not sure if it's my fear of the bear, or my disgust at myself for doing this that is making me feel like I want to puke.
The only place that I can think of to lure her to that might keep her distracted from the new cave is the seal colony. All that fresh meat in front of her will hopefully make her forget about the cave. I'm so confused, part of me is sickened at basically sacrificing the seals to protect my friends, & yet I know I would probably have been hunting the seals myself in a few days.

I shriek in pain as claws dig into my tail again, I force myself to fly higher, but my wings are getting so tired that it is becoming harder & harder to stay out of her reach. Only a little bit longer, hold on wings, just a bit longer....
I almost sob with relief as I recognize the area surrounding the seal colony. I force my wings to beat faster & harder, gasping in pain as I struggle to gain the space & speed I will need to get away safely after I release the cub. My tail is almost skimming the ground as I drop the cub into a snowdrift just a hill or two away from the outer edges of the seal colony. This time I do sob in relief as some of the strain is taken off of my wings. I hear one last roar from the momma bear as I force myself higher into the air out of her reach. Only once I am a good distance above her reach do I look back to see her nuzzling her cub, checking him over to make sure he is okay. The sick feeling in my guts fades slightly, but only slightly.

I force myself to fly back to the new cave as fast as I can, I need to make sure that Laura is okay. To rescue Fly from the bears, I had to leave Laura on the sled out on the snow. Now that the threat from the bears is reduced, I feel horrible for having to leave Laura out there helpless like that.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 4, Safety?

The skies are completely clear when I finally get back to where I had left the sled with Laura. She is still unconscious, but the emberberries I had tucked around her seem to have kept her from freezing. I feel so relieved that she seems to be unharmed by being left alone out on the snow. Carefully I climb on to the sled & shove it down the hill, guiding it right to the entrance of the new cave. My body wants to scream as I pull the sled all the way into the cave.
(full view here)
As soon as we are inside the cave, I leave the sled & rush over to Fly to check him over. Unharmed & still unconscious, but he seems to be sleeping far more peacefully than he had been in the other cave. He already looks much better than he had when I took him from the other cave. Looking up toward the darker upper levels of the cave, I decide to move Fly & Laura up there, just to make sure nothing dangerous can reach them after I leave to go get c1anddsaddict.

Wincing in pain each time their bodies bump against the claw & bite marks, I carefully pick up & fly Laura & Fly up to the second level of the cave, setting them down on patches of soft moss well away from the edge of the ledge. After making sure they are as comfortable as I can make them, I fill Laura's teapot/kettle with water from the pool below & set it down near them so that if they wake up while I am gone, they will have something to drink until I get back. I don't have to worry about them getting hungry right away up here, the strange dark plants growing on the ceiling of the cave have dropped several fruits within easy reach.

It will be enough food to last until I get back.

I check them over one last time as I tend my wounds. It might just be me, but even Laura is already looking a bit better even though she hasn't been in the new cave for very long. As soon as I finish tending to my wounds, I glide down from the second level of the cave to the sled & drag it back outside. Forcing my wings to carry me, I head back to the old cave. It's time to get c1anddsaddict out of there, & I won't let myself rest until everyone is in the new cave.

As I fly back to the cave, the temperature has been slowly dropping & the cold starts to numb the pain of my wounds slightly. It's something of a relief & helps me focus on remembering & using every trick I can think of to get back to the old cave as fast as I can. When I finally reach the cave & land on the snow in front of it, I hiss in pain as the snow & rocks scrape against my tail wounds. I pause for a few moments to let the pain fade slightly before I start dragging the sled into the cave.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

"Oh thank goodness you are awake again!" I'm almost crying with relief when I enter the cave & see that c1anddsaddict is awake & okay. In a rush I tell her how I found a new cave that's perfect for a new shelter, & when I got back everyone was unconscious, & I couldn't wake anybody. So I started moving them to the other cave. I don't mention how I got injured yet. Oh look, more micro grendels, where did they come from? I listen eagerly to what everyone has to say during this explanation, after all, the more they talk, the longer I can rest my wings before we leave.
Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 4-5, Micro grendels are cool...

I listen wide eyed to c1anddsaddict's explanation of what had happened while I was gone. Wow, so Kankan was a robot controlled by the female grendel... that's pretty nifty. It's not the craziest thing I've seen, but it is one of the coolest. Micro grendels can have so much fun being that small, & it's much harder for the borg norns to assimilate someone so small, lucky grendels. When she is finished with her explanation, I explain why I am all beat up, & where the others are. As I look at the female micro grendel & the baby grendel, something finally clicks. "When we had explored the ruins of the ship, & the pregnancy scanner went off, it was detecting you wasn't it. You hadn't yet given birth to your baby at that time. Will you be coming with us to the new cave? Or do you need to stay here to study this cave? I can drop you off here to continue studying this cave when ever I go foraging if need be." My wings are feeling a lot less sore now, & I am certain I can make it back without my wings causing me too much pain. So I suggest that I think we would be more comfortable continuing
the conversation in the new cave where it's warmer & we can keep an eye on our friends.
While we are talking, I pack the remainder of our supplies on to the sled so it is ready to go as soon as they are. It will be good to rest in the new cave.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 5-6, Yay!

C1anddsaddict wants to have a farewell feast for the grendels, I wasn't really in shape to do much foraging & hunting, but we do find some tasty things to eat on the way to the new cave. I even manage to catch a bird on the way there, it will be tasty either in a stew or roasted over the fire. Plus we still have the supplies I had collected before & the emergency supply box that we haven't opened yet. After a short nap, I might be able to go out & collect some more food if needed.

After we make it back to the cave, & get everything moved up to the upper level of the cave, we open the emergency supply box & start to dig through it. I start listing off some of the things I find inside. "Biscuits, cheese, apples, lemons, carrots, some other types of food that I don't recognize, oh look, there's even a few boxes of tea inside." Just as I mention the tea, we hear a soft voice ask, "Tea?"

Yay! Apparently moving to the new cave was exactly what was needed, both Fly & Laura are awake again! It's kind of funny how she woke up right after we found the tea in the emergency supply box. I take Laura's tea pot & get a fire going so she can have some of that tea she asked for.

We go over to our friends & as we check them over, we take turns telling them about what has been happening since they passed out. That's a lot of things to cover & it takes a while to tell it all. The strange happenings in the old cave, the move to this cave, the polar bear I had to lure away to protect them, the grendels & Kankan. We tell them it all.

Fly is apparently still not feeling all the way better, but at least he is awake again & feeling somewhat better. I make sure that there are plenty of ice flowers near by so he can grab them as he needs to. Laura had a strange dream while she was unconscious, & because of that off dream, she plans to go with the grendels to explore the caves some more. I hope they can come back at nights to stay with us in the new cave, some of the time at least.

I think after a short nap, I will go out & grab some extra food & ice flowers to make sure Fly has plenty of those. Our friends waking back up is definitely something to celebrate.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 3, day 6 - preparations for the feast...

After a quick nap, I leave the cave, taking the sled with me, to grab extra food & supplies for the feast. I visit all the places that I had found food at previously & harvest some of what is left. I fly past the stream with the cattails & snatch some more of those, I find the carrot, potato, berry & mushroom patches again & collect some more of them as well, & I visit the ocean, to catch some shrimp, clams & fish.

It's not hard to find plenty of different types of kelp & seaweed, & I take a quick swim past the ember reef & manage to harvest a few of the plants that look like they have tasty looking roots.

I even make a quick run to the space ship ruins to harvest some of those iceflowers for Fly. Hmmm, I think I'll grab some of the seeds as well, they should make an interesting contrast to those hot ember roots.
While I am harvesting the iceflowers, I find what look to be a set of short distance teleporters. They look like they might be broken, but if I can get them fixed up, it will make it easier for the others to go between the different levels of the cave when I'm not around. Hmmm, maybe I can even set one up to connect with the other cave to make it easier for the micro grendels to visit us, or for c1anddsaddict to visit them. I look around the ruins for a bit longer & find the parts & tools I will need to fix the teleporters if they are broken. Not to mention that those parts will also help me fix my own personal teleporter as well. I will need to get that fixed up before the borg norns find me again.

I can't help but hum softly to myself as I fly back to the cave, things are looking up, our friends are awake & recovering, we have a warm & beautiful safe shelter, plenty of food & drink, & I even have the stuff I will need to repair a few of my broken cyborg parts. I am really looking forward to tonight's feast, & the solid rest I will be able to get afterwards. Ah, one always sleeps so much better knowing that their friends are safe & getting better.

This will be a most wonderful night & feast indeed.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm
  1/18/2013  1

Week 3, day 7 - Opps & uh oh....

Ah.... that feast was very tasty, there was a wide enough variety of foods that I think everyone was able to find something that they liked. The iceflower seeds & ember roots were a very interesting experience, one so cold it's almost painful, the other so hot it's almost painful, but both so tasty. When you eat both at the same time, your body can't make up it's mind about what temperature it's feeling. The fruit from those strange dark purple plants growing on the ceiling of the cave were weird as well, very tasty but they sure have a sneaky surprise the first time you bite into one. When you bite into one of those fruits, it pops like a balloon! It made me jump & squeak in surprise when that happened. There is still plenty of food left over, so we won't have to worry about hunting for a while. It will be nice to have a chance to rest up & let my wounds heal a bit more before I have to go hunting again, although I probably will get too restless to stay resting for long.

While the others napped after eating all that food,(I couldn't help but chuckle a little when I saw Laura cuddling the boxes of tea like a plushie.) I pull over the teleporters to start testing them. Of the four teleporters I scavenged from the ruins, three seem to be working fine, so I get two of them set up between the different levels of the cave. The fourth however seems to have something loose inside it, so I pull it apart & start examining it. I try to hook my own teleporter into it so I can use my diagnostics system to figure out exactly what I will need to fix. As I am picking out the tools I will need I notice that the broken teleporter's address databank is empty. The moment the connection to my teleport is complete, the other teleporter starts copying the address data from mine, I didn't expect it to do that... Well, at least I've already deleted the addresses I had from the borg database, the only ones still in my database are those that I know lead to safe places like the lab of the one who rescued me from the borg norns. I'll probably have to erase those addresses later though.

I try to work as quietly as I can so that I don't disturb anyone's sleep. Pretty soon I have the teleporter's parts sprawled all around me as I tighten & fix the various parts, I probably look like some type of mad scientist ettin sitting in the middle of this pile of parts. It's only when I start putting stuff back into the teleporter that I start having problems. My claws are so large that it's hard to put some of the smaller pieces into tight areas. I end up bumping & altering the settings on a few pieces by accident as I get those smaller parts into place. I'll fix those settings later after I get all the small parts put in, otherwise my claws will just knock them out of place again when I put the next piece in. There, almost all the small parts in finally, just this last one to put in.

As I am putting the final piece into place, it's slips out of my claws & falls into the teleporter, bouncing around & hitting something that causes a huge flash of light that blinds me for almost a minute. Owww... when my eyes finally clear & I can see normally, I breathe a sigh of relief that I am still in the cave. I guess the teleporter didn't g.... Uh oh... I guess that last piece did trigger the teleporter, Laura & Fly are both missing from the cave now.....


I don't know how I am going to explain this to c1anddsaddict....

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4, day 1 - Aftermath....

I cringe as c1anddsaddict yells at me when she finds out what happened, but I can't blame her for it at all. After all, I just lost half of our group, I feel horrible about it. I can't even speak up when she yells about them possibly have been teleported into a piranha pit. I know that's not true, I know our friends aren't doomed, but I don't even have a chance to say anything before she storms out of the cave, taking her stuff & some of the food with her. I honestly would've felt better if she had taken all the food with her. I can always hunt down or gather more fairly easily.

Well, crying & worrying can't fix anything, so I go back to the broken teleporter & try to get it fixed so that we can get Laura & Fly back. Tears blur my vision occasionally as I work & it takes me a bit to clear them, after all, claws & scales don't work the best for wiping tears away. It takes me a while to dig out the small piece that had fallen & caused our friends to disappear. I almost have to take the entire thing apart before I can reach that piece only to find out that it broke as it rattled around inside the teleporter. Well, that's going to make things much harder....

I dig through the spare parts I had brought back from the ruins, but I can't find another one of those pieces. I'm not sure what I am going to do now, even if I get the rest of the teleporter fixed up, that piece is still required for it to work properly. I'm not sure that I would be able to trigger the teleporter in a controlled way without it. For now I had better just put it away someplace out of reach. Carefully I fly it up to the very dark third level of the cave. I didn't set up a teleporter to this level yet, so for now it should be safely out of reach of anyone without wings. The darkness up here should also help hide it even better.

What should I do now? As mad as c1anddsaddict was, I'm not sure if she will ever want to see me again. But she has no shelter, maybe I should leave the cave, so she can keep it. I can always find another place to stay, maybe it's just time for me to move on again. I never really was good at dealing with other norns....

After a few more minutes of silent thought, I fly from the cave & up into the darkness of the clouds.I need to take a short flight, I need to think for a bit. It's quiet up here in the clouds.

* * * * *
A few hours later

When I return to the cave after my flight, I find a recorded message from c1anddsaddict. Oh no.... I bolt from the cave after hearing the message, flying as fast as my wings will carry me. The cold wind stinging my half healed wounds. I got to find her, but I don't even know which way she went....

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4, day 2 -

As I fly across the island, looking for c1anddsaddict, the message she left me plays through my head, & I can't help but silently reply to it.

Mea. I am so sorry I snapped at you. I wish I could make up with you properly, but there's no time. You'd convince me to stay, and that can't happen. Not if I want to realize my dream; what brought me to this island in the first place.
I would have forgave you the instant you asked, I have too few friends to risk loosing them to arguments & anger. If you had wanted to leave, I wouldn't have stopped you, I know better than to force you to stay someplace you don't want to. That's all the borg did to me, force me to do things I didn't want to, there is no way I could do that to someone else.

Our presence here is part of a game. I know that. My hand let me know well in advance. Six weeks. That's all I had, from the very beginning, at maximum. And that's if I don't get voted out. The hands and shee who view this game through our journals; they vote for whom they want to leave the island. ..... Heck, you probably deserve to win this game.
A game? I didn't come here because I wanted to win a game. I don't care at all about winning a game. I already got what I came to this island for. I came here because I wanted to explore new areas & find new critters & plants. I already found more than I came here for, I found friends as well, I don't want to loose another one.

Mea, it was wonderful to meet you and be your friend. I wish we didn't have to part like this, not even in person. But I'm just your useless, awkward sidekick.
I don't want our friendship to end like this either. Even if we decide to go our separate ways, I don't want to leave things the way they currently are. You are not a useless sidekick, if it wasn't for you, I probably would have gotten extremely sick from exploring the ruins. You have the commonsense I often lack. I never would have thought of the dangers of radiation if you hadn't mentioned it.

Goodbye, Mea. I hope we can meet again someday.
We will meet again if I have anything to say about it. I can't leave things this way....

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4, day 2 - resolution part 1....

My nerves are almost raw from worry by the time I finally see c1anddsaddict walking through the snow. I dive toward her, but when I open my wings to slow myself down, I realize that I am too low, & going too fast... opps. Boom! I crash into the snow hard, snow flying & swirling around me as I crawl out of the hole I made. My wings flare slightly as I shake the snow off of myself right before I launch myself at c1anddsaddict pulling her into a tight hug, tears in my eyes.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4, day 2 - resolution part 2

As I hug c1anddsaddict, I start babbling, trying to say so many things at the same time that they all get mangled together into one big mess. I have to stop talking for a few minutes to get my tongue untangled to try say anything clearly. While I am silent, c1anddsaddict apologizes, I push myself away from her & blush hard as I finally manage to avoid mangling what I try to say.
"Fear & worry make people do stupid things that they regret later, I already forgave you for yelling at me. I'm too shy to make many friends, I don't want to loose any of them to something stupid like that. I know Fly & Laura are in a safe place, the teleporter used one of the addresses in my database when it malfunctioned & transported them away. The only addresses in my database are ones that I know are completely safe. So Fly & Laura are fine & safe, probably safer than we are on this island with those polar bears running around. I may not know where they are, but I know they are safe."
"Don't ever think of yourself as a sidekick, especially not a useless one. I often do things without thinking of the danger, you've kept me from doing that a few times. You have the commonsense that I normally lack. See, you're not useless!"

All the things that I want to stay start getting tangled in my mind again, so I go silent as I try straightening them out again. While my mind tries to untangle itself, c1anddsaddict starts telling me of her plans. Finding a forest & shelter? Sounds good to me, I could even fly back to the cave to get the rest of our supplies if need be. Maybe I can help her search for that machine by scouting ahead, even though I'm not exactly sure what I would be looking for.... Scouting is something I am very familiar with from when I was still part of the borg hivemind.

A movement catches my attention, it's a grendel walking this way. My usual shyness ends up fighting with my urge to go into protective mode, it's the first time I've seen a grendel that looks like that. Friend or foe?

Oh... c1anddsaddict knows him, okay, I calm down a little but I still continue blushing from my shyness as I listen to them talk. I blush even harder when c1anddsaddict reaches the part of the story where I accidentally caused Laura & Fly to be teleported away. She looks so miserable that I can't help but try to comfort her, even though scales & claws are generally not that comforting.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Oooo, a story? The grendel wants to tell a story? Sure, I'm willing to listen. Stories are fun to listen to.... Usually....
Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4, day 3 - avalanche?

Just as I got back from collecting some firewood to keep us warm as Mahk-Mako tells the story, we hear a loud rumbling noise. Uh oh.... Aww shucks... Our cave just got buried. At least the micro grendels had already left the cave before I went searching for c1anddsaddict. So they should be okay... as long as they hadn't returned to the cave for anything.

Kinda annoying about our supplies being locked away like that, too bad I didn't have time to set up the 3rd & 4th teleporters the way I had wanted to. I was going to set them up between the old cave & new cave so c1anddsaddict could visit the micro grendel whenever she wanted to. At least hunting for more supplies is something I am use to.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4, day 3 - time to find a new camp....

I make a quick scouting trip to find a place for a quick campsite, after all we will be more comfortable figuring out what to do about the problems caused by avalanche & listening to Mahk-Mako's story if we are in a proper camp. Once we find a sheltered spot, I get the campfire set up & popping a few wires loose from my cyber parts, I use the sparks from the wires to get the fire started before slipping the wires back into place. Oww, it hurts a bit doing that to start a fire.

I notice some birds flying around not far from us, confused by the destruction caused by the avalanche. Hmmm.... dinner time? I dart into the air to catch a few to roast over the fire. I bat a third one out of the air with my tail, knocking it into the snow near c1anddsaddict & Mahk-Mako. I land moments later with two other dead birds in my claws. Hmmm... looks like the bird I smacked with my tail is only stunned, it's not even injured. I'd better finish it off, unless someone wants to make a pet of it.....

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 -

The bird I had tail smacked recovered pretty quickly & flew away to safety, oh well, looks like we will be splitting 2 birds among the three of us. I quickly clean the birds & set them to roast over the fire as we listen to Mahk-Mako's story.

Wow... Mahk Mako describes so many strange areas, it's making my curiosity rise horribly. It makes me want to go see those areas, but I doubt I ever will see them. When he describes being exported, a cold shiver runs up my spine. I think... I may have experienced that before, what he describes sounds so familiar, but I can't remember for sure, so much of my past is a forgotten blur. I definitely understand & agree when he describes how wonderful it was to be able to roam & travel where you please without a hand or anyone else controlling you.

I glance over at c1anddsaddict when I check to see if the birds are done roasting. I can see the eager gleam in her eyes, but I can also see the doubts & concerns cross her face as well. I may not know exactly what she is thinking, but I can see she is thinking hard about it.

Not long after we eat the roasted sea birds, we fall asleep & I end up dreaming about the cave we lost to the avalanche. Sigh... so many plants I couldn't collect seeds from, & I know there were critters in there that I didn't have a chance to examine. What type of lifeform was responsible for the glowing lights in the spring & pond? We won't be able to dig through all that snow to get back into the cave anytime soon, but maybe I will be able to come back after the snow melts in the spring & enter the cave again.

I wake up a bit earlier than the others do, so I take a quick flight to gather more firewood & some more food so they can wake up to a warm fire & a hot meal. I wonder what supplies we will need for what c1anddsaddict has planned?

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 - Storms, winds & waves...

I was focusing on checking to make sure the food didn't burn when c1anddsaddict woke up & pointed out the storm surge. Wow... those waves are huge, they look like they would be so much fun to play in! Ummm, yeah, I guess my sense of danger is rather skewed. While c1anddsaddict goes & packs up the supplies she still had from the cave, I put out the fire & start moving the extra firewood out of the cave to a safe place nearby.
Wheeee!!!! That wind is almost tossing me into the snowbanks again, I can't help but laugh in delight as I feel that wind. It's going to be such a fun challenge flying today. I barely manage to get the firewood & food out of the cave without crashing, & I help Mahk Mako & c1anddsaddict take her stuff out of the cave as well. Soon we are all safely out of the cave & I sit there, watching the waves for a little bit while we eat the food before it gets too cold. So beautiful, I want to play in those dangerous waves, maybe not the ones close to shore, that's a bit too dangerous, but those ones further out to sea would probably be a bit safer to play in.

Sigh... I don't think they will let me go playing or foraging in those seas though. I guess I will be foraging & hunting on the island itself today. Hmmm, maybe searching along the edges of the avalanche will be interesting. Who knows what possible supplies might have been knocked loose & carried there by the avalanche? I ask their opinion of the idea. I know c1anddsaddict will want to get traveling pretty quickly here, so I make sure we figure out a place or an area to meet up later. While they travel, I will forage & hunt up some extra supplies & meet them there later for the next part of the journey.

After a moment or two to make sure I didn't forget anything I take off into that crazy wind letting it carry me away. Wheeee!!!!

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 - what's under that snow?

With this wind carrying me, it doesn't take me long to reach the edges of the avalanche area & I start scouting along, looking for anything interesting or useful. Over the next several hours I see plenty of broken trees & branches for firewood, plenty of broken & ripped up plants that look like they might be edible, even a few frozen & dead critters that look like they could be turned into a meal or two. There is definitely too much for me to carry, so I just take small amounts of the more interesting or useful looking things, I don't want to be weighted down too early in my scouting.

As the wind carries me along, I notice something moving in the snow. It's really pale, so I can't tell what it is from up here, looks like I am going to have to land. Oh look, it's a tail, a long fluffy white & pale blue tail & it's still moving & thrashing, looks like it's still alive! Something about it looks familiar, so I start digging it out & soon have it uncovered.

Awww, it's that strange fox critter I saw earlier a few weeks ago, so cute. As soon as I have it free of the snow, it wiggles free of my grasp & ignoring me, it starts digging almost desperately. I watch it for a few moments longer, & when it continues to ignore me, I start helping it dig. Claws can make great shovels sometimes. It's not long before I find out why it was digging so desperately into the snow. We uncover it's den & the adorable little fox kits inside. As soon the hole is big enough, the fox kits swarm out of the den, snuggling up with their... I guess mom?... tiny adorably little noises coming from them.

I only get to watch them for a few more moments before the mom leads them away, the little kits bouncing along behind her. One of the kits turns & seems to look at me, giving a tiny little yap before following after it's mom. Aww, almost looked like it was saying thank you. Yup, those little baby kits are way too cute for their own good.

I'm just about to take back to the air when I notice another nearby pile of snow moving slightly. The movement stops pretty quickly, but I'm curious so I go over there to take a closer look. Cautiously I approach the pile of snow, I see it twitch occasionally, my eyes growing wider each time it does, my curiosity growing stronger with each movement as well. When I get over there, my cyber eye seems to pick up something under the snow, but there is too much interference, so I start digging. I got to know what it is....

Soon I uncover something bright orange & yellow, is that a tail? Looks like a creature tail. I start digging faster, working to uncover her completely. Awww, poor little flame colored norn, I wonder how long she had been trapped under that snow, she's shivering so hard. I look around & quickly find a slightly sheltered spot that I take her too, carrying her if she seems to have trouble walking.

Quickly I build a fire from the wood I had gathered during my scouting. Ouch, pulling the wires to start the fire hurts each time I do that, but the sparks always seem to work great for getting the fire started. Soon the fire is burning nice & strong, letting me relax & turn my attention to things other than the task at hand. Go figure, when I'm not focused on a important task, my shyness kicks back in & I dart behind the nearest snowdrift, peeking out from behind it to look at the flame colored norn.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 -

Still hiding behind the snowdrift, I watch the poor little norn shiver next to the fire, almost falling asleep. Hmmm, I'd better go get more firewood. I take off into the air & go gather more of the shattered branches from the edges of the avalanche. When I've gathered as much firewood as I can carry, I return, landing behind the norn. Setting the firewood down, I take off again, bringing back several more loads of firewood & the occasional bit of food, before I land next to the fire with the last load of the firewood. I start feeding the fire & get some of the food cooking next to the fire. I glance at the other norn, blushing hard as my shyness kicks back in.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 -

I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that the norn has fallen asleep, my blush fades slightly as I relax. I set things up so that she will wake up to a nice warm fire & a warm meal. I can't stay here much longer, I have to get going so I can meet up with c1anddsaddict & Mahk Mako at the agreed meeting place. At least the wind has calmed so it will be easier flying than it was earlier. I make one last check of the camp before taking off. I will return later to check on her again, to make sure she is okay, but for I have to get moving so the others don't worry about me. As I fly toward the meeting place, I make sure to gather plenty of food, firewood & other supplies that look like they might be useful. I will have to be careful to not to overburden myself too early in the flight, don't want to be exhausted by the time I reach the meeting place.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 -

I arrive a bit earlier at the meeting place than the others, so I have time to set up a fire & start cooking some of the food I found. By the time they reach the meeting place, the food is nice & hot, ready to eat as soon as they get there. I wonder what the others will think when I tell them about the norn I found buried in the avalanche. I'll have to go check on her after we figure out the next step of our journey & decide where we next want to meet.

Chaotic Spriter


 visit mea's website: Caos of the Creatures Realm

Week 4 -

Well, c1anddsaddict & Mahk Mako didn't have any luck with their search for the warp device. Do you want me to scout the space ship remains again? See if it is safe to go there again? I wonder if it got buried in the avalanche? So where shall we head now? Where shall we meet this next time? Or do you want me to stay closer instead of scouting & hunting farther away? Hmmm, I'd better go check on the magma norn, did you want me to leave a trail for you to follow so that you can meet her if you want to? As soon as c1anddsaddict & Mahk Mako answer my questions, I take off to check on the magma norn again.
I gather more firewood & food along the way, just to make sure she has enough, just in case. When I am almost there, I see that fox & her kits that I had helped rescue, or at least I am guessing it's her & them. They are still way too cute. I circle the magma norn's camp a few times, relieved to see that the fire is still burning & as I move in closer to land, it looks like she is sleeping. I try to land as quietly as I can, so as not to disturb her rest, it doesn't look like she slept well at all. As I am setting the wood & food down, I notice her eyelids fluttering slightly. I freeze in place, my eyes growing huge as I very slowly try to back away from the camp. I'm not sure if I will be able to sneak away without her seeing me this time.....

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