Development Forum |

1/31/2010 | |
It depends. Are you her buddy? If so then it would be better for you to PM her 
As for the fanfic, not so sure at this moment in time. Obviously there will be plants involved...
Idea!!!: How about a human transports to albia and discovers Norns in a beautiful jungle! These norms have not only evolved to adapt to their environent but turned into it!!! Kinda? Well that's a basic idea ^~^
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

1/31/2010 | |
Well, I added her to my buddy list because I like her (and I only just figured out how to use the buddy list today XD)
but I can't say I am really well acquainted with her. ^///^; I don't mind asking though. I'm sure she will not eat me.
Yes, how about Rhododendron bushes? They can be found in a botanical gardens or even better...a secret garden!
Ah, your idea sounds good too. It looks like we can work on the fanfic together?
Edit: Okay, I PMed Ghosthande. So the next time she's on, we may have a reply. ^_^
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

1/31/2010 | |
Yes that's a good idea, the fanfic! ^~^ < that can be my signature thing! 
Maybe we can make a special plant that comes with the norn! When eaten it gives the Norns "blessing" what do you think? I've never made an object before.
Well you can contact Ghosthande then 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

1/31/2010 | |
That smiley face thingy makes me smile. I'm a sucker for cute things. Lol.
Okay, let's make the plants to go with them. Like, a herb perhaps, that they eat the leaves off, or a type of fruit. Or maybe a little jar of medicine to sip. But things from nature sound nicer.
Ehe, I already have! ^///^
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

1/31/2010 | |
Great! And natural things do seem nicer, maybe a rhodendron..... Sorry can't spell and can't copy and paste on iPod 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

1/31/2010 | |
Lol, I keep forgetting you're on an iPod.
It's okay. Everyone makes typos every once in a while.
Hmm, if we make them eat the leaves of the tree they are named after it seems kind of like cannibalism to me. XD Since they are so much like flowers themselves.
It's not a bad idea though.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

1/31/2010 | |
LOL maybe your right. If it is distubing then we could always call it the "plant if blessing" or something along this lines! 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/1/2010 | |
Well, we could make them a plant that looks very similar to a Rhododendron bush but draw the flowers and leaves a little differently.
It's really not that disturbing. It's kind of odd and amusing.
Oh, and I posted a bit of concept art in the Fan Art section of the gallery. =^.^=
I only drew the female so far but the males would look very similar, perhaps with little horns so we can tell them apart from the females.
Edit: Do you think we should add more flowers? Such as on the head next to the ear? Or just keep it simple?
When we make them, do you think it would be good to have a pair of each colour? Such as a pink male and pink female, a green male and female, purple etc. (Edit2: the flowers also come in yellow and white).
Or should we make the males green and blue and females the pinks and purples?
Also, do you think the water drops on their fur are a good addition? I thought they make them look a bit more sparkly and like petals.
ALSO: (Lol sorry to bombard you here) should we make it so that the colouring of the Norns won't change and will stay the light pastel colours we first made? Because I know that when you breed Norns who are coloured, there tends to be a lot of changing around from the main colouring. And having these Norns become hot pink or black doesn't seem to suit them well.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

2/1/2010 | |
The fanart is awsome! You really have talent 
Yes I think the males would be nice with small horns! And maybe we should give males more... Masculine colours? I hope I dont sound sexist The females would he good in pink.
I think your current design is good and adding more might ruin it. You know those drawings with way too many patterns? But if you feel more would be nicer then you can try it
The water droplets are a nice touch! It really brings their coats out!
And I agree with making their colours not able to change! This is easy with pigmentation genes!
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/2/2010 | |
Thank you for saying so. ^.^ That's very kind.
I enjoyed drawing her but I realised half way through that I once again started drawing in a weird spot and didn't leave enough room for her legs properly. XD (Same with my other drawings. With the Feather Ettins it was the wings being cut off, the Silk Grendel, it was the tail and the Honey Bengals, it was their legs! XP).
No, no problem at all!
I'm fine with making them more masculine colours. Especially since we are going to need a way to distinguish them from the females. If the horns are really small then that may not be enough to tell the difference, So colour coding might be the way to go. 
Females: Pink, purple, white, dew drops, flower on tail, flower near ears(?)
Males: Horns, blue, green, yellow, dew drops, flower on tail, leaves(?)
How does that sound?
I put question marks near the features we aren't sure about yet. We probably are best to go for simplicity. It could make drawing the sprites easier too.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

2/2/2010 | |
When you say flower/leaves do you mean as a pattern on the coats or as an actualy flower/leaf on the norn? Either way it seems good! If it is too difficult to implement then we can always change our minds! 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/2/2010 | |
I mean actual flowers and leaves growing out of the Norn.
But for the males, I suggested leaves since it would help tell them apart from females better.
As for where to put the leaves, I don't know yet. Just two leaves somewhere where they'd look nice, such as maybe on the elbows!
And the females, I was thinking of a little flower that grows next to the ear but I'm not sure if that will look nice or be too much.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Prodigal Sock

2/3/2010 | |
If you want it to be subtle maybe you could just go partway, like putting just a few petals at the base (or tip) of each ear?

2/3/2010 | |
Ooo! Seems good! What do you think springrain? 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/3/2010 | |
Mm, I think that sounds nice. ^_^ How about we put a tiny leaf on the ear tips or base of the male's ears and then a very small blossom at the base of the female's ear, like the size of a minature tea rose?
Edit: Also, with that, I think we are ready to begin on the sprites now. So, how do we start those? :3
Edit2: Also, in our poll, it looks like 'GlassPetal Norns' and 'Fragment Rhodeiras' are currently tied with 3 votes each.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

2/4/2010 | |
Well we get an application like the BoBCob sprite editor which is available on ambercreatures. We then make individual files for the creatures arms, legs, head etc. If you want to get a better idea of what is required then get the sprited editor and open a sprite file from your creatures directory. We basically use a program like paint or photoshop etc to draw body parts then we copy these into the sprite file 
We should pick a day and time where we look at the poll and take the one with the highest votes!
And I like your ideas above ^~^
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/6/2010 | |
Oh okay. I think I have that one. Maybe. I know I downloaded a sprite editor for the Charles the Cheese tutorial and still have it saved on my external hard drive.
By 'individual files', do you mean a drawing of a body part which is then saved somewhere and named something? Sorry, I will probably have a lot of questions as I really am quite clueless on how to do all this yet.
Okay, well I am free on Sunday I think. But on Monday I am definitely free. I don't know what time zone you will be in but we can try and both be on then?
Glasspetals and Fragment Rhodeiras both have 4 votes so it's definitely out of those two.
Ehehe, thank you. I drew some tiny flower buds on the baby purple female in the fan art gallery to see how they look and it's rather charming in my opinion. ^_^ When fully opened they would only be small and look like a hair decoration I suppose.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

2/6/2010 | |
Well I explained sprites in a PM so you get that 
As with time zones, Im looking at a daylight map and it seems that it just gets dark in Australia when it gets light in the UK. In the UK it gets light at about 8 o'clock. What time does it get dark in Australia? And is this time ok? I have to get up at 7 on monday to go to school and I guess that it would be sunday in Australia at this time? So if your free on sunday evening then thats fine 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/6/2010 | |
Hmm, over here it gets dark around six thirty or seven thirty PM. I'm doing some stuff with my family today but I'll try and get on when I get home again.
And of course, I am also online now. XD
Edit: Okay, now I am trying to make their sprites. I know I can draw them and so far I can open them to look at in BobCob and apparently can put them into GIMP and use that to draw them. If I change the last number in a sprite file to 9, then that is the breed slot they're using and if I go into the genetics kit and also change them to 9...something happens... ?? Not sure on that part. But...It will work out. Lol.
Okay, I've figured out a few things and been playing around in GIMP and this is what I have so far:

But I am not that satisfied with it. Is there a way I can make it look nicer or better? How do you draw your images for Creatures? Do you start from scratch or are there little tips, hints and tricks I can use to make my work look nicer?
Also, I want to make the baby sprites smaller than the normal sized baby there a way I can shrink it or do that somehow?
^_^; Lots of questions! Ah ha ha!
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

2/16/2010 | |
Is this for C1?
It doesn't matter cause its perfect! It looks so nice and... fragile!
Maybe the eyes could be altered Im not so sure about that but the rest... perfect 
Also this head does seem smaller than an average norn head? so if it is then size seems ok as well 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |
 Prodigal Sock

2/16/2010 | |
That's really cute!

2/17/2010 | |
Thanks! ^///^
Yes, it is for C1. And it's drawn over the original baby head sprite (using...layers? I have to learn more about those *clueless*).
I don't know of a way to make it smaller though, but I'd like to somehow...
I need to do some finishing touches such as adding dew drops and touching up the eyes before I decide whether to make the whole set of sprites the same as this one.

What do you think? Is there anything I need to change/add/edit?
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

2/21/2010 | |
Are these heads:
I think the last one is senile, right? You made a great job on them all 
Do you think that we should alter pigmentation later so as they grow up they get brighter and when they get older they get duller? 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

2/22/2010 | |
Edit: yes, that is correct.
Okay I can try and make the child and other one lighter pinks and the older one different again. It's weird because some pinks and other colours automatically become the same as another pink/colour. I think the colour palette for the Norns is limited.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Patient Pirate
2/22/2010 | |
The C1 color palette is limited to 256 colors. |

2/22/2010 | |
Hmm, I hope that won't have a major effect on the sprites 
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |

3/21/2010 | |
I'm sorry these are taking me so long! But I am working on them, I really am.
It just might take me a while longer than I thought it would...
Ehehe. >///>
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Lollipop Lord

3/30/2010 | |
Slightly Off-Topic:
I once made a genetic breed I named "The
Blood Norns" which were very similar to Fragile Norns, except they experienced pain all the time. I believe they were similar to Fragile Norns in some aspects. |

4/6/2010 | |
wow, poor norns! are they available for download?
Don't be worried about who is right, Just follow you heart... |
 Lollipop Lord

4/8/2010 | |
Sadly no. I only made them as an experiment. |

4/11/2010 | |
I love your sprites SpringRain! They're so cute! |

7/6/2010 | |
Thanks Epaeris. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your comment. I got busy with so many other things, I haven't logged on here for ages. *smacks herself*
Anyway yes - I'm still working on them! I haven't forgotten, I swear. It's just taking me longer than I thought so I'm having attack of the guilts. Lol. >.> XD
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

7/15/2010 | |
Don't feel guilty about it taking a while. I started a norn breed spriting project but never had the time to do work on it so it kind of went belly up. I applaud that you are still working on this project, and I can't wait to see the finished product! The little flower is such a sweet touch!
"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso


7/19/2012 | |
Hey everyone, when the old laptop (it was my mum's) that I was using to do these sprites crashed, I lost all of my work, so this project got put on the sidelines while I was away.
I do want to start this up again and give it another shot, I'd love to begin anew and get all the sprites done properly. And I'll be sure to save a back up this time.
^_^ Of course they won't be ready for this year's CSF but maybe for next year's one I'll have them all done.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |

7/19/2012 | |
"2-Two new chemicals, one for an emergency cure (blessing), and another one which changes depending on loving events like tickles, talking, etc (love). The latter chemical is like a lifeline and is best not to go down too low. If it gets very high the creature will ignore the hand for a while and move on to other things. If too low the creature will murmur the hands name."
That 'love' chemical sounds like it might work best as a new drive. Add a neuron to the drive lobe, hook it up to a receptor, and (for C1 or C2) assign two other chemicals to be the drive increase and decrease.
If you want, I can do the gengineering (or some of it). I made Curiosity norns for DS that have a new drive (I split boredom into two drives - boredom and curiosity). I'm not much of a nurturing type, so I won't be much into playing with these guys, but helping make them sounds fun.
By the way, I don't care if anyone steals my ideas for their own work, as long as you don't try to stop me from making my own stuff. Many ideas I mention are things I don't have the time or skill to actually do. |