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C2 Wolfling Runs with TheDrunkenNorn! 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ... | 15 | 16 | |
6/27/2016 | 5 |
Hello! I'm new to the CreaturesCaves, and Creatures 2 in general.
I found interest in Wolfling runs and nothing else as soon as I raised a Norn family and watched them hobble around stupidly, dying of starvation despite there being food everywhere.
Now, for those of you that don't know, a Wolfling Run is a run where you hatch your Norns and let them roam free without ANY training or intervention (Unless, of course, something silly happens like a Norn clipping through the floor or whatnot. The point is you are supposed to not intervene in most cases, such as when a Norn dies of starvation). You can find more out about Wolfling Runs here, but the purpose of Wolfling Runs is usually to:
a. Have fun watching a Norn society grow from nothing.
b. Breed out the weak, as it is hard for Norns to survive without the intervention of the hand. Several generations old Norn Wolflingers are quite sought after for their survivability.
This is not always the case, but these are the reasons I do Wolfling runs: for fun, and to evolve Norns.
For the most part, this is fine, Creatures 1 and Creatures 3 are compatible with this playstyle. However, Creatures 2 is at the crossroads between being more complicated than Creatures 1, but not being quite optimized to the new elements added to the Creatures 1 base. Essentially, the Norns you start the game with suck. As I stated before, they usually hobble around stupidly before dying of starvation without constant intervention by the hand. That's where CreaturesCaves comes in. There are a BUNCH of breeds and mods for Creatures 2 Norns, but the most widely known and accepted are the Akamai Canny Norns and the Nova Subterra Norns.
I've run Nova Subterra Norns before, and they did not learn any better (even when taught. I've run Novas in both controlled and Wolfling environments, they all died out at Gen2).
Currently, I'm stuck on Akamai Canny Norns. While they carry much of the idiocy that the base Norns do, they're much more intelligent and better at taking care of their needs.
I'm running my first successful wolfling run. Every Wolfling run I do can be considered "relaxed" (as per the wiki page here.), as I fill my world with COBS and helpful items before they start, and I airlift them out of the Hatchery into the world so that they do not get stuck there. Nonetheless, Wolfling runs are HARD on your Norns. The first I ran ended in a complete death of the entire family very early (Base Norns.). The second ended in a complete death of the entire family very early (Nova Subterra). The third ended in a complete death of the entire family fairly early (Akamai Canny). I am on my fourth Wolfling run, and this time it is actually going well. I had to increase the population limit because they breeded so well, and at this current moment I am 5 hours into an unknown number of generations resulting in 22 Norns being created naturally from the 8 Canny Babies imported in (9 Norns died, 21 are currently alive, 8 in beginning batch).
Of the Norns still alive from the beginning batch, however, there are only 2, which is disappointing as that means that they are dying young- none of the Norns have died of old age.
Of the Cobs I am running, I'm running a bunch that increase the amount of food in the region (from cheese dispensers to fruit baskets). I'm also running the Game State Changer (Because I hate searching for the power ups to scroll around), the fish that saves Norns from drowning, and the Flying Saucer to save Norns that clip through the swamp floor.
I am VERY unfamiliar with Creatures 2 and Wolfling runs, so any input that can be put in by the community would be an assured assistance. Thank you!
Extra note: A "Successful" Wolfling Run may be subjective. Almost all of the Norns have the sad "I'm miserable" face on all the time, and take care of their needs JUUUUST enough to stay alive. None of them ever seem comfortable.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/27/2016 | |
Akamai Cannys are good, but I always personally recommend JayD's variant, as these do the best job of all at eliminating Wall Bonking Syndrome. They're fantastic for wolfling runs, too, because they have a relatively shorter lifespan, and so generations will cycle more frequently.
Install these script fixes:
-Albian Updates 1.1
-Bee Update
-Death Update
-Drinking Update
-Fishing Rod Update
-Fungi Update
DO NOT install the Sleep Update, as there are problems with it.
Install these too:
-Pump Fix (moves water pumps further from the wall, to stop norns being punished for trying to drink from them)
-Underground Sweepers (creates patrolling worms under the ground that spit any fallen objects/toys back up into the playable area)
-Say Need No More (eliminates a potentially fatal behaviour cycle that unhappy norns can get stuck in)
I'd also recommend my own Traveller's HUB cob, honestly. They are fantastic at allowing freedom of movement around the world, but also making sure no norns get permanently segregated or wander off to die alone somewhere without breeding partners. As long as you have Rescue Posts dotted around the map, and one or two central HUB locations where norns can gather amongst food and friends, a wolfling population can sustain itself far more easily.
You can maybe tell, I've played a lot of C2 and made a lot of quality-of-life cobs for it. |
6/27/2016 | 1 |
♦ Reply to Feedback ♦
Thank you so much for the thorough response. I've downloaded SEVERAL of your uploads believe it or not. Thank you for the advice, I'll be following it.
Heheh...oops... I implemented the Sleep Update. If I make a new world, will the implement stay? None of the other COBs do, so I assume not.
I'm going to see (even with sleep update) if this Wolfling run can do okay (At this point, implementing too many help COBs makes this a Feral run, doesn't it?).
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/28/2016 | |
Hello, I am also new to Creatures 2 and experimenting with Wolfing runs.
In addition to GimmeCat has listed, I use these cobs:
Eat Meat (Allows Norns to eat bugs and critters)
Rainbow Bell Pepper Plant (Easier for Norns to eat, doesn't leave behind inedible leftovers)
Ocean Bridges v1.1 (Prevents Norns falling in water in the first place and provides a bit more walking space)
I've found that Maned Spotted Aardvark Norns take care of their needs fairly well; I've rarely had one die young unless it was due to a fatal mutation or illness. Though, they have a lifespan of ten hours and breed quite often so the eggs can pile up quickly.
My current population is pumping out about 95 eggs a day with a population limit of 16.
Though, they're also mixed with Scorpio Norns. Since Scorpios are fertile from childhood and breed quickly, I'd imagine that only contributed to the rate of eggs popping about.
6/28/2016 | |
♦ Reply to Feedback ♦
Thank you! I'll consider both of your suggestions.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/28/2016 | |
You can revert the Sleep Update by re-injecting Albia Updates 1.1, but then you'll also need to re-inject Say Need No More (if you're using that).
Glad to be of help! C2 is my passion of the series. |
6/28/2016 | |
Update: I've brought the lonely Ettin and Pitz the dog up to the main area (The toplevel zone with the bridges to the three islands). Hopefully they'll get along with the norns. I know it is a wolfling run but I've had almost no imput up until now, so that Ettin gets to be not lonely anymore.
Update Update: The ettin now actually has plenty to eat, but gets slapped around by the Norns. I feel bad for the guy. He gets praised about equally as much as slapped by the Norns.
Many Norns die, but they breed faster, and some of the Norns are growing old and are beginning to learn. The Norns eat the heck out of the Rainbow Peppers, thank you for that. I implemented every single COB except the Travelling hub, since Energy Gates work equally as well (I usually adventure with, say, a single strong Norn. I don't want all of them to be impossible to find). I also didn't install the new Norn type because imo they look really hideous. The bridge works AMAZINGLY. I'm really happy about how well it opens up the top level area. Considering they usually get stuck on the boats and die too, this has really opened up a lot of chance for Norn survival just on the basis of level design.
All in all, Akamai Canny norns are great. They're alot smarter than the garden variety, and they're much more able to take care of their needs.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/28/2016 | |
____________________________________________Update: Here is a map of my Wolfling world._____________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My Wolfling World <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
First, you may notice that I only inhabit the top level areas. That is because in Wolfling runs, it gets pretty easy for Norns to die by leaving the main group and dying before they breed. This makes sure that they have plenty of room to roam AND that they don't get too lost.
Secondly, you may notice the second colony. That is where a group of 4 Norns went off on their own (Wandering Akamai Cannies seem to either die of starvation when they get lost usually) and found the swamp/treehouse sanctuary where a TON of food grows, and where the Ettin lives. The group expanded into a total of 7 norns. It became a chore to watch the Norns in the main colony and the secondary colony (For egg hatching purposes, the Norns LOVE to kick around the egg and pick it up, rendering it unable to hatch. I ended up hatching them myself and airlifting them back to the second colony to meet their parents). Because it got so annoying checking back on Colony 2 and Colony 1, I airlifted all of the Norns from Colony 2 into 1, integrating them into that society. In the process, I brought the Ettin too, because he looked lonely and had spent the past 30 out of game minutes getting along with the Norns. The game generically named him "Er" (The mouseover bibble name), and he integrated himself easily, eating and surviving BETTER THAN THE NORNS. I also brought Pitz the dog. During the second colony's lifespan, I went ahead and barred off the Grendel lair, as I did not really want to wake up to a half Grendel population of Akami Canny Norns. Plus, the volcano hurts the Norns.
Once Colony 2 was integrated into Colony 1, not much change happened. The new Norns integrated themselves alright (Albeit one of them died of starvation with food literally everywhere). Colony 2 had a peculiar strain of only hatching babies of a particular look (The shaggy haired kind). When they integrated into Colony 1, they looked rather odd as that appearance had been bred out of Colony 1. I love this game.
_______________________________________________________Shaggy Haired Norn____________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This Guy<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
One particular thing I would like to mention is how I deliver Norn babies. I don't trust even the smartest Norn's pathfinding ability to escape from the Hatchery. When a baby is born, I airlift them via Flying Saucer COB to the bridge, where they are then abandoned by me to learn from their parents. I do not teach them language, yet they seem to learn from their parents. Several generations of Norns have lived and survived on the surface like this. Many die, but many survive. The Wolfling way.
ADHD version: OP delivered. Nornstories and eyecandy maps.
Roll Call:
25 Living Norns
1 Living Ettin
1 Living Grendel
31 Dead Norns
_______________________________________Extra Note: Want the clear version of that map? Here:_______________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clear Map <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Somber final note: The Norn in my avatar died of starvation. Poor, cute cute UnNamed...
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/28/2016 | |
Flood of update:
I got the "Live Birth" COB. Hopefully, this takes away my 'Airlift from Hatchery' woes, minimizing my need to affect the game world.
In other news, I'm importing 3 purple Akamai Canny norns to diversify the color in the colony. It's much too many "Earth tones", with 90% of the norns being some sort of Brown or Green. The Golden Norns have almost completely died out during this run, with only 3 partial golden norns remaining (Only Golden Heads). Extinction's a ***** I know.
Update Update: Norn Orgy! A whole clump of norns got together and started kisspopping. 3 pregnant norns in 1 sitting. Whoa.
Update Update Update: I'm really excited. One of the purple norns mated with one of the brown ones, and pregnancy is confirmed by the Observation Kit. Only problem is that the hatchery is closed. I'm not sure if the baby will be born in that case.
Update Update Update Update: Jimminy crickets, this is why they have control groups in experiments! Turns out the purple ones were educated like crazy, and they are now starting to teach these unsophisticated wolfling heathens language. An unfortunate side effect.
________________________________________________The Imported Purple Buggers___________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purple Guys <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Update Update Infinity: They gave birth! The mating of a Golden Norn and a Purple Norn resulted in this cute bugger:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Too cute <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Infinite Update Works- the Updating: I got a COB incubator that doesn't have a population limit so that I can get rid of the backlog of 3 eggs. By get rid of I mean make life. Wolfling runs have hardened this one.
Roll Call:
31 Living Norns
1 Living Ettin
1 Living Grendel
32 Dead Norns
One thing that crushes my heart is that I know why they're doing so well. No Norn in this has lived to old age- they breed like crazy, and die young to hunger. They also always look miserable, and hunger is the culprit. If there was a way to help their hunger problem, please tell me! They seem to always have food problems even though food has been provided.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/28/2016 | |
I love your enthusiasm! |
6/28/2016 | |
I left the Norns alone for about 5 hours. A reasonable enough time to see if there is any hope for this Wolfling run.
Roll Call:
9 Living Norns
1 Living Ettin (A different one, Er died apparently)
1 Living Grendel
86 Dead Norns (No I am not ****** kidding, apparently over 50 Norns died in my absence)
Interestingly, the Golden Norns outbred the rest. Most of my Norns are either shaggy haired or Golden. A funny side effect of the weird way Creatures 2 has the Creatures breed. There is only one purple Norn left, and he too is shaggy haired. All of the races I started with except the Green Norns are around (They live on in the arms of many of the Norns, but otherwise their head was completely bred out), just not as many as I'd hope for. I can imagine that certain ones will be bred out completely eventually. I'm importing some Frog Cannies and Green Cannies to hopefully fix this issue. I've never imported Frogs before, but I know they have something something pond. It Is A Mystery
I can almost guarantee that I know why most of the population died out:
Non-Akamai Canny Norns would not have come close to getting this far. With that said, it pains me that so many died out in the 5 hour break I took from... basically not doing anything. I swear they seem to do better when I WATCH. This is the first group that has survived a suspended break, and not a single Norn here is from the older generations. They've all been born since I was away.
Update: I could not import the Green and Frog Norns. The ability to is greyed out.
This starvation is a real problem, as I said in the last post. Is there anyone that knows a solution? ^-^
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/28/2016 | |
...Meat Vines.
I'm sorry that most of my advice pertains to grabbing my own cobs. xD
Seriously though, I used to have this problem too. I tried planting new fruits and placing various vendor machines, but they were unreliable solutions. Plants can die out, and Norns don't tend to "push machine" when all they want is to "eat food". Surprisingly, I couldn't find any simple food cobs that were permanent solutions for wolfling runs.
That's why I made the Meat Vine. They are are static, renewable food sources that don't produce detritus, and don't rely on seed/growth cycles, and thus are always available to provide food when (and where) needed. Just place them wherever you like. They give a healthy mix of nutrients- fat, protein, glucose and starch.
Another solution I came up with is Auto-Vendors, which periodically activates the seed launchers (carrots, potatos, etc) if food counts are low in the world. It's a less reliable solution, but fun to see the launchers occasionally deciding to spit out new seeds. If you use this, then I also recommend Invisible Launchers, because Norns are fascinated by this automated behaviour and will carry Launchers off to inhospitable places.
...Or you could just plant some strawberries. SORRY SORRY, I'LL STOP NOW. xD |
6/28/2016 | |
♦ Reply to Feedback ♦
I won't stop you. You're helping keep this Wolfling run alive. I'm adding meat vines. I've tried automated vendors and most other solutions (By the way, your water pipe fix is fantastic). Having the Norns give live birth has also immensely helped, as I can actually sleep during downtime in the run.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/29/2016 | |
Update: Disaster! Vol. 2
So... Creatures 2, you've finally cracked.
I started Creatures 2 after turning it off for a short while to find that it appcrashes immediately after starting now. This causes an immediate halt to my progress, as I literally cannot play the game.
My error screen when starting C2
So, I am running Creatures 2 on the "Albian Years" Good Old Games port, which included pretty much everything nifty about the game in a big comfy box.
I have the Windows 7 Professional 64-bit operating system, and my computer is a beast (I mean runs current-gen games no sweat). I've never had any lag or any problems up until now.
The only recent changes I've made is adding the "Meat Vine" COB. I'm going to delete it and see if that helps.
Update on the meat vine: The Meat Vine COB isn't the culprit. It still appcrashes with all components of that COB removed.
Wish me luck! If anyone knows anything about Appcrashes on Creatures 2, please let me know.
Situation Update: I made a new world, and tried Creatures 2 on that. Works fine. This means that the World module that I am currently running is at fault. Still, this is unacceptable. I must continue this Wolfling run. But, I found this incredibly relevant: New worlds created work fine. Also, I've put up a topic on the Help section of the forums addressing this issue.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/29/2016 | |
I've found this to be something fairly inevitable with C2. Eventually, the world becomes littered with so many orphaned scripts from unexpectedly deleted (read: eaten, dead) objects, and the game engine does not do a very good job at housecleaning. At some point, it collapses in on itself. It can also be caused by screwy mutations in norns, which is why worlds can sometimes be recoverable if you're able to load it for a few minutes and export the offending creatures.
As I've posted in the other thread, I can supply you with a list of currently-living creatures in the world for you to clone into a new environment. In the meantime, don't delete your world or save folders. |
6/30/2016 | |
__________________________________________Death and Norn Taxes___________________________________________________
So, recovering the Wolfling run was a no-go. This was an expensive lesson, but not one that I am angry over. Over 100 Norns perished in this Wolfling run. I'm like a Norn Hitler or something.
In all seriousness though, I am going to take precautions from now on to ensure that this does not happen again.
Saving: Creatures 2 does not come with a save feature, just an "Auto" Save feature. However, that does not stop one from backing up the Documents folder that saves the information. Every time 5 hours passes out of game, I will back up the game (Edit: Spoiler alert from months later in the series, I forget to do this only when it is important, and I remember to do this when it is completely unnecessary).
No more Fruit Basket: I'm about 100% sure now that the reason the game crashed was because I had a fruit basket, and would sometimes sprinkle in food with an autoclicker. I'm talking miliseconds of clicking time here, it made food FAST. This is a bad practice, and from now on as both a wolfling run ettiquite rule and a 'make sure the game doesn't crash' rule I'm going to use renewable food sources that are grown/generated by dispensers, because both generate food at a much slower pace.
Moving on, I'm going to try something new. Something... a little different.
_____________________________________________HELL ON ALBIA_____________________________________________________
I was playing a game of 'Brutal Doom' (A mod for the game DOOM that implements new elements such as updated gore and blood splatter as well as profanity and other horrors) when I got the inspiration for this: lets put the Norns in an inhospitable hellish place and see if they can survive.
This will be a two-part run, for many reasons.
THE WORLD: Vulkanausbruch
This is Vulkanausbruch, the most inhospitable world I could find on the Creature Caves, a world PERFECT for Norn survival.
So, the world is intended to have the Vulcana Norns to live there peacefully. But bibble that cibble! We're putting Akamai Canny Norns in there. A whole bunch of babies, no less. At least, that will be the first part.
THE SYNOPSIS: This run will have two parts, the first part being a Akamai Canny Norn run, the second part being a Vulcana Norn run. The Akamai Canny Norns will most likely die, but I am curious to see their survivability in horrid conditions. The first Akamai Canny Norn run will have double the normal amount of imported Norns, as they will have a difficult time surviving anyway. Once/if the Akamai Canny Norn population is hedged, I will implement the Vulcana Norns, who are built for this type of climate.
Wish me luck! The run is going to start immediately after I download the Metaroom and pump some unwary Akamai Canny babies into it!
Update: It's a toxic Albia. The world conversion was pretty well done (But it could have been done better, this will definitely not be my default world). The Meat Vines look right at home in this twisted hellscape.
NOTE: I'm not uploading a map for this one, as I'm basically inhabiting the same area as the last run, including the same placement of Electric Gates, etc.
Update: Maybe this "twisted hellscape" isn't so twisted. Unlike what was advertised, the Ecology Kit says that there is almost no radiation except for in the Volcano as per normal. However, the temperature for this world is... "Medium"... instead of... "Low"... so that's something I guess. The air pressure is also extremely high. I hope that I am not just stuck in a orange-tinted Albia for awhile. I'll just leave this on for 10 hours and see how it does...
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
Roll Call Update:
37 Living Norns
3 Dead Norns
20 Starting Norns (Generation 1)
Update: The Norns seem to be doing just fine. Some seem to be in pain a lot more than usual, but otherwise none have suffered detrimental effects.
I imported Akamai Canny frog norns, however contrary to the "they die if brought away from their natural pond" bit, they haven't even been the slightest bit phased by the arid weather. They do have this symbol on their "View Status" screen. I've never seen this symbol before, but I assume this means they are thirsty. Maybe a water fountain COB is in order? What do you think CreatureCaves?
On a side note: Normal Norn babies with frog arms are hilarious. Click this.
Mayhaps I misjudged how deadly this place is. The norns are thriving here better than they were on my first Wolfling run. Granted, I injected twice as many Norns this time, but usually half the population is dead by this point. I may abandon this Wolfling Run if it turns out to be too boring and "easy" for the Norns. Also this orange tint hurts my eyes staring at it for hours. Click this.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | 1 |
So, 10 hours have passed. Here are the stats, my friends:
38 Living Norns
24 Dead Norns
20 Starting Norns (Generation 1)
I'm concluding the Wolfling Run "Hell on Albia" at this point. It has been declared in the Norns' favor, surprisingly.
You might be saying: "WHAAAT?! But you hyped up this dangerous place so much!"
My only response would be: "This place actually was pretty dangerous. How they did as well as they did is a complete mystery to me."
With that said, I am providing any and all of my faithful readers a desktop wallpaper in 1920x1080 resolution:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wallpaper <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
One thing that I find remarkable is that when I compared the time spent versus loss of life, I concluded that the Norns here actually did BETTER than the Norns in the last Wolfling Run (However, the last run I didn't have the Meat Vine COB). Remarkable. I dug deeper, trying to figure out just how well they were doing.
After reviewing the deathcount, I went into the Science Kit and gathered information from every single Norn. This is what I found:
84.2105263158% of the Norns suffered from COMPLETE Bone disability. ( 32 of 38 )
100% of the Norns suffered Life Force drain. ( 38 of 38 )
Considering how fragile Norns are, I would assume wounds this perilous would have killed more Norns. Yet, generations later, they still stand, despite being crippled immensely. Good on you, Akamai Canny Norns, you stood the test of time. Sadly, I have no interest in continuing with the second part of the playthrough, as I have gotten tired of "Slightly Orange Tinted" albia. One can imagine that if the Akamai Cannies did well here, the Vulcana Norns that the setting was made for would do better, that's almost a fact at this point. Be sure to check in on next post, where I go over the newest TheDrunkenNorn Wolfling Run:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GRENDEL WOLFLING RUN!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Disclaimer: Every Norn No Norns were harmed in the making of this Wolfling Run. We respect the quality of Norn life here.
If you don't have the Meat Vine COB, GET IT. You can get it here!!!
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
You may have a mutation that's making some of them effectively immortal in spite of their injuries. Is this happening with your Gen1s or only bred individuals?
Conclude with killer catchphrase.
"This is not knowledge -
this is information!"
New Model Army, "Courage" |
6/30/2016 | |
______________________________________________Grendel Wolfling Run_________________________________________________
So, the Norns won out on the "Hell on Albia" run (Despite much Heavy Metal poisoning from the toxic, radioactive atmosphere), now it's time for a change of pace.
Yeeeah, Grendels.
I'm going to use 3 different breeds of Grendel, and different ways of implementing them (Since they're a tad bit more difficult to implement for a noob than most creatures):
Bulbous Grendel: The default, *****ty Grendel. They're bad, they're REAL bad, but they're the default Grendel so they're going to do it. I'm going to clone the default Grendel 4 times.
Bony Grendel: The scary Grendel, they're good. They're REAL good. Bony Grendels are the nice mod for Grendels that implements them as actually able to survive the radiation of the volcano. The .exe comes with two Bony Grendel babies and 2 eggs, for a total of 4 Bony Grendels.
Tiger Grendels: One of the C3 Grendels ported to C2, they're pretty cool. They use the same Genome as the Bony Grendel, so they're equally as awesome. However, they have a different appearance. Essentially, I have 3 different breeds of Grendel so the population doesn't look the same.
On top of this, I'm importing some mixed genome Grendels to help even out the fact that I'm using clones for this one. Community Adoptions aided me on this one.
One thing to keep in mind is that I don't even KNOW if Bony Grendels can mate with Bulbous Grendels. I know that with a nifty COB they mate with other Bonies (And by extension, Tigers), however I have no idea if the two are compatible.
Should I do my homework? Naaah, we'll just see how they do!
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
You didn't take the advice that was given to you.
Grendels aren't so bad, but I love Ettins! They're adorable! The complexity of creatures is quite amazing. |
6/30/2016 | |
♦ Reply to Feedback ♦
I did. @Mandymom. I've followed almost all of the advice so far. I've been convening with Gimmecat about bringing back the original Wolfling run Norns. We're working on something. ^-^ As for everything else, I always listen to poster imput.
@Lurstaap Hmm... the Gen1s died a long time ago. However, it seems a bit odd that they'd be immortal. How can I figure out if that happened?
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
Do you have the genetic files? If not, then you need to repeat it to see if the problem was with the norns or the world itself.
Grendels aren't so bad, but I love Ettins! They're adorable! The complexity of creatures is quite amazing. |
6/30/2016 | |
Roll Call:
14 Living Grendels
0 Dead Grendels
14 Starting Grendels (Generation 1)
The Grendel Wolfling has begun!
Here is the map of this run's location. Click this.
It's a bit different than last time, as I felt the Swamp/Volcano was a more appropriate place for Grendels to be born and raised.
The run has started! Wish these lovable abominations of nature good luck! ^-^
Update: Bony Grendels Wallbonking is about 1000% times funnier than Norns wallbonking. They get this scared, terrified, "oh crap" look of sheer terror. Not sightly for a beast with claws as large as its' head.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
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@MandyMom I'm sorry, but which problem are you talking about, the "Hell on Albia" world where the Norns were living okay, or the first Wolfling Akamai Canny Challenge that crashed on load? Thank you for your imput.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
Just letting you know, the standard Grendel that comes with the game can't breed. Their reproductive functions are dormant. |
6/30/2016 | |
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@savannahs11 ...Oh. Well... that'll be a bunch of soon dead Bulbous Grendels. The Bony Grendels can breed, so that'll help this Wolfling.
Question! Can Tiger Grendels (Based on the Bony Genome) breed as Bony Grendels can with the COB that came with Bony Grendels? Thank you for your imput.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
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Update: To help future readers with post categorization, I'm going to make this header the header for every single post I make not directly related to the progress of the Wolfling, just for ease and convenience to readers.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
Dang, sleeping Grendels sound like the Rancor monster in the floor of Jabba the Hutt's Palace on Star Wars.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | 1 |
I went a little nuts with the Heavy Metal names that I gave the Grendels. Click this.
George is the Ettin.
I don't see much pregnancy, but the Grendels LOVE to kisspop. I've heard nothing but kisspopping ever since they became adolescents.
I really hope that Rix, the leftmost imported Grendel, mates. Rix looks SO COOL. Click this.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
Yeah. They're both the same genus, so they can breed. I don't know if breeding works the same way, but it might be possible for them to interbreed with Norns in C2, because they were never supposed to breed in the first place, hence why you need a COB to even let them breed in the first place. I can't be bothered to check. |
6/30/2016 | |
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@savannahs11 That's fine, don't worry about it Thank you. We'll see if we have a bunch of tiger/bony Grendels rolling around. And Grenttins
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
6/30/2016 | |
I don't know about you, but I usually listen to some music over the fairly minimalistic Creatures' sounds (Since the music is really low, etc.) I found the perfect soundtrack for Creatures while flipping through my Media Library.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Theme Song of the Run <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Phantom Brave songs work so well with Creatures gameplay. So good
Otherwise... the Grendels are SUPER NICE to the Ettin. I always thought Grendels were supposed to be vicious killing machines. These guys kiss on the Ettin as if it were family. Click this.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
7/1/2016 | |
Roll Call:
2 Living Grendels
*??? Dead Grendels
14 Starting Grendels (Generation 1)
*: The graveyard, for whatever reason, does NOT keep track of Grendel/Ettin deaths, I assume because they are just a radiant part of the game usually. So... I actually have no idea how many lived/died during this. Bummer to the maximum degree. I know they most likely didn't make it past gen 2 or 3 though, as they didn't get passed my nap.
The Grendels lost this Wolfling. The last two Grendels are both male, so there is no chance of them breeding the Grendel family back up. Just like last time, the critters were supplied with plenty of food, water, and provisions to survive (I even brought most of the toys in the world down there). It just seems that Grendels are meant to be a nuisance rather than a survivable race. The life force on the Grendels left is a bit low, but nothing that doesn't remind me of Norns.
Even with the realization that Bulbous Grendels don't breed, there were more than enough Bony Grendels and Tiger Grendels to have a major population start. It's a shame, but that's the way it has to be I suppose.
Be sure to check in next time, where I try out the Kannova Norns, norns said to have the best of both worlds!
(Apparently, they are a mix of the Canny and Nova Subterra genomes. I am incredibly excited to see them go.)
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
7/1/2016 | |
Something for new readers: I'm going to edit post 1 to include what a Wolfling Run is, and what type of Wolfling Runs I'm doing. I'll catch you guys on the flip side.
That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more. |
7/1/2016 | |
Grendels are really hated by Creatures Labs. They portray them as these deadly monsters, and not only made them sterile (But not in C3/DS for some odd reason) But in the first game, they were FORCED to be mean! Creatures labs believes in this Ugly is mean and Cute is nice when in nature, everything is mean, regardless of what it looks like. They made the shee HATE nature due to the fact that they made ANYTHING nice. That's why I never go outside. Everything wants to kill me and I will die. I wonder how humanity is not extinct, but THRIVING as humans can, and will be kind to others. That would surely kill off a species in just one generation. But for some reason, being kind to another human didn't kill us. Sure, we are ugly and horrific to everything else, or ones that are not part of a group we call a country, but we have positive interactions with our fellow man, and not just kill everything we see or run from it unless we will reproduce with it or it's our own offspring. Kill everything you can and should, and run away from anything you cannot. Natural. Being kind to things for no benefit to keeping your genes alive. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOUR GOING TO DIE WITH THAT KIND OF ATTITUDE. NATURAL SELECTION WILL WIPE YOU OUT IMMEDITALY YOUR A FREAK OF NATURE.
Grendels aren't so bad, but I love Ettins! They're adorable! The complexity of creatures is quite amazing. |