Dear Laura,
Help! Norn home full of dragons and eem scared! Dragons eat eem's lunch, stole toy, Ettins and even Grendels are hiding. Dragon ate Hand. Eem next? Maybe run dragons?!
- Not Delicious
Dear Not Delicious,
Legend tells of a statue craved in the image of our formidable forefathers, the Shee, hidden in the bowels of Ancient Albia. What you should do is find a fellow Norn crazy enough to try and lure the dragon into its clutches. Of course, we'll need some bait... Perhaps the Edible Doozers will appeal to its appetite! ... What? You didn't think I meant your friend there, surely? If the Shee are smiling down on you, then the hypnotic draw of the statue's malevolent eyes should send the dragon into a deep sleep, after which I strongly suggest a big cage, or similar. Anything to keep the beast at bay until a replacement Hand is found. Failing that, I've heard that the 'Desktop' is a lovely holiday destination at this time of year?
- Laura