This may be old news to some of you, but I suspect for the majority it passed by completely unnoticed. But in October of this year, the author of DXWrapper, elishacloud, posted an incredible fix for Creatures 2 that makes performance and rendering on Windows 10 nearly perfect!
Among the benefits brought to the long-ailing game are the elimination of the lag typically experienced in Fullscreen and Maximized modes, plus things like menus and hover-tooltips showing up correctly over the game window!
Installing the fix is super-duper easy! Simply scroll down to the Download section of the above link, or click directly here. The archive contains three files, which you need to drop into your main Creatures 2 directory (where your launcher.exe and creatures2.exe are located). Since Creatures 2 already has a ddraw.dll file, it is strongly advisable to backup that file first, just in case you ever need to get rid of the DXWrapper fixes.
There are some caveats, of course. It wouldn't be a Cyberlife game without them, would it?
For one, there is still a problem with the Eye window causing weird issues if you drag it around. To have it render correctly, either do not move the window once it's been enabled, or alternatively move it somewhere to the side of the game window and then close/re-open it. elishacloud is looking into this issue, so keep an eye on DXWrapper for future updates!
The other problem is that certain external applications such as Wolfling Monitor no longer work with the game. Others seem to work fine, so this is a case-by-case issue.
So if you've ever wanted to experience the full glory of Creatures 2 on Windows 10 but were turned away by the horrible performance issues from before, now is the best time to jump right in! Be sure to read the quick-start guide, pick up the recommended fixes, grab a non-stupid genome, and have a great time in this beautiful world!
Guys, I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am for needing to do this, especially after I had to have a gap in the videos anyway because of school. I always get sick after finals and I always forget about it until I'm actually crashing, but it usually doesn't last very long. I very sincerely doubt it's COVID-related, but I will keep you posted. In the meantime, I guess this means you have more time to work on submissions if you couldn't get them in on time! Take care and I'll be back soon! <3
Sorry about the delay, guys, real life got in the way. Here's day 9! And umm... Yeah I only just realized CCaves was accidentally making these look like CCSF 2014 posts, whoops! I'll go back and fix that if I can.
As always, for today's releases, go to! But I do recommend checking out today's video because Amaikokonut did a special clip for the release of the SERU Drop Point!
creatures caves is your #1 resource for the creatures artificial life game series: creatures, creatures 2, creatures 3, docking station, and the upcoming creatures family.