Welcome Back Wallpaper Moe | 7/27/2006 | 2 | This is my second tribute to CC.com. This one welcomes the return of the forum and it's members. |
It's awesome! I've got some pretty cool graphics programs (PhotoshopCS2, Corel Photopaint 9) but I'm just learining how to use them. I love bengal norns
I love it! I also notice how it has a smaller amount of flaws than CL's original.
Wup | 7/31/2006
| WOAH! O_O The most money I've ever had at one point in my life was, like, 70!
Man oh man, that's nice.
I also noticed your work on the CCSF site graphic. Excellent job there, too.
Moe | 7/30/2006
| The program is 3D Studio Max, which at the time I purchased it, was about $3,500 US dollars. I was lucky to get it at all. Yes, it did indeed take some time to complete.
That's awesome
It was made with 3-d studio max, and it costs quite a large amount of money.
But on topic, that is just completly amazing.
Wup | 7/30/2006
| Yeah, what program do you use for these? I use Anim8or, but the best that I've ever made is a REALLY bad phlishy. Too bad it's on my other compy. I'll show it to you later.
What program is this??I could ask for it as a birthday present tomorrow.Like it alot moe,Musta took a while huh?