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The Norn School   

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 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

This is a story called "The Norn School". It is loosly based on a true story! All the characters are real, and many of the life events (such as deaths, births, and eggs) are true. The names are true as well.

Before I go, let me tell you that this story is a great story to demestrait how norns can be true friends.

The story is set in C2.
And so it begins...

Robin held his mother's hand, trembling with excitment. A child norn, and very eager to learn things, he could not wait to go to the school.

Robin was a simple red Hebe norn. His mother was a red hebe, and his father was a gray. Robin was so excited because he was going to be going to the Highly Prized and Lowly Put Only Norn School Run By An Educated Grendel, or so teenage delequints called it. It was really called the Volcano Norn School, or the V.N. School for short.

Robin was born under the name of Laim. He and his family lived in the Hatchery Area.

His family, like many of the other familys, tried their best to teach young Laim how to talk. Yet, not knowing all the words themselves, they failed. They even forgot to teach Laim his name, and he started calling himself Robin. And soon it became his name, even though his Owner's Kit still said Laim.

One day, they heard that a Grendel named beh had been highly educated and knew all the words. He had opened a school in the volcano, where young norns could stay until they were full grown and knew all the words. The grendel even taught in customs and many other things, and soon it became an offical school where one learned about math, literature, what an ettin was, and why there was usally only one grendel in Albia, among other things.

The submirine came, and Robin's family climbed into it. A while later, they came out into the volcano, and walked to the lift, where there was an ettin waiting.

"Good afternoon" said the apparently female ettin

"Hello." said Robin's father "We would like to sign our son up for this school."

"Okay" said the ettin "What is his name?"

"Er..." Robin's father did not know weather to call his son Robin or Laim.

"Do you want his birth name or what he calles himself?" asked his mother

The ettin did not blink. She obviously was used to this sort of thing.

"Both." she said

"Laim is his birth name, and Robin is what he calles himself."

After a little while of filling out papers, the ettin called the lift to take Robin down to his first lesson.

Robin's mother then bent down, and said "Robin, I want you to be good, alright?"


"I want you to learn as much as you can. If you don't want to learn them for yourself, at least learn them for me and your father. We don't want you to grow up without a proper education, and we want to learn the words ourselves"

For a few seconds, Robin thought of how humorus it would be to be teaching his parents, probubly then old and gray, how to speak properly.

It would be an easy task once he learned, for the only words they did not know were broccoli, hit, and fruit. The only reason they had not been able to teach him themselves was because they only knew words, and that was the extent of their education. And they also slipped back into bibble many times, so it was very risky.

His father came up and said "Be careful, son. I don't want to bring home a norn with one leg."

Robin grinned at that, then said as best he could "No, I no do"

His father smiled at him, and then the lift came up, and the ettin ushered Robin down to his first class.

Chapter Two:

The lift went down further and further underground, until it came to a stop.

The ettin ushered Robin out, and pushed the lift to go back up.

Robin had no idea of what to do. The grendel had remodeled the Volcano so it had rooms and such. There were so many rooms and so many creatures he did not know where to go.

"Hey you! You need some help?"

Robin looked over to see where the voice came from, and he saw a norn. The norn had a banana(C1) norn head, Pixie (C1) body, and hebe the rest. He came over to Robin.

"I say, do you need help?"

Robin finally said "Yes. I no know where to go."

"Aye, your new here, I bet."


"Well, follow me." and the norn went off.

Robin followed the norn. After a small while, the norn said "By thee way, me name's Lake"

"Mine's Robin... sort of."

They continued to go down the corridor, until they reached a door.

"I'm in the first year meself. I've been here fer a month now." said Lake "Me parents work here, so they enlisted me as soon as possible."

They opened the door. The room was already half filled.

A rather large Grendel, slightly stooped over, was writing something on the chalkboard. He turned around when the door was opened.

"Ah." he said "Lake, your finally here. And... ah, we have a new student, I see."

He seemed to glide over to Robin, and he steered him over to the front of the class.

"Class, we have a new student. His name is.... what is your name, young boy?"


"Ah, yes. His name is Robin. He will be joining us in the Volcano School to learn as much as he can. Please give him as warm a welcome as you can."

Robin went to the nearest empty seat, which was right next to Lake, and began to learn...

Chapter 3:

It was recess, and they all filed past the lunch counter, receiving their lunch from a haggered grettin. Soon, Robin had finished his lunch and was wondering what to do with the remaining 1 1/2 hours he had.

"Hey! Robin!"

He turned to see the norn named Lake coming toward him.

"Robin, doya want to come with me and my group on the beach area?"

How could Robin refuse? He was bored and knew he could not stay sitting here for so long.

"Sure, I'll come." he said, and he was lead to yet another lift.

Up they went, out of the volcano, until they came to a beach. Robin breathed the fresh air and looked around.

What he saw were two norns there, standing in wait.

"This is Henry." said Lake, pointing to a norn who had a scropio tail and arms and was uni norn everything else "And Robert" he pointed to a Kai norn with Golden Desert norn Arms.

"Hello, young chap!" said Henry

Robert just peered thru a telescope, looking out over the ocean beyound. Only when Lake elbowed him a little did he look up.

"Erm, hello!" he said, and then returned to his telescope.

"Robert's a nature nerd." said Lake "Got that telescope for his 5th birthday. Was glued to it ever since."

"I'm not glued to it!" said Robert, not even looking up. Lake elbowed him again, and Robert ushured him away. Lake continued to elbow him, and Henry joined in. Eventally, Robin joined in for fun.

Finally, Robert could take it no more. He began to chase all three of them.

They went around, chasing each other across the beach for a while. Robin was stunned at how fast Lake went, always takling others and never being takled himself. Eventally, they were all tired and they rested on the dock.

It was then an idea formed in Lake's mind.

"Lets jump off the dock." he said.

"Are you crazy?" asked Henry.

"I mean it. Lets all jump off the dock." said Lake, and before anyone could say anything, he had jumped into the ocean.

He reamerged a few seconds later.

"It feels great!" he said "Jump in!"

Henry backed away, and Robert quickly returned to his telescope.

Robin, however, was curious. He decided to jump himself.

He edged towards the dock, taking in everything. He came to the edge, and he looked down. It seemed an alfly long way down from here.

"Come on, jump!" said Lake, watching him.

Robin took a deep breathe, and he jumped.

The thing was, he had forgoten that he didn't know how to swim. He struggled upwards for a while until Lake finally pulled him up.

They were best friends at that moment.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>


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