This coming April 16 will be the tenth anniversary of Creatchi. 
In honor of the anniversary, everyone who is active on the site should adopt a Creatchi and we can see how many total were raised between now and the Creatchi-versary.
If you have any thoughts on how else to celebrate, please reply in the comments.

Ever wanted to take care of a norn, grendel or ettin while browsing Creatures Caves? Well, now you can! Allow me to introduce an all-new website feature here at Creatures Caves: Creatchi, the online Creatures game. You may select a Creatchi egg to hatch a new, random Creatchi, or you may adopt an offspring of some community users' Creatchis (available in the future after some Creatchis have already bred). Please read the Official Creatchi Care Guide for more information.
Special thanks to Ghosthande for creating all of the incredible sprites.