News Forum |
All New Room: Terra Pluvialis | |
 Caves Dweller

8/3/2006 | |
In honor of the CC Spirit Festival, an all-new meta room was released for Creatures 3/Docking Station! There isn't very much information about it on the official website, but be sure to take a look.
Terra Pluvialis... a floating rock in space, discovered by a rather homesick Shee named Terasumaren and left for many thousands of years, is something of a jungle... but it is not your usual jungle.
- Rascii |


8/3/2006 | |
The Creatures Wiki has more. 
The Creature Repository / Eem Labs
My Creatures download archive (Bibbleworld, C12DS, and more) |

8/3/2006 | |
I want to know more about those Pitcher plants! They intrigue me.
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |


8/3/2006 | |
I know that fuzzie did the CAOS for them (I helped her make sure they weren't broken). I don't know who did the graphics, however.
The Creature Repository / Eem Labs
My Creatures download archive (Bibbleworld, C12DS, and more) |


8/3/2006 | |
Liam did the Pitchers.. he told me that he sampled from photos of real pitcher plants to make the textures. 
My TCR Norns |


8/3/2006 | |
I UVWMapped the plant so his textures would work. Though, as for their strange properties I can only guess. The room is very nice however, I especially like how he textured the rocks in the background. *cough* |

8/3/2006 | |
It says they evolve! I wanna know in what ways and such. Evolving stuff is generally awesome. Slow, but awesome.
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |


8/3/2006 | |
Moe: *gives shifty look*
AS: Yeah... It's mostly un-graphical at the moment, but you'll definately see some changes over time... which will depend on what environment they're in. ;-)
The Pitchers were half painted half sampled, I ended up having to paint the joins and detail it a bit more because the photo I was using was somewhat blurred and needed correcting. I'm glad you like them!
Without Moe's, AS' and MK's help I would be kind of in a heap right about now... so thanks guys! XD
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |

8/3/2006 | |
I especially like the variety in the plants themselves. Makes them look natural!
And enviroment? I can't pick up the seeds, so I can't move them around! 
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |


8/3/2006 | |
Ooo, a Jungle? *looks at link*
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>


8/4/2006 | |
AS: I'm going to make the Pitcher seeds pickupable in the next version, so you'll be able to pick em up. Strange, that. XD
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |

8/15/2006 | |
The pitchers ARE awesome! Love the graphics!
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |


8/15/2006 | |
The room looks very nice, but it freezes Mac Exodus after clicking on that control panel thing which sits in the middle of the room.
. . .
Sarah Gould
(once known as Moonlite)
Visit Zenzoa |

8/15/2006 | |
Another reason why I hate Mac...
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

8/16/2006 | |
Why hate macs? I got to work on this really powerful mac computer when I was working at the city hall, and it was an amazing machine! Sure, it doesn't run that many games, but it was very nice to work with.
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |


8/16/2006 | |
Macs can't download Docking Station. Or maybe I am thinking of apple?
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/16/2006 | |
... Apple MAKES Macintosh. |

8/16/2006 | |
Macs can download anything they like, really. Wether they can run it is another matter. But most of the time, there is a way.
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |


8/16/2006 | |
I love Apple's design and (to some extent) their user interfaces. I don't play games much, which is fortunate, though it is a bit frustrating to use Exodus on the Mac; Kutoka did a bit of a sloppy job of porting the engine. I think I'll switch to openc2e as soon as it's a bit more mature.
. . .
Sarah Gould
(once known as Moonlite)
Visit Zenzoa |


8/16/2006 | |
The only thing (that is not already on the mac) I can play on it is something called Vue8. It is a 3D rendering and (should be ) an animation program.
Heck, I can't even play CP! ... ...
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>


8/17/2006 | |
You could post the problem in the CCSF forum sarako, although Mac problems are usually due to faults in the game software.
Back on topic though.