This is an unofficial, unendorsed, unsolicited Survivor-related posting. (For that reason, I'm not sure if belongs in a different forum, but here it goes).
Since we are reading (and writing) so many of these journals, I thought it might be cool for contestants, announcers, and viewers alike to occasionally share some of their favorite quotes, -isms, phrases etcetera from any diegetic, non-diegetic, extra-diegetic, meta-diegetic, or what have you, post that is related to Survivor: Space.
So let this be the one-stop-shop for aphorisms, platitudes, and notable-quotables, whatever they may be.
One of my favorites....
from Feddlefew (Iraila), Entry 1:
"This is one of those times I wish my “Alcohol->Starch” gene wasn’t in my reverse."
creatures caves is your #1 resource for the creatures artificial life game series: creatures, creatures 2, creatures 3, docking station, and the upcoming creatures family.