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Need testers, TWB Conversion Project   1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Wrong Banshee

United Kingdom  

 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread
  10/28/2015  6

Hello, I noticed a little while ago that creatures in C3/DS didn't have any real internal temperature regulation, so I decided to make a genome to change that. Unlike CFFS, the TWB genome is not very compatible by it's nature, so I made a full conversion of all the official Norn breeds.

The genomes are now out! Thank you to everyone who helped me in testing, and thank you to evolnemesis for creating the CFF genome which this was built upon.

Edit: I'm updating this thread to give the full change log of the development of this genome so far, there may be parts missing and I apologize for that.

Scripts required for full functionality:

- Activate 1 and 2 Separation significantly reduces parent <-> child inbreeding.

- Sensorimotor Lobe Input allows creatures to sense things they otherwise could not sense, necessary for some functions.

- TWB Capillata Patch adds heating to the whole DS Capillata.

- Weather Patch TWB/TCB Edition heats the C3 ark and fixes the environmental controls so they actually function. It's best to get the carrot patch from the original C3 weather patch as well to prevent world slowdown.

Place the scripts in your Bootstrap->010 Docking Station folder if they are for Docking station, or Bootstrap->001 World folder if they are for Creatures 3, then either start a new world or open the command prompt using Ctrl + C and type ject "scriptname.cos" 7 and hit enter for each script to inject them.


Thermal Regulation Changes
- Body heat (chem 110) emitted from heart/mitochondria, stable at .5
- When body heat reaches .6 hotness emitted, at .4 coldness emitted
- When body heat goes above .6 the internal organs start taking damage
- When body heat falls below .4 organs start shutting down; starting with the stomach and male gonads, ending with the lungs
- Receptor speeds up heart when body heat falls
- Cooling functions reduce body heat rather than hotness
- Creatures can detect room temperature (CA smell 2)
- When room temperature is at 0 coldness emitted, at .7 hotness emitted
- Hotness increases body heat, coldness decreases it (chemical half-lives reduced for balance)
- Moisture in the air (CA smell 3) neutralizes some room temperature
- Being submerged in water reduces body heat directly
- Adipose tissue slows down the rate of heat-loss (creatures with an adipose tissue of .5 could shrug off a heatless room while creatures with 0 would become hypothermic very quickly.)
- Adipose tissue gained faster when cold
- Hotness and Coldness removed from stimuli (with a couple of exceptions)
- Hotness and Coldness cannot be suppressed (necessary due to chemical interactions)
- Hotness and Coldness drive sensitivity increased
- Instincts tell creatures to return home when hot/cold and drink potions if hot
- Skin damaged at extremely high temperatures (.9 CA smell 2)

Hunger and Metabolic Changes
- Fixed liver anabolic
- Hunger trace emitters disabled, replaced with emitters that emit when stores (glycogen, adipose tissue, muscle tissue) become too low
- Hunger removed from stimuli (with the exception of "eaten x" )
- Active stimuli (get, hit, activate etc) now use up small amounts of glucose and produce small amounts of activase
- Activase converted into body heat and anabolic steroid (promotes muscle growth)
- Creatures gain water from eating
- Females use up some of their protein stores (muscle tissue) when pregnant
- Females cannot become pregnant if they have less than .2 muscle tissue

General changes and Fixes
- Disabled "push buttons when bored" instinct
- Weakened "activate machine if bored" instinct
- Norn home smell no longer makes them bored
- Pigment genes can't duplicate
- Appearance genes can't duplicate or be cut
- Comfort drive added to "got creature egg" stimulus
- Reduced half-life on 'libido lowerer' chemical (Personal preference, I want a balance between the CFE egg machines and the spread out and hard to breed CFFs)
- Slightly increased initial concentration of glycogen
- Fixed small bug in 2nd gene of the Stress System organ


Blood System Changes
- Added an initial concentration of oxygenated blood
- Deoxygenated blood (220) made in bones organ
- Deoxygenated blood converted to oxygenated blood (221) with 4 oxygen in the lungs
- Wounded chemical causes bleed out of oxygenated blood
- Platelets (215) made in bones
- Platelets destroy wounded chemical
- Drive receptor added measuring deoxygenated blood, making Creatures want to go up when low on breath

Immune System Changes
- Added initial concentrations of platelets, phagocytes and B cells
- Phagocytes (216) and B cells (224) produced in immune system requiring vitamin C
- Phagocytes destroy antigens and produce immune response symptoms
- On contact with antigens B cells differentiate into plasma cells which produce antibodies
- All antigen receptors set to slightly higher threshold to make vaccination less harmful
- Fruit now gives fruit pulp (20) which splits into protein and a small amount of vitamin C

General Changes and Fixes
- Raised liver glycogen capacity to threshold .2
- Changed receptor: Raised hunger for fat emittance to threshold .251
- Fixed stress system gene to emit at youth
- All major thermoregulatory functions in thermoregulation organ - set to not cut, dupe or mutate
- All lift navigation stimuli set to not cut, dupe or mutate
- Home smell stimuli changed to function at birth
- Minor instinct tweaks; toy instinct weakened to make Norns more curious about trying new things
- Some blue and green pigment genes set to M and F
- Reduced boredom reduction from got egg stimulus to -.048
- Heat sensors/emitters adjusted to be better in line with TCB improvements
- Dancing gait changed to trigger on Sex Drive rather than Arousal Potential
- Tickled by opposite sex stimulus set to male only
- Rebalanced underwater destroying body heat
- Antigen 6 in Liver A set to cut, dupe and mutate
- Cyanide and ATP-decoupler receptor in mitochondria set to cut
- Manky stimulus gives water and reduces hotness (Instinct added to drink manky when hot)
- Crowdedness reduction added to lift, door use and traveling stimuli (along with reward chemical for traveling), removed from retreating stimuli
- Removed loneliness reduction from non-Creature interaction stimuli
- Crowdedness instinct changed to leave room if scared
- Changed additional loneliness reduction instincts to travel left/right and push door when crowded, removed extras
- Replaced neuroemitter with two emitters for fear and adrenaline
- Hotness exception added to fullness lobe
- Boredom initial concentration replaced with sex drive (to set as priority drive)
- Starch and protein metabolism gives some water
- Updrive added to drowning stimulus


General Changes and Fixes
- Adol female red pigment set to 128
- TCB lungs shut down at .055 body heat threshold
- Grendels, Hardmans and Honey Badgers produce platelets quicker (69 reaction rate), have better wound sealing (5 platelets -> 4 wounded) and faster hemoglobin creation (72 reaction rate) bleedout pain reduced to 2 or 0
- Most Norns platelet generation raised to 72 reaction rate
- Stronger portal pushing instinct when crowded (-806), change instinct from pain to fear and equal strength
- Added boredom reduction to happy facial expression gene and hunger to poorly gene - remove hungry facial expression, delete hungry expression
- Increased sample rate of boredom emitter to 32 ticks - no change ettins
- Changed sleep anabolic steroid steroid emitter to connect with floating recep-emit 8
- Both push door stimuli remove fear
- Removed reward and add pain reduction to traveling stimulus and increase crowded reduction
- Reduced tiredness from activate 1 and 2 stimuli and silence boredom reduction
- Strengthened call lift instincts to -.702
- Strengthened "push toys" instinct to -.5
- reduced significance of home smell stimulus
- Strengthened "move left/right when crowded" instinct to maximum
- changed adolescent scattering instinct to half strength and all Norns
- Changed push plants when bored instinct to go home when lonely set to -.202 and child
- Weakened go home when hot/cold to -.5 for warmbloods
- weakened smell signal in vision <> smell equalizer tract


Brain Changes
- Changed elevation lobe Y coordinate to 6
- Changed rules of elevation -> stimuli tract
- Changed rules in vision -> movement tract
- Changed rules in both good action inhibitor tracts
- Added Stim -> comb hit inhibitor tract
- Added Comb -> comb 1 tract
- Added Comb -> comb 2 tract
- Added Driv -> Mood (crowded) tract
- Added Detl -> comb push inhibitor tract
- Added Sensorimotor lobe
- Added Sens -> comb drowning override tract
- Added Comb -> comb seek water tract
- Added Detl -> comb get inhibitor tract
- Added Detl -> comb drop inhibitor tract
- Added Detl -> comb anti-snatch tract

General changes and Fixes
- Oxygenated blood initial concentration set not to dupe, mutate or cut
- ATP initial concentration set not to dupe, mutate or cut
- Changed gene that kills when energy is low to kill when oxygenated blood is low at .031 threshold.
- Reduced comfort drive gain to .055
- Reduced falter threshold to .027
- Lowered threshold for shiver involuntary action to .353
- Changed sleep (invol5) receptor to sleepiness chemical and .502 threshold
- Aggressive breed pain gait threshold set to .302
- Replaced fear in drowning stimulus with fear backup and removed updrive
- Replaced cold maintenance reaction with fear, set half-life to 45
- Reduced call lift instincts to half strength
- Replaced tiredness with comfort in dropped stimulus and made it -.5 + silenced, also inverted boredom to be removed
- Silenced boredom in "got machinery" stimulus (not for Ettins)
- Raised threshold on lactate burn muscles receptor for TCBs to .012
- Added rare variants

Breed specific adjustments:

Magma V1
- Hotness no longer gained through Ettin Home smell
- High body heat heals rather than damages, threshold reduced to .65
- Creatures don't sweat
- High body temperature increases Immune System clockrate
- Coldness emitted sooner when in a low heat room
- Bones and Immune System shut down sooner from low body heat
- Drive sensitivity to Hotness reduced
- No fullness lobe edit added

Toxic V1
- Rebalanced immune system, most antigens give less of each metabolic chemical
- Food can ferment inside them when glycogen stores are full, encouraging adipose tissue storage
- Disabled initial concentration of antigen 0
- Moisture in the air does not chill them
- immune system rebalancing
- No starter B cells or B cell production
- No fear or adrenaline emitters added
- Can synthesize own vitamin C

Hardman and Honey Badger V1
- Creatures build up muscle tissue twice as fast
- Females use twice as much muscle tissue when pregnant
- Females require .3 muscle tissue to conceive
Hardman V2+
- Double starter platelets
- More efficient platelets; more produced from the same resources with better wound sealing
- No pain from bleeding out

Bondi V1
- Being underwater does not affect heatloss
- Gains more water from eating
- Blood oxygen absorbtion rate increaded
- Can store 8 oxygen per unit of blood, double what other breeds can store
- No fear or adrenaline emitters added
- More water from digestion
- Hit inhibitor encompasses all 4 species.

Desert Ettin V1 - It is worth noting that Ettins cannot feel hot, but they can still get hot.
- Reproductive muscle tissue re-balance (see Hardman)
- Higher temperature tolerance (Hotness emitted at .72 CA smell 2 concentration)
- No adipose tissue gain increase when cold
- A more water efficient cooling system
- Prostaglandin healing gene added to Drives organ
- Loneliness emitter removed
- No changes to crowdedness reduction stimuli and instincts
- Hit inhibitor encompasses all 4 species.

Treehugger V2+
- lower starting platelets
- Takes more platelets to seal a wound
- No fear or adrenaline emitters added
- No changes to crowdedness and loneliness stimuli and instincts (with the exception of the traveling stimuli)

All Grendels V2+
- TCB specific changes:*
*- Less body heat produced in mitochondria
*- Direct change to body temperature from environment
*- Some organ clockrates slowed
*- Falter changed to sleep
*- Some general rebalancing
- More glucose used for hitting, more activase produced
- Double starter platelets
- More efficient platelets
- Muscle starting tissue equivalent to Hardman
- Jungle and Uglee Grendels are not inhibited from hitting and pushing

Honey Badgers, Thistleferns and all carnivorous breeds V2+
- Synthesize their own vitamin C

The most up to date TWB/TCB breed packs can be found here:
- Official Breeds + Extras (Requires the original breeds for sprites with the exception of the Carna and Basilisk Norns who have sprites included)
- Hive Norns (Requires full sized Sprite Norn and Sabertooth Norn sprites. Fixed images for broken sprites are included)
- TWB Vampire Norns, Gargoyle Norns and Lycanthrope Norns (Requires Vampyre Grendel, Moonlight Norn, Gargoyle Norn and Raccoon Norn sprites)
- Changeling Norns (Requires Gargoyle Norn, Flora Norn, Butterfly Norn, Dream Norn and all official norn breed sprites)
- TWB Amanora Breed Conversions (Requires Butterfly Norn, Flora Norns and Dream Norn sprites)

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

The next hurdle to overcome would be instincts.
Getting creatures to move away from places that are too hot or too cold by themselves is actually quite tricky.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.



 visit Doringo's website: Abacus & Ettinus

From what I've tested, they still get cold in the Norn terrarium (Grassy part with apples and seeds) and they get about 1 Hoverdoc unit of coldness while in the lower levels of the Desert. They overheat and die if I put them in the abyss unlike their fellow norns with default genetics but I didn't observe any organ damage, only dehydration.

I also got sahara to "Approach dragoler"

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

Oops lol, yeah I called my hand that when I taught them language, I guess you can reteach them.

The norn terrarium and lower desert produce very little heat, in fact, the lower desert doesn't produce any heat at all. I tried to balance them to deal with the lower norn terrarium temperatures... but at some times of the day the temperature drops right down to 0.

I was thinking of re-balancing how they deal with heat to let them withstand it for longer so long as they keep hydrated. Generally they have to get very hot to take organ damage and by that time their body temperature will often shoot right up and kill them before you can notice.

Edit: OK here's what i'm going to do:
- Reduce room coldness receptors to just above threshold 0 (only rooms with no heat at all make them cold)
- Remove instant-kill genes (body heat at 0 and 1)
- Increase organ damage from overheating
- Re-balance hotness reaction

Edit 2: activase is an unused chemical that was suppose to have been generated by physical activity. I have an idea to use it for a reaction that will trigger muscle formation and keep creatures warm at the same time.

Edit 3: Next version is ready with the above changes along with a couple of instincts to go home when hot/cold and to drink potions when hot. These are much more tolerant of the Norn Terrarium temperatures.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




The devs seemed to realise that heat didn't matter and didn't add ANY heat emitters to most metarooms.
You WILL need the Moe Heater Agent, because most of the game world is at 0.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

I turned my heater off and they are functioning fine. It just means they need to spend longer in the terrarium to build up some fat before going exploring.

It kinda makes sense that an abandoned ship would have its heating turned off in the corridors.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

I uploaded a new pack of test creatures containing one of each breed. They are all balanced to live comfortably aboard the Shee Arc.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




These look very interesting, I think I'll need to start a new world and check these guys out.

Would I be right to assume they cannot be crossbred with CFFs or the default norns?


Disabled "push buttons when bored" instinct

Would that also apply to things like dispensers? Because some seem to get stuck pushing dispensers over and over again and unfortunately not all the dispensers I've got out in my world have a limit or any decaying of the food dispensed.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

That instinct only applies to buttons, not dispensers. If your creatures are pushing dispensers they are probably hungry, as no breed has an instinct to push them when bored, only when hungry (alternately it could be a learned behavior).

You could attempt to cross breed them. They were built upon the CFF genome so they aren't completely incompatible but many of the crossbreeds would die from inheriting only parts of the vital new body system.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




I've had norns just push dispensers for no apparent reason without eating anything that comes out of it. It's weird.

I figured that would probably be the case with crossbreeding.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

They push dispensers specifically when they are hungry for fat, if it is vending fruit that could be the problem?
If that is the problem, my genome should go a way to fixing it for you, properly cared for TWBs rarely feel hungry for fat past the first stage.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Food is the type with fat in it, right? I've had norns push the stove agent until they're buried in turkeys.

Maybe I should put a stove in the world with the TWBs and see what they do.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

Yeah food and seeds contain fat, food contains the most.

I have noticed that creatures like to push things even when they aren't bored, which brings me back to the learned response. If your creatures learned that pushing dispensers was enjoyable to them, then they may just keep doing it, like a kind of addiction.

I would be interested to know what behaviors you observe.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




The female zebra norn in your pack appears to be missing one of the organs? Everyone else has two extra organs showing up in the x-ray.

I will let you know what these guys get up to.

Edit: Question, were standard norns able to survive if only one of their food drives got high? Or was it a death sentence if any of the three became too high? I can't remember.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

The zebra should have exactly the same genome as the astro, chichi and harlequin, but I will check and make sure I didn't make a mistake.

Hunger drives in standard norns have nothing to do with their digestion and food stores. Hunger is emitted constantly and several stimuli artificially increased it, so their drives weren't really indicative of anything other than when they last ate (and these creatures have a tendency to overeat, even when inhibited by the fullness lobe hunger makes them eat more than they need).

High drives cause stress but can't kill a creature outright.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Based on what I've observed so far, adult norns who were raised in the norn terrarium will get one bar for coldness initially upon being placed somewhere in the ship's bridge and their coldness drive will gradually gain a second bar if they don't get somewhere warmer. I haven't seen a third bar happen. They seem pretty okay even though they're cold.

If a norn says it's cold, another norn will suggest they return to norn home.

A baby hatched on the ship's bridge is in pretty big danger. They don't gain more than two bars on the coldness drive either but they will still die within a few minutes even if it's only at two bars.

It wasn't the full starch drive that killed the baby, it was the cold. The second baby I attempted it with also died even though the rest of their drives were fine.

I might be imagining it, but these guys seem exceptionally good at locating food they're hungry for. I had a norn declare that she was going to 'get seed' and then proceed to ride the elevator up two levels to where the justanut bush had just dropped some.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

Babys are very susceptible to hypothermia. The drive if anything is more of a warning, cold doesn't have time to build up on fragile creatures before it will overwhelm them.

Gene compare says, other than appearance genes 1 receptor is different between the Chichis and Zebras which is very odd. But no organs were changed, are you sure you aren't comparing males to females? (males have one less organ)

Edit: It's telling me the receptors are different because it thinks 2 different receptors are the same... I kinda ran out of receptors while working on this genome at one point lol

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




It's possible I misread.

What warms them up? Like, is walking something that generates heat energy for them?

Also, what is it that's protecting the adult norns? Are adults just less fragile in general or is the fact that they grew up in the terrarium eating well a factor?

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

Body fat (adipose tissue) insulates them, and all you need to do to warm them up is to put them somewhere that isn't cold, they should recover by themselves.

They can gain some heat from traveling ("left" and "right", walking to something doesn't count), and also pushing, pulling and hitting... but for creatures prone to hypothermia it probably won't be effective enough.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




I see. I took a norn at child stage who was raised in the norn terrarium and had a chance to build up body fat and put them out in the ship and they are fairing much better than a baby born out there.



I really like the ideas you've got going here, and I plan on testing them, but out of curiosity, are these guys' changes on top of the base CFF genome? I think you said so somewhere else, but I just wanted to double check.

I don't mind them so much being incompatible, it's easy enough to just stick to a "kind" for a run.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread
  11/5/2015  1

Yes they are based upon the CFF genome.

I am going to experiment with increasing their drive sensitivities to coldness and hotness so that lethal levels of cold appear more threatening.

Edit: I dialed it up as high as it could go. There isn't much more I can do without attempting to re-balance the entire thing again (Nope!).

Edit 2: made a few more adjustments
- Coldness and hotness can no longer be suppressed
- Made changes to shiver stimulus (it increased hotness twice, stupid oversight on my part)
- Increased coldness emitted, now if you see that bar turn yellow you know they are in the danger zone

Also magmas have a reduced drive sensitivity to hotness.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Are the newest ones up for download yet?
Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread
  11/5/2015  1

I am still testing before applying the changes to all the genomes (doesn't help that a Grendel just killed one of my test creatures [ndoh]).

If you can spot anymore problems with the creatures up I would like to get in as many fixes as possible before the next set go out.

Edit: thought of another fix. It doesn't make sense for air moisture to chill Toxics, so i'l disable that for them.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Did the Norns not have any "use" for temperature at all, or did they still get cold in cold enviornments, and hot where it was hot?
Is this simply a fix that makes them warmblooded?

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread
  11/6/2015  1

I would hardly say "simply" but essentially yes.
Normal norns could not tell if they were on a cold ice field or inside a molten hot volcano, it all felt the same to them.

Edit: Found a bug where females could still become pregnant despite lacking the required amount of muscle tissue. Fixed by making only the male gonads shut down when too cold.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Lol, yeah "simply a fix" would probobly be an understatement, considering the amount of time you guys seem to use when working on genomes. Seems like there is a lot of stuff that has to be done and tested.

If you had all the time in the world, to do whatever you wanted to fix the Norns, what would you do with them? Have you found any stuff in the genome that looked like the start of a cool idea that was scrapped?

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

Less a matter of time and more a lack of technical knowledge/skill (this might not even be possible for modders to fix), but I would want to fix the receptors for creatures to tell time of day and seasons apart.

I can find ways around most of the other broken receptors like air temperature, light levels and muscle energy usage; but I couldn't get them to sleep at night or hibernate during the winter, for example.

As for everything else, if I run into a broken genetic system I will try to fix it. I go into all genomes assuming they work properly, I don't go into them looking for things to fix.

Edit: New fix, weakened "Activate machine if bored" instinct.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




They actually have remnants of systems that would let them tell time of day and year? Makes you wonder what the game could have bin, if they had the time and recourses they wanted.

Reading what you and Evol are up to with these things, makes me really want to learn this stuff myself. Is it hard to get into, for a person with no experience in codeing?

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

I can't code myself, gengineering isn't coding.

I would recommend getting the genetics kit, loading up a basic genome and having a play with it. Learn what the genes do and set yourself little challenges becoming gradually more complex.

That was how I learnt to use it and I think it's more fun that way, then just look up stuff that you absolutely don't understand... and stay away from the brain, I don't think anyone here fully understands how that works...

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

My brain has gone on strike and won't allow me to make anymore changes to the genomes so I have posted the next pack now.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




The norns from the newest pack have just reached youth and here is what I've observed.

- They get cold gradually when wandering out into the ship and the coldness meter goes higher now whereas it was only reaching two bars on the previous pack.

- They approach norn home when they're cold. I had one girl on the bridge who was hungry for starch and also cold. She went down to the teleporter between the ship and the norn meso and pressed it, entered the norn meso, and then went to the bottom to grab some seeds.

Question: can they smell heat and cold?

While they seem to get cold in the appropriate areas, the ettin desert doesn't seem to effect them at all heat wise.

Edit: Setting off the volcano did give the norn two bars on the heat drive for a few seconds.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

They can smell heat (CA 2), the interpretation of hot and cold comes from the concentration of heat. I don't know if that CA is navigable (not likely) but I added a stimulus for it anyway to help them recognise what it does just in-case.

As for the desert it is not actually that hot. I had to balance them around the Meso which is hotter than the Ettin desert, as are several community metarooms. Also I think the volcano makes all nearby Norns hot when it gets set off, regardless of genome.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Weird that they didn't make the desert hotter, but I get what you're saying.

That might be true, I don't think I've ever had the hoverdoc on a norn near the volcano when it's going off.

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread
  11/11/2015  1

If the desert emitted about .74 (or 7.4 depending on the scale you use) CA smell 2 then it would make the creatures hot.

There are tweaks and agents you can use to achieve that effect, I recommend Moe's Heater agent as it has a thermostat on the side, so you know exactly how hot it is even when it's turned off.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




I grabbed Moe's Heater agent and gave it a try. Even though I have it fully cranked up, it doesn't appear to be effecting them (unless their drive just isn't going up for some reason). I re-tested it on a standard norn and got the same results.

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