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Name those Norns!! Go for it!! | |


8/9/2007 | |
I am developing a new species of norn for C1. I've been working on it for a while now, but haven't been able to come up with a good name for them. Super-norn just doesn't cover it. Here are the facts about my new species, and I'll name them after whoever makes the best suggestion!
1: They are born full-grown and ready to mate.
2: They have over 500 genes and usually about 11 or so brain lobes.
3: They are all 95% and above, with the vast percentage being highlanders.
4: They are amazing breeders, which generally take less that two minutes from conception to laying their eggs. They take zero time to recuperate and are capable of laying 20+ eggs before 1 hour old.
5: Some are very intelligent, the vast majority are simply average. I have tried to cull out the norns with brain defects, which happens about every 1 in 20, and usually has some basis in accidental inbreeding. Also, they need to be born with other norns close by, as they often become horribly bored soon after birth, and will have mental problems if there aren't other norns to distract and occupy them, not to mention teach them, as my super-norns most often ignore 'the hand' and rely on each other for guidance and companionship.
I don't have any conclusive evidence of life span or how they interact with grendels, but I will be doing life span test over the next few days, to see 1) how long they live and 2) up to what point (or age) do they continue to be able to breed.
That about covers it. I'll amend this if I think of anything else. 
Proud mama to the brand-spanking-new base species for C1, the HESTIA Norns! W00t! |

8/9/2007 | |

I really stink at naming Norns, but I'll go for it... how about "Yale Norns"? Yales were mythical creatures who were full-grown when born and could reproduce really quickly (plus super-long life spans. Legends tell they sometimes lived to be over 1000 years old!). They were also quite intellegent, that they could communicate with all animals. That might fit the bill for the uber-Norns you're raising. 


8/9/2007 | |
Yale Norns? That sounds good except for 'real smart' cause these really aren't. I'm trying to interbreed smart norns with my uber-norns, but the results, unfortunately, have been minimal.
Good try though. It's on the maybe list. 
Proud mama to the brand-spanking-new base species for C1, the HESTIA Norns! W00t! |

8/9/2007 | |
With 500+ brain cells, I thought I'd give it a shot. Anyway, most Yales just bowed down before their smarter descendants (which is like the opposite of what humans do). Just letting you know. 

8/9/2007 | |
Hathor was the Egyptian god of motherhood, so... Hathor Norns?
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |


8/9/2007 | |
And it was a good try, because you would think that with that many brain lobes that they would be super-smart, huh? The only thing I can figure is that all those lobes are mostly dedicated to instinctual actions rather than learning and verbal abilities.
Hathor...I like that. It's definitely on the list. Thanks evilspirit. 
The List:
1) Yale Norns
2) Hathor Norns
Proud mama to the brand-spanking-new base species for C1, the HESTIA Norns! W00t! |

8/9/2007 | |
Demeter Norns? After the Greek god of motherhood?


8/9/2007 | |
Demeter? Hmmm..wait, what was the roman god of motherhood? Started with an H...
Not sure I like demeter, but It's on the list regardless. There'll be a forum vote in a few days. 
Proud mama to the brand-spanking-new base species for C1, the HESTIA Norns! W00t! |

8/9/2007 | |
Could put in a poll. 'Td be much quicker.
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |


8/10/2007 | |
And how do you create a poll?
Proud mama to the brand-spanking-new base species for C1, the HESTIA Norns! W00t! |
 Tea Queen

8/10/2007 | |
Polls -> Create New Poll |