Kill All Elevators C2 GimmeCat | 12/13/2020 | 4 |
type | Misc | author | GimmeCat | updated | 12/15/2020 | version | 1 | Removes all lifts/elevators, and (as a separate option) removes all lift call buttons as well. Good for wolfruns, where lifts introduce a containment issue and forcefields aren't always a great solution. Now, different rooms/levels are only accessible in ways the user decides (e.g. with custom teleporters).
Tries to delete the objects safely, but best practice is to make sure nobody's riding a lift and that you set aside all lift-bound objects (toys, food, etc).
May need to inject multiple times if lifts were skipped due to safety lockouts.
This is awesome.
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Admittedly I don't know of many. I just use my own cobs. Either Traveller's Hub/Rescue Post combo if I want them to freely travel, or the Corral cobs if I want to separate them by age.
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Which custom teleporters do you recommend for use with this COB?