type | Misc | author | GimmeCat | updated | 12/16/2020 | version | 1.51 | The default world, only... better!
This project attempts to fix most of the major complaints and bugs that exist in the original world. Its main component is a Room Editor template, which requires the Room Editor application to install. (Download links and install instructions can be found inside this archive.)
The reason I've delivered this as an RE template as opposed to a world.sfc file is that with the template, you can update your existing worlds without having to start over - even when a new BA version comes along!
Some of the biggest fixes include:
* NEW to 1.5: Wallbonk fix! Finally, norns look ahead for walls!
* NEW to 1.5: World Wrap fix. Corrects directional issues at the desert
* NEW to 1.5: Volcano fix. Stops creatures getting stuck in the bottom of the volcano
* Smooths steep walking surfaces that babies/crawlers struggle with
* Prevents rooms being incorrectly visible through some solid floors
* Widens narrow elevator shafts that caused enormous pain to lift riders
* Fences-in platform edges that allowed creatures to fall great heights and become injured
(A full list of edits is included in the zip.)
If you'd just like the Wallbonk and World Wrap fixes, plus a few extra things, you can grab BA - Extras here. Otherwise, all available fixes are packaged in this download.
Please feel free to leave any questions, suggestions, or bug reports in the comments below. Thanks and enjoy!
Update December 2020: Wallbonk fix has been tweaked and a small bug resolved. |
Where's the download link?
Edit: you click the picture haha, silly me!
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A small hotfix was applied today to the Out Of Bounds Fix that should resolve the God Object bug once and for all.
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Essentially the wrap fix overwrites any creature action script that uses the 'appr' command, of which EXTRAEAT is one of them. And yes, it does get rid of those awful sayings, I hated them too.
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Why does BA overwrite the extra eat script? If that's the one that makes Norns say "good bit o nosh", then I wlecome it with open arms! I've always hated that Albian Updates makes Norns say that.
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Thank you!
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BA Extras and Fixes shouldn't overlap at all, so their order of injection doesn't matter. The original order is correct: Official patches, genomes and script updates, AU, BA, any supported third-party bridges, and then BA - Fixes. Extras are optional but highly recommended, as that's where I've put the wallbonk, volcano, and wrap fixes.
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So the order remains that of the original Getting Started with C2 thread: Genomes, Official Script Fixes, Albian Updates, Better Albia, Bridges and their BAFix compatibility patches, then BAExtras?
Or are the last few steps BA, BAExtras, then bridges + compatibility patches?
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BA will overwrite the Extra Eat script from Albian Updates, so AU should be injected first. I guess I forgot to put that in the COB description?
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Amazing! How does this interact with Albian Updates 1.1? I looked in the 'fixes' and 'extras' cobs, but it's not referenced in there.