slot | Grendel-P | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | THEdragon | updated | 2/13/2021 | website | [view] | Pearlescent Grendels are a breed of Grendel designed to be… Pretty. They are docile, rarely hitting Norns and Ettins, and quite social, preferring to live in groups. Their genome uses the CFF Grendel genome as a base, making them slow to breed. They feel crowded with pregnant, have longer pregnancies than average, and recover quickly from them. They are also a little more sensitive to pain but slower to anger.
Male and female Pearlescent Grendels both appear very similar, with both having the same style of mane, but the males will grow longer horns and spines as they mature. Their babies are born white, gaining their colours as they grow.
But most notably of all, these Grendels have shiny, almost pearlescent scales that some may find very aesthetically pleasant. I recommend breeding them for pigment bleed mutations, you can get some very nice results.
These Grendels use Grendel slot P (Sorry Plant Norns!)
EDIT: The .zip downloaded by clicking the thumbnail is broken and I don't know if I can replace it; use the website link instead!
Some people on Discord (The Norn Nebula, #creatures_general) are reporting they have a glitch with a54p.c16 (female adult head) as image #90 didn't cut properly (there are 2 heads as one in the file). I don't know where they got the file from, but it might be worth double-checking.
So pretty! And they are CFFs! Get them some Norn Plushies. I'm sure they will love them.
These are so pretty to look at! <3
I wasn't inspired by any particular media, oddly enough, I actually got the idea when I bred some other Grendels that turned out to have a very pretty shiny look to them. As for a metaroom, I don't have any plans to make a room specifically for them, but I would like to make a metaroom in the future!
Do you have plans to made an metaroom for them?
They are wonderful! They remind me of Where the Wild Thongs are, or, even some background characters from the 1990's Moomins cartoon (I wish, i'm not the only, here, to remember it), do they had inspired you?
Yo, these are so cool! I loved seeing them in development.
Thanks I_am_THEdragon, it worked.
That may be because I uploaded the agent file directly instead of zipping it first, and the site turned it into a zip automatically. Try the Google Drive link under 'website', DaedalusR.
I can't decompress, it says is damaged or doesn't recognized the format ( have tried in several programs)