type | Genetics Only | author | Evolnemesis | updated | 10/11/2015 | This pack contains Egg Agents for CFF (1.1) versions of all C12DS breeds. Sprites are not included, so if you want these to look right, make sure you have the original version of any C12DS breed you want to use installed.
Also included is an optional set of replacement genetic files for the standard C12DS genomes... Replacing the default genetics with these will allow the C12DS hatchery and grendel mother to hatch creatures with CFF genetics (NOTE: This feature has only been tested on a copy of C12DS with the C12DS patch also installed. File names may differ in an unpatched version.) |
It removed some files but unfortunately I'm still having trouble removing the breed, i don't know why it isn't working :/
Thank you! It seems to have worked.
i have another breed that seems to be in the same slot as the pixie norns though; i'm not sure how to remove the old breed :/
I think you might need this patch.
I seem to be missing some sprites; does anyone know where i can get them?
As of March 2016, evolnemesis recommends silencing an adipose receptor in the mitochondrial organ.
Awesome! Thank's, Evol
Yeah they are. They have the slightly altered SV rules in their verbal lobes and visual tracts Evos and 1.1s have, which ups the randomness of their thoughts and also makes them susceptible to tryptamine. Still, these changes shouldn't interact badly with others when crossbreeding, it doesn't actually change the shape of their brains at all... The extra curiosity about objects and actions will either get inherited or not, and the tryptamine susceptibility is 75% likely to not be inherited if one parent doesn't have it.
I think they are. They have the weird brain edits the Evos have.
Are these CFF 1.1?