slot | Geat-H | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | Ghosthande | updated | 12/7/2014 | website | [view] | GAIA's "little brother", long lost aboard the ghost ship Bai-Loki. Gaius has a taste for smaller gadgets and loves palling around with your Creatures. |
Here's the fix. (If the site doesn't work, try taking the www bit out.)
That would explain why I keep getting Banshees, too. Good to know, I actually thought that one was intended.
That is a bug of the grendel mother, not of Gaius. The mother agents pick random genomes based on their first letter. The ettin mother takes any genome starting with 'e', the grendel mother any with 'g'. There is a fix for that, though.
These guys occasionally hatch from grendel eggs laid by the grendel mother. Might just be me, though.
I wonder what keeps him from going after normal gadgets (assuming Edible Gadgets isn't installed) instead of his own agents. Unless nothing does, and it's like throwing a carnivore norn into a room full of inedible critters.
Anyway, Gaius is a favorite, despite the wasteland glitch. I may have to set up an "inorganic" themed world sometime so I can hatch several without that getting in the way.
The included agents are creative and pretty, too! I especially like the holo-wings.
These are so awesome! One of my favorite creatures.
One of my all time favorite creatures.