Redstorm Grendelchi kilnarak | born 5/8/2019 |  | Redstorm is a smallish Grendelchi. At a distance her scaly hide looks purple, but up close faint whorls of red can be seen breaking it up - not enough to be called stripes. She is moody and a bit aloof, but when she warms up to someone she can be very protective of them. Redstorm is betrothed to Goldenflame. |
Sweet. Thanks for confirming
That is indeed the case, as purple and yellow creatchis have paired up in the past. There's still a chance of black or white offspring, as there is in all combinations that don't produce a secondary color, but purple with yellow stripes is the most likely outcome.
I went for a Gen1 because my understanding is that the primary/Gen1 colors are recessive to the mixed colors. If this works the way I think it does, they should make purple with yellow stripes.
I'll adopt a mate for you!