| A quiet and shy ettinchi with a fierce love of classical music.
Ludwig is the proud father of one very handsome striped creatchi and an unhatched egg. He credits their mother Widget for their devilish good looks. Ludwig was last seen carefully tuning a large pipe organ. |
Aww... I hope they played nice music for him.
Bye bye Ludwig.
I think so too. Two eggs, a lovely mate, and lots of questionable music. <3 Good job buddy.
Ludwig is in his last day. I think he's had a good life.
Ludwig is amazed by Widget's creativity and mechanical aptitude! He sits down to play a few bars of "Eem Exmly Boop" to show his gratitude and devotion. :3
Widget finally shows her mate what she has been working on for so long- converting the learning computer into a full-sized electric pipe organ!
It's almost finished. She just needs someone to help her tune it. 8;^)
Working on getting a second child...
They do need to be lonely to send the first breeding request, as far as I could tell.