Updated by Malkin on 9/29/2015 - blackbird. Updated by Malkin on 1/12/2016 - updating link for Quaker Parrot. Updated by Malkin on 2/19/2016 - update German Creatures and CU7 links. Updated by Malkin on 6/27/2017 - pincher crabs.
This is just for C3/DS injectable agents (not those included in metarooms), so I haven't included the C2 Zanders or the Past Seas Zanders. Thanks for the tip about Edash's Zander Fish agent!
Zander fish are edible, and there's a Zander Fish vendor somewhere in the COBs section.
There's also zanderfish with a filled-out life cycle in the Past Seas metaroom-they can be put in any body of water just fine, apparently, and they're edible.
Just as a heads-up...you might need to update some of those links through the Internet Archive, since some of the sites (such as www.seeyou7.net) to which the links currently send people are evidently no longer active.
creatures caves is your #1 resource for the creatures artificial life game series: creatures, creatures 2, creatures 3, docking station, and the upcoming creatures family.