Development for C1 Development Malkin | 8/27/2012 | 4 | This is a list of some development resources available for C1.
List of the CAOS language for C1 (direct download, PDF) - explains what every command does. Very useful.
Creatures 1 SDK Guide in PDF - complete list of the CAOS language for C1, and a mini-tutorial of the Bedtime Bear.
LummoxJR's COB tutorials - a series of 5 COBbling tutorials for beginners.
Snack Vendor - a tutorial by Spotling on how to make a vendor.
Gumby Doll - a tutorial by Spotling on how to make a soothing object.
Slink's Treasures - Reference - Slink's resources for developers for C1 and C2. Covers genetics, C1 COBbling and how to make a world.
C1 class numbers on the Creatures Wiki - helps you to choose a class number for your COB that hasn't already been used.
Fixing Carrot Cobs - a tutorial on how to fix many of Muppetboy's carrot cobs with BOBCOB, by kezune.
Construction Plan for a C1 World, a German-language tutorial by Monika.
C1 Genetics Kit (Information, Download)
"The Creatures 1 Genetics Kit is the most advanced application available for Creatures 1 today. Get it, and become a Creatures Genetic engineer!"
Creatures 1 Photoshop Development Files by Romy.
Smart Scriptorium Browser - a way to see all scripts governing objects in a world at once.
Creatures 2 Sprite Workshop Information, Download
A tool for creating SPR and S16 sprite files - essential for making new objects for distribution as COBs. While it is touted as being for C2, it also supports C1 SPR files.
Updated by Malkin on 3/31/2013 - Fixing Carrot Cobs. Updated by Malkin on 5/23/2014 - Construction Plan for a C1 World. Updated by Malkin on 6/12/2014 - + official genetics kit. Updated by Malkin on 12/1/2014 - updating Creatures Wiki links. Updated by Malkin on 4/9/2015 - add Spotling's tutorials. Updated by Malkin on 4/28/2015 - Creatures 1 Photoshop Development Files. Updated by Malkin on 7/6/2015 - Smart Scriptorium Browser. Updated by Malkin on 9/9/2015 - update to Gameware Europe. Updated by Malkin on 9/9/2015 - Sprite Workshop - also supports SPR files. Updated by Malkin on 1/27/2018 - SDK. Updated by Malkin on 3/7/2019 - reocities>oocites. |