Dear Laura,
I hit the Hand a lot because I was bored. Then it exploded into a mass of... Something... That turned into a beast and now there's no light, no bioenergy, and dozens of creature corpses! The beast might take Gaia next, and I'm scared of what will happen! Should we try and get the Hand back, or should we go through with what Gaia calls "CTRL+Pause"?
- A Siamese Norn
Dear A Siamese Norn,
Firstly, I wouldn't believe everything that Gaia says. It's hard to trust a Geat who will eat anything that isn't bolted to the ship! It also wouldn't surprise me if she was partially responsible for rousing the Hand's ire. Some creatures seem to forget that underneath their powerful exterior, the Hand is still a real being, with real feelings. No matter how invincible they appear to be, anyone would crack under such torment. While it probably doesn't realise that slapping is a form of communication, I think it's fair to say you went a little bit overboard! Next time, use your words instead of your paws and if you're bored, well, the Training Dummy hasn't been known to fight back! As for the Hand, an apology can go a long way, along with peace offerings of tea and a plate of its favourite biscuits... When it's calmed down, of course. Try and stay out of its way for now!
- Laura