Dear Laura,
Everyone around me looks at me strangely. They say my face is a permanent frown, but I'm fairly sure I'm always happy! No one wants to hang out with me because they say I always look miserable! I've tried wearing a mask, but they only laughed at me then. I feel like I'm from a different world, because of this. Do you know where my real home is?
- A Not-Miserable Grendel
Dear A Not-Miserable Grendel,
There's nothing wrong with you my friend, you're fine as you are! You have something called a 'genetic mutation', a curiosity that’s prized by many Hands. Have you tried acting happy and doing happy things, so that other creatures know you're smiling on the inside? If that doesn't work, talk to your Hand and ask if it can find another Hand who likes extraordinary Grendels; that way you can go somewhere where you’ll feel more at home!
- Laura