Dear Laura,
There is a strange, strange visitor that has been hanging out with us Norns lately. He's ugly and green, and reminds us a lot of a Grendel... Yet he looks and smells like a Norn! He even tastes like a Norn, thanks to a daring act on the part of Ludo, our resident species taste expert. Is it safe to talk with him? Or this some trickery that might result in him tasting us?
- A Confused Norn
Dear A Confused Norn,
It's true, I've also heard of these visitors lately. Why, just this morning I was yawning over my breakfast tea, when I overheard the Hand muttering feverishly with excitement about Norns with Grendel heads, and Grendels with Norn heads! At first I thought I was still dreaming, but if you've seen them too... It's definitely better to be safe than sorry where strangers are concerned, but perhaps you can put some of the Hand's technology to good use. Rather than risking another Norn's wellbeing to determine whether the newcomer is friendly, you could try using the Video Cassette Recorder to leave them a welcoming message, and hopefully start a conversation? Surely this way you can gauge their intentions without putting yourselves in any sticky situations!
- Laura