Dear Laura,
I can't take it much longer! Ever since a new pair of Norns were brought to my world, they can't stop saying "me love you" over and over again! The rest of us Norns have no idea why these two must constantly express this sentiment! We're getting ready to employ a Grendel to take care of business... Or would you suggest something a little less drastic?
- Can't Feel the Love
Dear Can't Feel the Love,
Hiring Grendel thugs really isn't advisable, since their rates are costly (unless you can really afford to pay an emotional price with the unhatched egg of your first-born child... ) but you may be able to shock them out of their infatuated stupor on your own. You just need to be inventive. For instance, a bucket of cold water can be very effective in extinguishing the flame of romance, if launched from an overhead treehouse. Just be sure to make a very hasty retreat, since such interruptions can frustrate the recipients, and not everyone has the gift of camouflage that we Treehugger Norns possess!
- Laura