Dear Laura,
My friends and I were eating carrots in the Norn Meso, when we realized, to our horror, that there were little beings crawling all over the carrot patch! We were mortified, and are pretty sure we ate a few of these things. Can't complain too much... They were tasty! But from a moral standpoint, what happened? My best friend thinks we ate some rare breed of Norn, but someone else thinks the carrots just had a bad case of potato bugs. I tried explaining that carrots usually don't get attacked by POTATO bugs... So is my life. Do you have any ideas or advice for us?
- An Accidental Cannibal
Dear An Accidental Cannibal,
While there are indeed very small breeds of creatures, such as the Micro Ettins or Nano Norns, it's also possible that your carrot patch got invaded by the Albian Carrot Beetle. They're like potato bugs, but for carrots instead. To make sure you haven't become a cannibal, we can refer to the 'Accidental Cannibalism and You' guide (I'm sure the Hand will have a copy stashed somewhere!), which says the first thing you must do is "check if your meal is sentient". This might be a tricky question when regarding us Norns, but go ahead and give the little critters on the carrot patch a friendly wave. If they wave back, you're in trouble and should probably switch to a diet of tubas instead.
- Laura