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Creatures Online: Altar Machine   Malkin | 9/15/2014discuss  log in to like post  3

Creatures Online: Altar MachineIn this week's Creatures Online update, the mysterious Altar Machine was introduced.

If you drag and drop a Norn on this machine, a short animation will be triggered and the Norn will disappear forever in an ethereal light. Thus, some genes are dropped which may be used later in the Splicing Machine.

It may be a way to ensure older and dying Norns will leave room for younger ones. Of course, it can rise some ethical questions, like a lot of things in the Creatures series… Norns do not seem to really care though, as they will wave you a last goodbye while standing on the machine.
Doringo | 10/18/2014  log in to like post

It kinda goes well with the whole "Community of norns" thing that they're trying to get together if you ask me.
evolnemesis | 10/13/2014  log in to like post  1

I think the bright cheery flags are a bit odd, I guess it's to offset the creepy factor, but still, I think it should be a bit somber looking... Something about the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few... I feel like this machine needs to have a glass casing so the norn can give you a last look and smile, then press its hand against the glass right before disappearing. "I have been, and always will be... your friend..."
Freylaverse | 9/22/2014  log in to like post

I feel like things like this are moving Creatures closer towards being a game and further from being a life simulator...
Doringo | 9/21/2014  log in to like post  1

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a large tendancy to just dub it "Sacrificial Altar".

Or maybe I should call it the "Warp portal" [nevil]
Norn_master | 9/20/2014  log in to like post

Well hopefully both will be late in game. The gene splicer is usually an end game tinkering thing for me. I have no idea how this device will affect us. It could be used to unlock different in game breeds. Like collect this many gene, and add this Norn to create this breed in the gene splicer. Just a guess.

In terms etihics, I am against Norn culling as a population prevention, and euthanasia as a cure for sickness. I always let my norns live. Perhaps I think of them more as pets, then me being a breeder.
Malkin | 9/19/2014  log in to like post

Lucas has confirmed that the machine will be available to us later in gameplay - so hopefully by then we'll have become attached to our norns enough not to sacrifice them willy-nilly for genes.
Norn_master | 9/18/2014  log in to like post  1

I suspect this machine may be useful if you could preview what using those genes could do. Instead on splicing, and few minutes later dying like in C3, you may see what it does to your creature. Possibly good for new players. Perhaps improve them your creatures. Make them geniticly immune to colds.
Malkin | 9/17/2014  log in to like post  2

Silicon Heaven - it's where all the calculators go. :)
the1whoscreams | 9/16/2014  log in to like post

I have another theory.They go to a magical land with cheese raining from the sky.

*puts norn in the altar machine*

Norn:Bye bye!*waves goodbye and vanishes in a light*

Meanwhile,in the magical land of cheese rain...

Norn:*gets dropped off by the light*

5 hours later...

An extremely bloated norn lays down on the grass with an open mouth,waiting for the cheese to fall into his mouth.
magpie-angel | 9/16/2014  log in to like post

i kind of like the idea of this like they get to go someplace else.
i mean they wave goodbye so maybe they know it isn't a bad thing

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