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Creatures Online: Altar Machine   Malkin | 9/15/2014discuss  log in to like post  3

Creatures Online: Altar MachineIn this week's Creatures Online update, the mysterious Altar Machine was introduced.

If you drag and drop a Norn on this machine, a short animation will be triggered and the Norn will disappear forever in an ethereal light. Thus, some genes are dropped which may be used later in the Splicing Machine.

It may be a way to ensure older and dying Norns will leave room for younger ones. Of course, it can rise some ethical questions, like a lot of things in the Creatures series… Norns do not seem to really care though, as they will wave you a last goodbye while standing on the machine.
the1whoscreams | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

Maybe it's a deathless gene extractor that always goes haywire and sends norns off to who-knows-where.
Riakodoadm | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

But do the norns actually die? Do they just kind of ascend to a higher plane of existance or something?

...Actually, that's kind of even more creepy.
Trell | 9/15/2014  log in to like post  1

Perhaps that's the intention though. Hey, this does raise ethical questions!
Papriko | 9/15/2014  log in to like post  2

Meh, it is still not so awful. When a norn reaches the end of it's life, you can let it fulfill a last purpose, instead of risking that it catches a disease or something. Or you could free already sick creatures, kinda like euthanasia.

And mathematically seen, it is still not worse than a splicer!
Splicer: 2 creatures ==> 1 creatue + genes, 1 creature lost
Totem: 1 creature ==> 0 creatures + genes, 1 creature lost
See? Perfectly fine :P
LoverIan | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

At least this way if a creature kills a ton of others, you can simply get rid of one rather than two.
Malkin | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

At the same time, I'm sure that if the CC had known, in 1997 or so, about C2's splicing machine, we would have found it pretty creepy as well - in the first game, there was a real feel that the hatchery contained the very last Creatures in the universe, and that they were precious. (Egg disk aside...)
Trell | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

I suppose it's the execution, (haha) you know? Just strikes me as creepy. Plus it's not actually giving you a baby, just some genes. If it gave you a baby, that'd be kind of like a Norn-swap, which would be kind of cool.
SpaceShipRat | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

it's very creepy. But what I'm most worried about, like I said on the other forum, is it kinda cheapens creature life. I think this game will be almost entirely geared towards discovering new (aesthetic) genes, and breeding purebred norns of all the various breeds.
Which is cool! But leaves aside the whole "artificial life" thing.
Papriko | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

Malkin got my reference, lol.

And I don't see how this is much worse. Apparently you have the chance to get some neat new genes for your experiments when you use the machine, basically like a splicer. Also, unlike the classic splicer from the older games, this baby only demands 1 life and not 2.
Trell | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

Yikes! That is alarming. Splicing is a bit tragic, but sacrifice to some sort of ethereal statue is a little frightening. [nscared]

I don't think it being all decked out in colourful flags helps, either!

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