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Creatures Online: Altar Machine   Malkin | 9/15/2014discuss  log in to like post  3

Creatures Online: Altar MachineIn this week's Creatures Online update, the mysterious Altar Machine was introduced.

If you drag and drop a Norn on this machine, a short animation will be triggered and the Norn will disappear forever in an ethereal light. Thus, some genes are dropped which may be used later in the Splicing Machine.

It may be a way to ensure older and dying Norns will leave room for younger ones. Of course, it can rise some ethical questions, like a lot of things in the Creatures series… Norns do not seem to really care though, as they will wave you a last goodbye while standing on the machine.
ham5ter | 9/16/2014  log in to like post  4

Carrots? No Way! they are sent to be doomed in Eternal Hellfire!
There will be Grendels that are specially trained to torture these poor Norns, and Rip out the Good Parts Pieces and Bits of their Existence to provide them To you as "genes".
What will remain is a Crippled, deformed Shadow of the once so live full Norn, that can never really die.
Carrots will only be used to tease the Starving, Norns and Poke them in their litle Stomachs.

This all Happens in a Few Seconds (to you the Player) but takes an infinite amount of Time for the Norns.

Of course you are able to Save the Norns from this Nightmare. just don't Sacrifice them to the Dark Altar Machine of NIGHTMARES! (seriously, look at it's Eyes!, they are Staring in your Soul!)
Arnout | 9/16/2014  log in to like post

Perhaps there's a norn heaven after all, with endless fields of carrots. :o
gusmat10 | 9/16/2014  log in to like post

Look it goes down to the very basic principles of what it means to sacrifice the few for the good of the many. How many must die to let the feeble live!?!
ham5ter | 9/16/2014  log in to like post  1

This Thing is very Creepy. i will use it anyway i guess.

I am a heartless Person *laughs manically*

Papriko | 9/16/2014  log in to like post  1

KittyTikara wrote:
I usually export and delete extra Norns anyway, [...]

Sounds a lot like "disappear forever in an ethereal light" to me. So many of you are as 'bad' as you depict that totem-thingy anyways :P
KittyTikara | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

How are they handling genetics anyway? I've only been skimming the CO news for the past few months.

Depending on what sort of population limit the CO worlds have, I might just use the altar machine. I usually export and delete extra Norns anyway, and at least using the altar machine would mean a part of them lives on. I'm guessing it's just the appearance genes that get added though.
RisenAngel | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

Doesn't CO have a proper splicing machine? It's even mentioned in this very news post. The way people are talking about this it's like FC ditched it in favor of this.

Though it does kind of bother me either way. I'm all for some good old fashioned creepiness, but it just reminds me of how much I dislike the way CO handles genetics.
Malkin | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

The Shee Statue also had an otherworldly depiction of the Shee, but that could be seen as a Wizard of Oz-like 'man behind the curtain' effect.
Siinamon | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

It's less fighting in my eyes, and more seeing that this is going in a direction that is far different than the "science" that Creatures series has always seemed to embrace. I am really, really disappointed that it has become a sacrificial altar that gives you some genes magically, rather than a gene splicing tool. :<
Puddini | 9/15/2014  log in to like post

I'm not fighting. I just believe what I believe.

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