Grentilda Grendelchi kezune | born 4/16/2013 | 4 |
stage | dead | age | 23:22:11:55 | generation | 1st | spouse | Tyrion | offspring | Arya
| Hearty congratulations to the first mother creatchi! She gave birth to a little girl on April 25th. Here's to many more generations of babychis!
Grentilda is quite the social butterfly and has done her best to make friends with -every- creatchi.
Passed away 5/10/2013 to old age. |
Peace be with you, lovely girl.
Farewell, Grentilda
Farewell, Grentilda.
I think we can say the same for all the elderly creatchi that passed away today.
Farewell, Grentilda. Tyrion and I will always remember how she was such a friendly Grendel, and a wonderful mother. Sad to see her pass away, but she lived a nice Creatchi life!
Oh Grentilda... RIP, you wonderful Grendelchi. Momma's gonna miss you. :C
It looks like Grentilda is on her way out. She led a long, happy life and had a beautiful daughter. : D Now she just wants a grandchild. XD
Best friends at last!
That would be awesome! I'm trying not to get her to socialize with -everyone- so that they get a chance to have that happen. : D
Tyrion will at least attempt to help with her social needs! Maybe you'll return to find them best friends!
Going away again for the weekend. I'll do my best to care for Grenty, though! : D