He-Man Grendelchi ylukyun | born 8/29/2017 | 1 | The power of many fearsome Grendelchi lines combined in one tiny, scaly purple body. He-Man has fabulous secret powers |
Demannu's another male, too! Oh dear... How in the world did this happen?
And a really old one at that. Jeez how did that happen? The only guess I can make is that someone held onto a breed request for a very, very long time.
Oh dear ;o;
Somehow, this grendelchi wound up married to a dead, first-gen, male Nornchi.
I'm not one to question people's preferences, but I think something went wrong here.
Blush surrounds his unborn son with his hoard of ruby, garnet, beryl and topaz, using up the last of his magic to protect it from thieves.