Grentilda Grendelchi kezune | born 4/16/2013 | 4 |
stage | dead | age | 23:22:11:55 | generation | 1st | spouse | Tyrion | offspring | Arya
| Hearty congratulations to the first mother creatchi! She gave birth to a little girl on April 25th. Here's to many more generations of babychis!
Grentilda is quite the social butterfly and has done her best to make friends with -every- creatchi.
Passed away 5/10/2013 to old age. |
good luck with the babies!
Oooh, Grentilda and Tyrion are also apparently spouses now. What a quick marriage!
Grentilda is now pregnant! Oh happy day!
Yay! Tyrion and Grentilda are now friends! A special sort of request has also been sent... Could they be lucky enough to have a little egg on the way? Hope so!
mip: Of course they can! : D
Laura: Naturally, I had to name her after one of my favorite video game villains when I found out I'd gotten a grendelchi. Gruntilda from the Banjo and Kazooie games. I love grendels and I love villains, after all. : D
Wow, and I thought Ruby was popular! It must be because Grentilda has an awesome name.
mip | 4/21/2013
 | She really does have a lot of friends! Hopefully Stalactite can become her grendelbuddy too.
What can I say? She loves friends. : D
Seems like Grentilda is the most popular Creatchi around. 15 friends! Wow.