Stygian Grendelchi Bifrost | born 6/14/2013 | 5 | Son of Styx and Nepeta, brother of Ranon, he is an unrestful grendelchi, eager to see the world and its inhabitants. He's rash and playful, and likes to hit his friends, all with a good, playful manner. Stygian is a proud father of two beautiful daughters. |
Stygian is now an old man.
Stygian is now open to play with anyone.
Stygian is now set as Do not disturb, so that he can spend his social time with his future spouse Tera.
Stygian, yes. I read Ranon, and wrote that instead. Sorry. ;p
Styx and Nepeta's children are uniting three of the six grendel families.
I assume you mean Stygian has been paired up with Tera? Ranon is already madly in love with Swift. Ha ha! I'm sure the pair will have a wonderful life: Always excited to hear about these early pairings, since it means the line is likely to survive!
Ranon has been set up to pair up with Tera.
Ranon says hello to his brother, who looks just like him!
The name actually means "of Styx" ...
I love the name, too. Reminds me of Ultima.