Ranon Grendelchi Jessica | born 6/5/2013 | 3 | Happy-go-lucky and adventurous, Ranon can often be seen all over the realm of Creatchis! He is a bit reserved when it comes to social interactions, mainly due to his intense tendency to become distracted by anything that moves. He popped out of his egg with a flourish, and decided that the world was a wonderful place for him to explore. At present, Ranon is focused on eating all the apples and cheese he can find! Perhaps you'll bump into him just around the corner... |
Farewell, Ranon. He lived a great life, and hopefully his legacy will continue.
Thanks fpr giving Fermi a wonderful grandchild!
Stygian is really eager to meet his unborn nephew or niece.
Childhood already. How quickly these Creatchis grow up. Also, anyone know where this little guy's name comes from? Very obscure reference, but I couldn't resist paying tribute to one of my favorite movies!
Aww, what a cutie.
Aw. I'm so glad you're the one who adopted him, Jessica!
Very true, Karias! Even if he isn't any type of special color, I'm still excited about this Grendelchi. It's really fun to see the unique colors popping up, though. As corny as it sounds, it's what's on the inside that counts!
Hey now, remember, out of two green 1st gen Grendelchis once popped a brown one
With the passing of this little one's grandmother, I figured it was most appropriate to adopt this egg! Although chances are high that he will be "just another" green Grendelchi, I'm hoping that maybe my two Grendelchis (Tyrion and Iris) will eventually have their lines crossed! This little guy will get a name and a biography as soon as he cracks open that fiery red eggshell!
Someone please adopt him! We need some more boy Grendels!