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Fishing Cactus' Official Statement   Laura | 1/23/2016discuss  log in to like post  4

Following on from the previous update, Fishing Cactus have finally confirmed the sad news that development on Creatures Online has been halted by its publisher, Bigben Interactive. Unfortunately, Fishing Cactus couldn't go into detail about why this has happened due to legal reasons, but they have given the Creatures Community a heartfelt apology via an official statement on their blog.

From what we can understand, any future updates about Creatures Online, including the management of the official website and forums, is now out of their hands and into those of Bigben Interactive. Feel free to discuss and share your thoughts in our forums, or in the comments below.

Thank you, ItinerantWraith for bringing this news to our attention!
Missmysterics | 3/7/2016  log in to like post

That is sad, it doesn't really surprise me considering they said the development was "paused indefinitely." I feel kind of bad for the developers, they tried so hard :B

I'm guessing BigBen will just sit on the Creatures IP indefinitely just like Gameware did.

Puddini | 2/29/2016  log in to like post

From the Fishing Cactus blog (a comment on the apology)

"Hey Jillian, I guess it would be possible to organize a crowdfunding
(based on equity rather than donations) so that the core community can
get their hands back on the IP and project (with or without Fishing
But to be honest, the logistic to organize such crowdfunding and amount
of money required would be significantly high (>500.000€) and it
would also require Big Ben approval. In case the community wants to organize such approach we would be more than happy to help you in the process."
ham5ter | 2/9/2016  log in to like post

That sucks :(
Rha | 2/4/2016  log in to like post

@Spaceshiprat That's okay.
Yeah I mean I can't really imagine Creatures Online in that catalogue, heh.
Hellfrozeover | 2/2/2016  log in to like post

Oh I can't contain my shock...actually it's in the fridge in a Tupperware box.
SpaceShipRat | 2/1/2016  log in to like post

@Rha I owe an apology here, I was thinking about FC's catalogue, which had gotten similar accusations in the past. BigBen's catalogue looks... yeah, pretty sad.
jcnorn | 1/28/2016  log in to like post

I'd love to help out with graphics, 3d/2d :) If it's a go and all that stuff.
Rha | 1/28/2016  log in to like post

Well if Layla's right, I would like to contribute if there's plans to make it 3D or partially 3D. 3D doesn't necessarily mean complex, I mean the hardest part is programming here for sure, and I suppose that would take the same effort no matter the graphics.

Spaceshiprat:Sorry, I only saw the list I didn't read any information so I just supposed they made those games, not just their adaptations. They're still mostly 'heavily inspired' games, however..
Freylaverse | 1/26/2016  log in to like post

BigBen aside, I don't think there'd be any legal issues with the community getting together to make a sequel as long as we don't try to sell it.
C-Rex | 1/26/2016  log in to like post

Are you sure Spaceshiprat? I had a look here and the games look awfully similar to existing franchises.

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