Sir Threnody Flibgrah XVII Grendelchi Lurhstaap | born 7/19/2016 | 2 | Sir Threnody is the only son of Miss Harmony, who in turn was the daughter of Miss Melody. The Flibgrah Legacy continues! Sir Threnody is betrothed to Timothea. Sir Threnody Flibgrah XVII feels accomplished! It's been a good life. |
Nope, social bar was down. I dunno why but the DND sign hides that link for me if the two Creatchis don't already have a relationship. It's odd.
It shouldn't hide the interact button, there are creatchis with DND signs up right now that still have the "meet" link for me. If it didn't show up, maybe it was because their social bar was full?
Done! I know it doesn't totally shut it off, but when it's up on a Creatchi that mine doesn't already have a relationship with it hides the interact button and I don't know how to find an alternate way to introduce them. XD That's what I meant, before.
Do you think you can put your DND sign up? I'm having massive trouble trying to find opportunities for Timothea to socialize with Threnody.
Again, the DND sign doesn't shut off the ability to socialize. All it is is a way to tell other people that your creatchi's trying to get to know a mate.
Logical enough. I did make my intentions pretty clear. XD I also feel you on that since Harmony just barely got to make this egg in time before dying - she only got a mate by luck. So I was -very- happy when I saw her one egg was to be a boy since they're so needed! This time we'll get two out of the pair and hopefully some more males for people!
Truth be told, I sort of adopted Timothea knowing that you'd probably adopt this boy and thus there'd be a mate available for her.
There's still a male Grendelchi shortage, I imagine - it's all good. Sure, since you asked first. XD
Considering this boy hasn't even hatched yet it's a bit early to be asking this, but I don't suppose you'd mind pairing him with Timothea when they get old enough?
Yay! It's a boy! Hoping to adopt Miss Melody's grandson now that he exists after all but I have a backup plan if one of you guys beats me to him.