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The Feral Run is Running!   1 | 2
Tea Queen

United Kingdom  

 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

The feral run has been running for 15 minutes now.

Data is wondering about by himself, away from the others, doing nothing and looking angry. He's also hungry. I'll be interested to see if he continues to be solitary, and whether he'll actually find himself some food.

Mirni and Hawksight are having a little smooch ontop of the rocks by the incubator. Awww! Will we see sparks fly, I wonder? If Mirni is anything like his father Benkey... They also both look pretty hungry, but who needs food, eh? ;)

Brooklyn looks pretty grumpy all by himself, on the top level of the volcano area, though it isn't the most uplifting of places, is it. Also hungry.

Angel is with Cindy and Mirni meanwhile (but Mirni, what about Hawksight? You cad! ;)) and they all seem pretty fascinated by the lift. Angel also seems to be saying 'eat' a lot, so hopefully she'll eat something.

GrendelMan is content playing with some toys with OnikageWolf (female). I have a feeling they're going to be there a while. Maybe we'll see some sparks fly over the Toy Dog.

Laura is by herself on the bridge playing with a Box Gun and seems to be very tired. I know the feeling all too well.

GrendelMan2, Megan and Hawksight2 all are huddled around some fruit and have been doing so for a while now.

Miya is being chased by Megan (male) and Miya looks thoroughly happy about it!

MasaHiro is keeping the Ettin company in the Grendel volcano.

Pulppu is hanging around with Data - at least Data's got a friend to play with. Though he still looks angry. Maybe he'll start using Pulppu as a Norn punchbag.

I'll update again when I get back from work. :)

Edit: I just spotted this and I had to show you.
Angel is so hungry, she seems to have taken the fruit dispensor hostage and is teetering ontop of the rock...

Will she jump if her demands are not met? :P

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

MasaHiro has just become unconsious in the Grendel Volcano. :( The cause seems to be starvation, even though there's a fruit dispensor close by. He's only 27 minutes old too. I'm surprised to see Laura there with him, I really hope she doesn't go the same way.

However, Laura has now left poor dying MasoHiro's side, and seems to be keeping up good Grendel/Norn relations by conversing with the Grendel.

Edit: Aww...




Aw man. My online furry me is dead? D:

Not really active around these parts anymore.
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Yeah, he's just died, despite Norn Laura's best efforts
(bless :P) Sorry Jacob :(

Edit: In the past 10 minutes, both Data and Angel have gone up to Silcon Heaven. They just wouldn't eat. :(




Oh dear... all this death is making me depressed. XD

This is GREAT! Let's have an update soon!





yay! go mirni! already acting just like dear old dad..

I wanna be your lover,
Lipstick my name across your mirror.
Blood red with flaked gunshot glitter



 visit Officer-1BDI's website: My Tumblr Account (semi-NSFW)

both Data and Angel have gone up to Silcon Heaven

I'm... actually not surprised. I was raising Angel with two of her "sisters" (I was trying to see which one I should send off to you, Laura), and once they hit adolescence, OHSS kicked in big time, Nova Subterra genomes notwithstanding. I was hoping they'd just get over it and eat once they were really hungry (I caught Angel eating right before I exported her), but clearly that didn't happen here.

I hope Brooklyn does a bit better. :P

You have to be honest with yourself when you are writing. If that leads to somewhere unexpected then perhaps you really needed to go there.
-- Jim Adkins




Is that on docking staion or creatures 3 or 2?




It is Creatures 2. :)



Is there a way to do it on C3 or DS? I hope there is a way. If there isn't a way without a metaroom. I just hope there is a metaroom for them.




um, of course you can do it in any of the games. all you do is hatch some norns (or import them) and leave them alone.

I wanna be your lover,
Lipstick my name across your mirror.
Blood red with flaked gunshot glitter




"GrendelMan is content playing with some toys with OnikageWolf (female)." Win. :D
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Sorry this update is late - I got a bit of bad news last night and wasn't in the mood to update after. I've had the game on pause throughout the night for that reason.

Day 2

Since I last updated there's been more deaths - GrendelMan, Brooklyn, Pulppu, Megan, Mirni, Hawksight and Laura. Sorry everyone. :(

On the plus side though, there's been 2 births. I should give these <Un Named> Norns names, otherwise it'll get too confusing when I narrate. For now they're called Adam and Adrian.

Adrian is 1 hour and 25 minutes old and his parents are Hawksight (Dead) and Adam.

Adam is a whopping 2 hours and 45 minutes old and his parents are Hawksight and Hawksight2. He also has one child - Adrian, who I mentioned above.

Congratulations Hawksight, you seem to have some good breeders there. :)

Another bit of good news is that I've noticed a few eggs scattered around:

However I don't know if all will hatch because I don't know how many (if any) have been touched, and of course I can't intervene and place them in the incubator. :\ It would be nice to regain numbers after all those losses though. I Have no idea as to their owners, time will tell though.

GrendelMan2 is with Adam in the area underneath the incubator. He is a massive 4 hours and 51 minutes old (Senile) and appears to have had one male child - <Un Named>, who also happens to be dead. :( He doesn't seem hungry, which is good. It's probably why he's survived this run - he must be a good eater. Right now he seems happy enough playing with the resident Doozer:

Adam seems to be fine at 2 hours and 46 minutes old. However, I did spot Adam picking up an egg earlier (the first blue one), which is a shame because it looked almost ready to hatch.
He seems a bit hungry, but if he's survived this long I'm sure he knows how to find himself some food and eat it. There's plenty down there too - fruit, a bilberry bush, tomatoes and some cheese. Hehe, looks like GrendelMan2 and Adam are in the right place!

OnikageWolf is another survivor at 4 hours and 54 minutes old (Adult), but she has no children. This doesn't surprise me actually because she was in that same spot the last time I checked up on her, so she obviously hasn't had much interaction with the other Norns. She must be trapped there or something. I wish I could intervene and move her to somewhere else where she would be happier, because she looks unhappy. On the plus side, she isn't hungry and her health seems to be in good order. That Bilberry bush COB is a Godsend. :)

Miya looks stunning with her fully-developed Konfetti Norn markings. :D She is a ripe 4 hours 52 minutes old (Adult) and doesn't have any children either. She's another Norn who's been pretty much solitary throughout her life. However, she seems quite content playing with the lift. I'll be interested to see whether or not she leaves this spot and moves somewhere else - she looks like she could do with some company and some food. She's quite the explorer, I think.

Hawksight2 (male) is 4 hours and 52 minutes old (Adult), with 2 children - Adam and a female, <Un Named> (Dead). Yet another Norn I didn't know about. :( He's quite happy right now chomping on Bilberry bush and tomatoes. He isn't doing much else. I hope the egg to the left of him hasn't been touched, I bet it has though. One thing I have noticed about Hawksight2, he looks very petit for his age, don't you think? Unless he's about to enter senility...

Cindy is another solitary Norn it seems. She is 5 hours and 10 minutes old (Adult) and her health seems to be good - she isn't starving or anything. No children, but she appears to travel around Albia a lot so there's still a possibility. Not much else to report where she's concerned.

I've just realised that we only have 3 females left in Albia and neither of them is in the vicinity of the males. :P The rest of this run could make to be very boring, I think.




Aw, man! :( I didn't enter this???

ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

EvilSpirit: Next time?

Quick update. More deaths: Miya, Hawksight2 and GrendelMan2 have all gone - I'm guessing it was a case of old age for GrendelMan2 and Hawksight2 (at least Hawksight2 has left a legacy of two sons though) and a case of starvation for Miya. :(

However, the remaining four seem in good health:

OnkiageWolf has surprised me greatly by springing herself out of the tube she was in for the longest time. She was with Cindy a few minutes ago, but to my delight she's now gone and bumped into Adam - I really REALLY hope they breed successfully, otherwise this could be the end of the run, the way things are going. Let's hope we hear the pitter patter of tiny Norn feet. She's also eagerly satisfying her hunger needs too. :D

Spoke too soon. Adam has walked away from OnikageWolf (dare I say she's been rudely jilted? :() and has now found Cindy. Well, so long as two of them breed, I don't care to be honest. I hear a lot of kissing between the two of them, so maybe I'll hear a kisspop soon.

Oh wow, I just did! :D Loud and clear! Come on you two, make with the baby, please!

Adrian has walked all the way over to where OnikageWolf has wandered off to after being jilted by Adam. Could it be that I might hear another kisspop? I'll keep you all posted. :P

Edit: Huzzah!

Now let's just pray neither of them touches the egg, or else I'll rain down the wrath of a thousand angry Shee Lords, and maybe some agitated Grendels.

I'll leave it a couple of hours now. :)




Maybe you should get the update that allows eggs to hatch even if touched? Since touching the eggs isn't really something that can be expected to evolve very soon, it seems a little sad to leave them be while the adults are dropping like flies (unless any of the entrants have any objections?). ;)
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

That's something to bear in mind for next time, I think. Personally I don't really want to intervene now the run's into its second day... But if there's a demand for me to install the update then I will. :)

Besides, just updating to let you know there's been a very welcome baby boom of 2 males and 1 female. Once again to avoid confusion I shall name them - Bentley, Bingo and Beatrix.

Bentley is 1 hour and 18 minutes old and in good health - he seems to have developed a taste for coconuts. :) His parents are good ol' Cindy and Adam.

Bingo is 1 hour and 18 minutes old, another son of Cindy and Adam. Saying that, he looks more like the late Hawksight2... Creepy genes. ;) He's fine, apart from feeling cold.

Our new lass Beatrix is only 4 minutes old, and looks so damn adorable! :P Her parents are Adrian and OnikageWolf (so my predictions were correct). I'm relieved that OnikageWolf has stopped being a loner and has actually done something. :D Beatrix appears to be hungry, so I hope she follows her parents' good example and finds something to chow down on. :)

I'll update again later this evening with news of how Adrian, Adam, Cindy and OnikageWolf are getting on.




yay for cindy!:D
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I've actually begun to notice that the Norn's have sort of divided themselves into 2 'tribes' if you like... The Cat/Desert Norns (so Adam, Cindy, Bingo and Bentley) have all congregated in the area the opposite side of the bridge, (where the 'rubber dingy' mover is) whilst the Gargoyle/Fantasia Norns (Adrian, OnikageWolf and Beatrix) are all in the desert area. Rarely do 2 Norns from opposite sides actually meet... Just something I've observed anyway.



*sits in a corner and watches enviously*

ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy



Wow. I have three grandchildren? :o

I guess it's just luck, though. :P I consider my two Norn selves very lucky to have reproduced, and my "children" to have reproduced again to the third generation. :) Most of my Norns don't get past generation 1 without handish interfereance.

I think it's interesting you have two small tribes. My Norns are all part of three huge packs, all looking out for eachother with the elders teaching the young ones to try and "eat food". ;) I can't wait for the next installment in this! It's like a soap opera! :D


Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

EvilSpirit: Well... I did allow plenty of time for people to request/submit their entries in this topic. :\
There'll always be other Feral and Wolfling Runs to join in with anyway, or you could start your own? That's fun too.

homer wrote:
yay for cindy! :D

You spoke too soon... Good ol' Cindy has passed on. :( I just managed to catch the sight of her going up.

I actually feel really gutted about it because she turned out to be a really good breeder. I can only assume that she died of old age. Most likely.

Still, here's some more positive news - here have been 3 new births since I updated last this afternoon. One female and two males. Their names are Bonnie, Beau and Brutus (seemed appropriate, Brutus being part Garlgoyle). :P

Unfortunately, Bonnie doesn't seem long for Albia. At only 2 minutes old she's become unconsious and I can't explain why. Something to do with genetics maybe? Her parents are Cindy (Dead) and Adam. Gawd, I'm going to miss having Cindy around - she gave me a lot of babies.

Brutus is still a baby at 22 minutes old. His parents are OnikageWolf, whom I'm sorry to say is also dead, :( and Adrian. Hehe, I think his name really suits his appearance, but hopefully not his personality. :P He kind of reminds you of a knight wearing chain mail doesn't he? His health appears to be good, no concerns, he's just having a little snooze.

Beau is 26 minutes old and his parents are Cindy and Adam. He isn't doing much worth reporting, unless you think staring at the fountain is interesting. He's fine apart from that he could do with some food. There's some fruit from the dispensor scattered nearby, so hopefully he'll spot it.

Bonnie has just died as predicted, poor little thing. :( Though she's a crafty little thing, even in death - as she was going up, she had hold of the fruit dispensor, as if she was trying to take it with her to the afterlife. :P I wish I'd thought to take a picture!

Now onto the others:

Adrian is now 4 hours and 53 minutes old and seems to be giving Beatrix a lot of attention. Lots of kissing going on. Norncest, anyone? His health isn't 10 out of 10, he could do with some food - "adrian intensely hungry". I hope he doesn't starve, he's one of my few remaining good breeders.

Bentley is now 1 hour and 53 minutes old and has been wandering around in the volcano for quite a while now, not doing anything else. This worries me because it could be the MasaHiro scenario all over again - MasaHiro starved because he wouldn't leave.

I found Adam on the bridge playing with the Punching Bag by himself. He's 6 hours and 15 minutes old now and another good breeder. He has five children already (Bingo, Beau, Adrian, Bonnie (Dead) and Bentley) and 4 of them with Cindy I might add... I wonder if he feels lonley without her. He's in good health, apart from being exhausted, then again he is an old timer now. :P

Beatrix is 39 minutes old and in good health, if feeling a little crowded (I'm not surprised, her father keeps following her!). Nothing to report really - I'm pleased to see her eating well from the Bilberry bushes. I'm hoping she'll prove to be a good breeder when she's a little older.

Bingo is 1 hour 39 minutes old and seems to have developed a fixation with lifts. He's in good health, so no worries there.

That's the last update for today. Sorry if this update's a bit boring - the Norns aren't doing much. I've also just realised, to my horror, that with Cindy gone, there's only one female left! And that's Beatrix. :o Dun, dun, dun... With 6 males around her, though, I'm sure she'll breed with no problem. We'll have to see!




Question, do we get to keep the surving offspring of our submitted norns when this ends if possible?
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I could copy the exp files of all the surviving offspring and export the copies. I could do that now. I take it you'd like Bentley, Bingo and Beau? :)

I also have backup exp files of the original 14 entrants, I made them before the run started.




I don't want the norn colony to die. Please breed little norns. It's all up to Cindy. Go Beatrix Go Beatrix Go!

I am trying to remake the teenage mutant ninja turtles song into into a song incorporating the survivors of this wolfling run. Here is what I have so far:

"Adam taught them to be ninja teens (He's a radical rat!)
Adrian leads, Bingo does machines (That's a fact, Jack!)
Beatrix is cool but crude (Gimme a break!)
Bently is a party dude (Party!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Norns
Teenage Mutant Ninja Norns
Teenage Mutant Ninja Norns
Heroes in a half shell
Norn power! "

Help me out guys, i need some help with the lyrics.




Cute song, Shake-Zula, let's just make sure the topic remains about the run itself rather than the song, eh? ;)



*mourns* D:
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Sorry all, there's been a hold up - went to run C2 this morning and was greeted by this lovely error message before it promptly crashed on me. So I can't get into that world at all. :( I really don't want to halt the run, but I might have to if this plan doesn't work:

I'm going to start a new world and try to use the Genetics Editor and the Genome Injector to import all the Norns' genes from the broken world. If I manage to do that successfully, they'll all be back at their baby stage, but at least they wouldn't be lost. Wish me luck...




did you try reinstalling? this seems like the kind of thing that could be remedied by a reinstall. just copy your world to another folder and reinstall the game, then put your world back in the folder (like anduin's advice in pulppu's help topic).

I wanna be your lover,
Lipstick my name across your mirror.
Blood red with flaked gunshot glitter




I wish you luck, Laura. I don't want this to end so soon. :(

If it does work, I'm interested to see what will happen. With only one female and six males, the boys don't have much choice in a mate, I'm sure. :P




try the emergency kit, worked for me.
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I've tried everything I can think of. I took Christine's advice and made backups of the genetics and COBs and tried reinstalling. I've tried starting a new world and injecting the lost Norns' genomes (which I've had no luck finding; trying to find what you want in the Genetics folder is like playing a really awkward game of "Guess Who" to someone like me who has next to no idea about how genes and monikers work!)
All that and it still keeps crashing on me with that error message. I really do think I'll have to wipe it completely (all folders, registry entries - everything) and start again. I'm really sorry. :(
I can always start another Feral Run at some point. Maybe I'll use C1 next time - it's more reliable.




Bummer. :(


I'm thinking of starting a C2 Feral Run myself. :) It looks like such fun to host! It's just I need to learn how to take those awesome pictures... grrr...




I think C3 Or DS is a good idea. It will be easy. But make sure there are lots of rooms. I want to be in the next one! I hope I don't have to send one.

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I don't care for C3 or DS much, so if I do start another feral run, it'll either be in C1 or C2 again.



nornloverain: You don't have to send a Norn by email. If you want to include, for example, a male Zebra Norn, you say "I would like to enter a male Zebra Norn" next time there's a contest like this. :)

Zira the Lone Lioness

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