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Custom Color Command   Rascii | 2/25/2014discuss  log in to like post  5

Thanks to a suggestion from Grendel Man, I have added a new custom color command! This may be useful for those of you who want to customize your signatures more, and especially for those of you enjoy roleplaying with your Creatchi and want it to have it's own unique text color. The command is:

[ color ] XXXXXX [ text ] This is text. [ /color ]

You just need to remove the spaces between the brackets to use it. Please note that this syntax is a bit different from the normal color commands, because you have to add the six digit hex color and then a [ text ] command. If you're unfamiliar with hex colors, please use this handy HTML Color Picker or go to to select the color you want to use. You do not need to include a # before the numbers/letters. Enjoy!
Laura | 2/26/2014  log in to like post

Yay, Creatures Caves in Technicolor. :D Don't forget to add the command to the Commands box!
kezune | 2/26/2014  log in to like post

I think the system works fine as it is. It's taken some getting used to but it's still pretty intuitive once you get used to it. :) Besides, it's been years since I last worked with PHP.

I could see if I still have the files on my computer. I'll send you a message if I can figure out how I did it. :)
Spykkie | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

Nah, don't go out of your way just for me. I just wanted to know if it would mess up the code or not if i added them. :)
Rascii | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

Kezune is right. I just use the str_replace function in PHP to change commands into HMTL. Maybe you can help me improve them, Kezune? :)

I don't think there is a [ /text ] or [ /title ] command, but I could consider adding them for you, spykkie. ;)
Spykkie | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

Will adding the closing part mess up the code? I have the compulsion to close every script i open right as i write them XD;
kezune | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

Maybe it's based on the html?

Like the [ color ] tag is like < font color="

and then [ text ] is "/ >

I've written bbcode similar to this for forums in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.
ylukyun | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

The HTML that's been generated is fine, so it's probably just to make it a bit easier for us end users. :P
Rascii | 2/25/2014  log in to like post  1

In terms of syntax, you're right, it should be closed and nested within the color tags. Ideally I would like it to be [ color=FF0000 ] text [ /color ] like it is on most websites, but since that seems to elude by knowledge of PHP I have to throw another tag in there to make it work. And it seems silly to force people to type more just for the sake of being syntactically correct. :)
Spykkie | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

Yeah, I've never understood why you don't close that either... normally any code that is open needs proper closure to encapsulate it and prevent glitches and bugs down the line. o_o
ylukyun | 2/25/2014  log in to like post

I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's a bit like adding a title in the url command.

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