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So, I love the look of a lot of the metarooms, but when I download them and put the agents in the agent folder they never show up in the injector section of the actual game. I have DS, and I've only tried to get DS or C3/DS metarooms that don't require C3, so I don't know what the problem is. Any help is much appreciated!

"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso

Peppery One



Are you sure that you took no-C3-require rooms?

If yes: try to reset the agent screen. Just open in the Comms Room anything else (e.g. your DS contact list) and then go back to the agent injector screen.

When it still not shows up: maybe you already added some more agents and you just not saw it between them? Everybody has sometimes his/her blind moments ^^

Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis...



I may have taken C3 requiring rooms, could you give me a list of the ones that don't need it?
I feel like I've had a couple of blind weeks since I started trying to download! : ) But thanks for the suggestions!

"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso




Oh, I just remembered that I tried to inject some of the COBs specifically for DS and they aren't showing up on the agents screen either. If that helps...*shrug*

"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso




Go to the contact screen and then back to the agent list

ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy
Prodigal Sock


 visit Ghosthande's website: Breeders Beware

I'm assuming that you have unzipped the agents before you put them in the folder... just because I've seen instances in the past where people haven't done so.

If what Punchar and Wup suggested doesn't work, try checking the very last page of the list. I've noticed that if a creator doesn't capitalize the agent's name, the agent appears at the very end of the list, so chances are some of the agents you're missing may have ended up there. There have been times in the past that I've been unable to find certain agents, including some of my own, only to realize later it was because their in-game names weren't capitalized. I doubt this can account for all of them, but you may find a few of your missing agents there.

Just out of curiosity, what DOES show up on the agents screen? Anything? Do you get the default agents like the hi-bounce rubber balls? Are there any third-party agents that are showing up correctly (and if so which ones)?

And you don't happen to be running Vista, do you?

Peppery One



Oh, yes! Vista and Exodus. That make the most problems. To make any agents or breeds work in Exodus, you will need the Creatures Remastered Patch.

Ghosthande, where in this thread is Punchar? Did Punchar posted here and removed it again, or did you confuse Punchar with me? :D

Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis...



I'm running it on XP. All the default agents show up, but none of the third-party do. I tried adding terra reborn and the tavern, as well as a fruit COB that said it was for DS. Are any of these non DS compatible? I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall because I just can't figure out what's wrong! I've unzipped the files, I added the agents to the agent file and any other components to the other appropriate files, but it is not doing ANYTHING! I've looked at both the C3 and DS pages in the Comms room, and I don't have enough stuff to have a scroll bar or anything (as I said, I only have the default stuff). I really appreciate all your suggestions thus far, and I'm going to try once more to add some agents...I'll probably be back complaining again soon. :)

"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso

Prodigal Sock


 visit Ghosthande's website: Breeders Beware

Whoops, sorry Papriko. I saw the green pepper in your avatar and the name "punchar" popped into my mind. :$

Rainbowcat, do you happen to have any other games, like Sims, Petz, anything, that you have also installed custom content in? And if so does this problem occur in any of your other games? That could help you figure out if it's a problem with Docking Station in particular or if it's something about how your computer itself is reacting to third-party files.

In particular, are you running any kind of firewall or special security settings? That's the most likely reason for this in my mind, heck my mom even just stuck her head in the room and suggested that might be the cause! A computer's security settings can cause wacky problems like this.




Thanks Ghosthande, I'll look into that. And, well, mom's know eveything right? lol Oh, parents! Maybe my dad aka Mr. Computer Genius could help. *slaps forehead* Why didn't I think of that before?! Gosh I'm so stupid sometimes
I think I might try uninstalling DS and redownloading if its still not working. It occured to me that I may have messed it up when I downloaded the program. Should I try installing on another computer?
Or maybe I'm not going through the correct pathway to it. I've been going to the folder where all the downloaded content for DS is and clicking dsbuild 189, then global, then my agents, and then putting the agent files in. Hmm, so many places for human error...

"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso

Prodigal Sock


 visit Ghosthande's website: Breeders Beware

Heh, yes. Your father really could shed some light on it, especially if he set up the security settings and whatnot. He may be able to tell you exactly what's going on. Oh the workings of the human mind, I know them well. :)

Reinstalling could help, in fact that's a pretty common cure-all when you can't get things to work through other means. If it's more convenient to play Docking Station on this computer you might want to try reinstalling it there first before resorting to using another computer, but really it's up to you.

I'm kind of scratching my head about the pathway thing. I'm not sure where dsbuild and global come into play--the only dsbuild 189 I can find on my computer is in the Bootstrap folder. But if it helps, I can tell you that the exact pathway I install agents to is C\Program Files\Docking Station\My Agents.




Yay Ghosthande! I was going into the file where I downloaded the stuff, not where the actual program was, if that makes sense. My dad helped me find the actual program file, so now its working! Thanks so much for your help!

"Everything you can imagine is real" ~Pablo Picasso

Prodigal Sock


 visit Ghosthande's website: Breeders Beware

All right! Glad you were able to figure it out. :)


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