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Discover Albia: A New Blog   

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 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Hello! After an extremely long time away from Creatures, I finally found and installed C1 on my Windows Vista laptop a few days ago. I also started up a blog, which I hope will be an interesting stopping point for the community! I would appreciate any and all feedback about it thus far... Keep in mind that it's quite new and lacking a lot of content, but I hope to be very active!

Discover Albia

Make sure to vote in the first poll, just for a bit of fun! Thanks a lot!

Discover Albia

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Thank you for sharing this blog, it looks very interesting! I like reading things like this, and have always had a soft spot for C1. :)


 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Thank you very much, Laura! I, too, have always had a soft spot for Creatures 1: I remember getting the game for my birthday and seeing what a great game really could be. Plus, it was the start of an amazing series that beats out any other AI game! A biased opinion, of course, but that can't be helped!

I'm hoping for a few more votes before revealing who popped out of the egg: I took many, many pictures which I'll be posting either tonight or early tomorrow. Thank you again for checking it out!

Discover Albia

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

You're welcome. :) I must admit, it was my mum who persuaded me to buy C1, I wasn't too keen by the looks of it at first.

Anyway, I have voted and look forward to reading more! :D



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

I was very interested in Petz back in the day, and Creatures was vaguely similar: I thought the graphics were wonderful, too, but that comes from someone who was amazed by the old DOS games. Ha ha! Guess it was a good decision to listen to your mum, if that's what got you into Creatures!

Thanks for voting! I've posted a few times about my first Norn, and will be updating the blog soon with information about my Grendel and the next egg. C1 is so simple on the surface, yet there is so much to do and analyze. Hope all is going well for you!

Discover Albia




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

Hi Jessica! I love the design of your blog, and I love your funny stories about your norns. Looking forward to your introduction to the Grendel! :)

My TCR Norns


 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Thanks so much for the comments! I'm glad the design is working out well and that my writing style is enjoyable. I hope to get into more reference/guide material later on, although I'm having a blast focusing on sharing stories about my Norns and Grendel!

Speaking of which, I added a new entry just now related to the Grendel residing in my world. Hopefully I'll provide more interesting updates about him and provoke some thoughts about whether Grendels should be seen in such a negative light. Happy reading!

Discover Albia




I'm really enjoying it so far! I agree about the Grendel being misunderstood. They're probably my favorite to play with in each of the games! Your blog makes me want to play C1 again, but I'm afraid I'll have to wait til school's out so I don't get distracted with Norns and Grendels and fail my finals, haha.

Anyway, keep up the good work! I'll be reading and commenting!



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Thanks for the feedback! I'm very glad it's being received very positively: I was hoping to share my excitement and enjoyment of the series through my reading, and it looks like it's catching on! I know what you mean about being distracted... Sometimes I spend about an hour taking screenshots and playing C1 rather than doing chores. Good luck on your finals!

In the future, I think I might use a Grendel selector COB to have some more fun with my Grendels, and also be able to teach them more. perspective on Albia. Xodin is pretty smart, and I would love to be able to understand his needs some more!

Enjoy reading: I plan on having another new post up this morning! Thanks again for reading!

Discover Albia



 visit Moe's website: Creatures 2 to Docking Station

I have to say, I usually don't sit down and read things like this, but I love your style and the way you perceive the norns and Albia.

As I've grown up I've become a hard core developer rather than a player of the games, but I'm thoroughly enjoying watching the lives of your norns, and of Albia, unfold on your blog. It helps put the soul back in the program. And might I add that it is beautifully presented to boot!

Keep it up. I can't wait if/till you go through the others games too, but do take your time and spare us no detail. :)



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Thank you so much for the comments! I'm very glad that I've given a slightly different perspective on Albia and the Creatures series: There are so many ways to enjoy the games, and I really was aiming to present my blog with a simple enjoyment to start off with. I do plan on getting into the more advanced gameplay eventually, although I don't think I'll completely understand COB/Agent development.

I always think it's interesting to see how different people enjoy Creatures: I think it's been deemed a kids' game by some critics and others say it's repetitive and boring. I think we all would beg to differ!

Thank you again for the very kind comments: I wanted to present something entertaining and interesting, and I'm so happy that it's being received so well! I have a post up asking for any ideas or suggestions that would make Discover Albia more enjoyable. I think my biggest obstacle is keeping my posts to a manageable size! Ha ha! Stay tuned for more updates!

Discover Albia




Jessica, I love your blog. ;)


 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

Thank you! I really appreciate the positive comments, and the time that everyone is taking to read my posts! I have so much to tell even after this morning's update... Just need to keep it manageable so no one feels like they're reading a neverending book! Ha ha! Thanks again!

Discover Albia



 visit Moe's website: Creatures 2 to Docking Station

Loving it still! You know what I really like about your blog, aside from the heartfelt love of Creatures and your wonderful perspective of events, is the awareness it could bring to the game.

After I saw a commenter beg to have Creatures 1, it struck me that the game could have a resurgence in popularity given the right marketing, such as your fabulous blog.

In any case, keep it up! I love hearing about your Norns, and especially the Grendel. Creatures 1 Grendels are so cute. XD



 visit Jessica's website: Discover Albia

I'm very flattered by your comments, Moe! I really love sharing my enthusiasm for the game, and I enjoy seeing the positive impact I've had on the community, even if I only have a handful of readers. I was ecstatic when Discover Albia got its first comment! Ha ha!

If anyone has ideas to revitalize the community in any way, feel free to share! I'm thinking of coming up with a few contests, like wolfing runs with a specific goal, to bring players together and maybe entice some others to return to the game. We'll see where that idea goes, though!

I believe you'll be very pleased with the next update that will be posted shortly... Xodin the Grendel is going to be getting some more attention!

Discover Albia


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