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Dark Banechi Grendel   



Submitted for the community, I present to you all,

The Dark Banechi Grendel.

If anyone feels the desire to upload this on a actual creatures community site, I would be grateful :)


The Air reeked of norns, and there were sounds of a fierce slapping off in the distance. Riptokus dropped his tubers as he saw the portal into the warp. He wasn't gone for more then a few minutes. He had gone off to gather some exotic food as a treat for his Baneshee Grendels. He rushed over to the Grendel Common Area, and saw the horrors. Norns were everywhere! In the pantry, Norns. In the common area, Norns. In the sleeping area, Norns. Above and below, Norns. There were also Grendels, oh yes, grendels strewn about. Broken bodies, blackened from the fierce beatings delivered by the norns. A Handful of survivors were running from an onslaught of no less then 30 Norns, were caught in a Norn ambush from below and were slaughtered. Only one place still held out. The nursery, with Two pregnant mothers, a Grendel adolescent, and and four Grendel Eggs. Riptokus rushed over there, to try to save what he could. He took out an interporter ball and activated it, placing it in the rear of the nursery. He grabbed one of the pregnant mothers by the hand to lead her to the portal, but it was too late. Norns had arrived, and ripped her right out of Riptokus's firm grasp.
Riptokus panicked, desperately trying to save any of his precious wards. He shouted "Grendel Go East!"
The adolescent obeyed, moving off to the interporter. Riptokus grabbed an egg and tossed it to the adolescent. "Grendel Grab egg! Grendel Touch Portal!"

Riptokus breathed a sigh of relief as the Adolescent ported out, carrying an egg with him. He concentrated on rescuing the remaining pregnant Grendel. He tried to pull her, but the Norns were too many, and just kept beating her. The stress was too much, and with her last dieing act, she pushed her egg out. Riptokus grabbed it up quickly, before any norns could get it, and moved to the other eggs. The norns beat him to it. They kept a firm grip on the eggs. Riptokus started fighting the norns, managing to strike one of the egg-holders down, but the other two hatched before Riptokus could save them. He took one last look at the world, the world that he had named "Testies" in honor of it's test-nature, and sighed. So many Grendel lives lost. He had tried to make it an open world, thinking any disaster of this magnitude could be avoided. To be so wrong, and for his mistake to cost so much... It hurt him. He popped through the interporter and took it apart behind him. He took a look around. It was a Norn Mezo, sitting next to the incubator. He saw the Adolescent right away. He had put down the egg and was watching Riptokus's entry. Riptokus moved up to him and scratched between his big ears. "Grendel Yes." Riptokus said in a soothing voice. "Riptokus Like Grendel." "Battista Like Riptokus" the Grendel Adolescent replied.
Riptokus shook some moisture off the tip of his pointer finger as he prepared a stasis export pod. Such a valiant creature, so brave and smart. Riptokus activated the pod and pocketed it. He then setup three more, and turned to the incubator. Eggs didn't survive the transit through the warp so well, but babies did. He put the three Grendel eggs on the incubator. The last of the Grendel tribe of Testies hatched. Three females. He named the one carried by the Grendel Adolescent 'Bertine'. He named the other two 'Bianei' 'Benisa'.
He gave each one a scratch, and then placed them in the stasis export pods. He took one last look at the world, and made a decision. No Norn would use this world for their own gain! He started destroying everything that could provide a Norn food. He then left with his stasis pods, hunting for a new world.

He found one similar to his old one. "Grenvary!" he stated, naming the world as a combination of Grendel and Sanctuary. He opened his stasis pods, releasing his Grendels into the new world. He took a look around. The reek of Norn existed even in this new world. "Battista very hungry for starch!" Riptokus knew that eventually he would have to take his eyes off the Grendels eventually. They wouldn't survive another Norn attack. He made a decision. By working together, any Grendel could defend itsself. Grendels didn't work well together though...
Riptokus considered the genes of the Grendel, and decided that the only solution was to change the very core of the Grendel, so that Norns couldn't take them all down again. Riptokus prepared a Genetic Virus, designed to change the genome of the Baneshee Grendel. When he felt he had it perfected, he injected each of his Grendels with it. They went to sleep, and changes wracked their bodies. When they awoke, they were changed in fundamental ways. Riptokus watched them grow up, knowing that they were neither of the past, nor the future. Their bodies couldn't take the changes, and they would have problems in later stages in their lives. The biggest Riptokus was to see was with the birth of the new generation. Battista impregnated all of his companions, but something was strange with the Genome, and the Eggs sat fully developed in the bodies of the females. Riptokus considered, and then put them all in a deep sleep. He cut the eggs out of their bodies, and restored them to health. This wouldn't do though, and he removed their reproductive ability while he was at it. The three eggs hatched into new children, two females and a male. He named the male Gratis, and the two females Glavia and Gva. He was unsure what his changes had truly done, but he knew anything would be better then the wholesale slaughter of the Grendels as before.

He settled down to watch their behavior, to truly understand what he had done.


The Dark Banechi Grendel genotype is based off of the Baneshee Grendel breed. They are just as tough, and share most of the same health care requirements, but have a few added changes.

Dark Banechi Grendels are extremly social. They are, in fact, pack animals. They travel together, stick together, sleep together, and they get sick together. Diseases can spread like wildfire in a Dark Banechi Grendel pack. Being grendels, this isn't always a critical problem, but it can be bad. As a result, it is recommended you keep plenty of vitamin C around them. On the bright side, they generally don't migrate between packs too well, so it will usually only be a pack at a time that gets sick.

Dark Banechi Grendels are pregnant for almost 10 minutes. A Dark Banechi Grendel might have a single child where a norn will have 20. Twins are born sequencially, not at the same time. As a result, Dark Banechi Grendel population doesn't increase fast. On the bright side, Dark Banechi Grendels have long fertility periods during their cycles, so often getting them pregnant when you want a pregnancy isn't too hard.

Dark Banechi Grendels smell like a jungle. A Dark Banechi Grendel smells very similar to a jungle, as a result, normal grendels will often go to lay their eggs around these creatures. This can be good, if you have a pack of Dark Banechis protecting your normal Grendels, since they are assured to become the Grendel Nursery. This can be bad if there are Hardman-like norns in your world, as they stalk your Grendels.

Dark Banechi Grendels don't get along well with Norns. A Dark Banechi Grendel will chase and kill Norns near their pack. They feel uncomfortable around Norns without their pack present, so generally will not chase them to an obsession, but Norns around your packs won't survive. On the bright side, if Hardman Norns come after a Dark Banechi Grendel, the entire pack will usually beat it off, if not kill it.

Below is a Journal-style entry of the first two and a half hours of the Dark Banechi Grendel.

Log Entry 1
A Pair of male Norns were sighted. I sent the founding Grendels away, so as to lead the hostile Norns elsewhere and hopefully raise the new generation safely. The hostile Norns stuck around. They paired up and trapped Gratis into a corner. I jumped between the Norns and Gratis, and called for the girls to come help. They acted as proper survivors of the Testies disaster, and banded together to wipe out one of the two hostiles. They are now staying close together and attacking the Hostile Norn when he approaches. The Grendels have reached adolescence, and killing a norn appears to have kicked on their desire to experiment with each other. Only time will tell what will happen.

Log Entry 2
Hiko was his name. He walked around stating how much he disliked Gratis, but gratis remembered him, and stated to the girls his opinion of the hostile Norn. They chased him into the corner that the Norns had trapped Gratis in, and proceeded to beat him any time he got close to the pack. Hiko is yelling about how angry he is. I don't paticularly care, after the devastation his people wrecked on the Testies colony, he deserves it.

Log Entry 3
Hiko attempted to make a break for the elevator while the Grendels were sleeping. He almost made it, but they fought him back. He has reached adolescence himself, the Grendels no longer have the advantage.

Log Entry 4
Hiko decided to take a nap near Gratis. Gratis saw him and gave him quite the beating, though Hiko managed to escape. Hiko retreated back to the company of his pack rather then follow hiko too far.

Log Entry 5
Glavia was ambushed by Hiko and took a few slaps, but turned the tables and gave the norn a fierce beating. She ran back to Gva after a short while rather then face a possible counter-attack. Gratis has taken the elevator up in the search for starch.

Log Entry 6
Hiko advanced on the pack, only to be stopped by Glavia, whom was patrolling the fringe of the pack, keeping her sleeping friend, Gva, safe. Hiko retreated and went to sleep back in the corner.

Log Entry 7
Hiko advanced on the pack to retaliate for the previous engagement, but came out behind again as Glavia unleashed a brutal counter-attack, sending Hiko running away holding his cheeks.

Log Entry 8
Hiko advanced on Gva while Glavia's back was turned. He hit Gva hard, waking her up. This started a brutal fight between Gva and Hiko. At first Glavia rushed to the aid of Gva, but she shortly fell asleep, exhausted after the constant engagements. Gva and Hiko proceeded to exchange blows for awhile, but slowly Hiko gained the upper hand. Gva, beat pretty bad, ran away. Then Hiko hit Glavia. Glavia was somewhat rested, and turned to Hiko and began to pummel him. He was quickly killed by the Grendel, and the Hostile Norns were defeated. It is unknown what would have happened had the hostiles outnumbered the grendels, but I suspect the superior teamwork would have saved the day.

Log Entry 9
The Grendels have become youths. I have dragged Gratis down to his packmates, so that the species might survive and multiply.

Log Entry 10
Glavia is the first Dark Banechi Grendel to get pregnant. Her pregnancy will be long, as it takes longer for a creature as complex as these to develop.

Log Entry 11
Gva appears to have a Rip Van Winkle situation. She is sleeping but not becoming less tired. This appears to be environmental, as evacuating her to the Workshop has caused her to feel better.

Log Entry 12
After more then 8 Minutes, Glavia has laid her egg, which has hatched a Son. He has been named "Mib"

Log Entry 13
Gva has become Pregnant, followed shortly after by Glavia. The pack now hangs by the button in the middle of the Mezo.

Log Entry 14
7 Hostile Norns hatched in the workshop. This might be trouble.

Log Entry 15
Gratis smelled the Norns and advanced on the door to the workshop. The Norns Had barricaded it against Grendels. Gratis now appears to be standing guard at the door.

Log Entry 16
Two Norns were sighted advancing from the workshop onto the Grendel Pack. They arrived as the females were laying their eggs. They appeared to be after her egg. The pack banded together to chase them off. A Third Norn came to reinforce the two already there.

Log Entry 17
The Engagement between the Norns and the Grendels continue. The Children were born. A boy to Gva whom was named Gaspi, and a Girl to Glavia, whom was named Grenella. The entire pack of norns arrived to fight the Grendels. The Grendels are sticking together, while the Norns have spread out and surrounded the Grendels. They cannot overcome the tightly knit pack, as they work as a team to fight off any Norn aggression. Glavia and Gva are pregnant again, and the three eldest Grendels have become adults.

Log Entry 18
The Majority of the Grendels went to sleep, allowing the Norns to advance in mass against the Grendels. The pack was split up and mixed with the Norns. Mib Became an Adolescent, as did the hostile Norns.

Log Entry 19
Gaspi found himself behind Norn lines. They trapped him by the door out and beat on him.

Log Entry 20
The Norns have scattered. They now occupy every part of the Mezo. The Pack still resides by the Button in the Middle of the Mezo, Although Mib prefers the upper portion.

Log Entry 21
Mib became tired of sharing the upper portion of the Mezo with a Norn, and proceeded to attack the Norn by the Musicola until the Norn was killed. Glavia and Gva laid their eggs. Glavia had a Boy, whom was named Adelph, and Gva had a girl, whom was named Glecii.

Log Entry 22
Glavia became pregnant with twins. As is standard with Banechi Grendels, one of the fertilized embryos went into stasis in her body as the other one began to develop. The Upper Mezo was invaded by a Norn, whom used the teaching amulet. Her name is Hali. I will attempt to convince her to leave the Mezo forever.

Log Entry 23
Mib took exception to Hali's presence, and he beat her for being in his part of the mezo. She left. I encouraged her to go to the door, but she refused to listen to me and go through. The Norns have become Youths, and one has impregnated Hali. This is very worrisome indeed.

Log Entry 24
Hali laid her egg. The Grendel pack killed another norn. Gva has taken to beating her children.

Log Entry 25
Hali's egg hatched, another hostile norn is in the world. Adelph has joined Mib in the upper Mezo. Glavia and Gratis walked away from the main pack for awhile to chase a pair of Norns to the incubator.

Log Entry 26
Glavia has laid an egg. The Banechi Grendels cannot develop two eggs at once, so the extra fertilized embryo went into stasis until she was able to develop it. Her first egg hatched, and Glavia's new daughter is called Glaciala. In celebration, the Grendels killed another of the Norns hanging around the center Mezo.

Log Entry 27
Apparently Gaspi was attacked by Grenella. He doesn't like her much anymore. The feeling is mutual. Gva's abuse of her children continues.

Log Entry 28
Hali has laid yet another egg, bringing even more hostile Norns into the world. Mib has yet another Norn invader, but appears to be more tolerant now that he has a packmate in Adelph. Adelph chased the Norn off, and Mib starting feeling vulnerable without a home pack around him, so went to join Adelph for a little bit before returning for some lemons.

Log Entry 29
The Norns have become adults. Glavia's second twin has been laid. Hali laid an egg right next to Glavia's.

Log Entry 30
Grenella became a youth, and was impregnated by Gratis.

Log Entry 31
Glaciala's twin has finally been born. He has been named Grenivar. Hali and Glavia both became pregnant at the same time. Hali laid her egg almost right away, as is common with the hostile Norns. Gaspi has joined Mib's Pack

Log Entry 32
Hali's newest son hatched. Gaspi has been beat up by Mib's pack. He is not liking Grendels in general. He appears to have taken the role of an Omega, the Whipping boy of all Grendels everywhere. Glaciala has gone up to join Mib's pack.

Log Entry 33 2 Hours
Grenella has laid her egg. Hali was killed by Gratis's pack, a great victory over the Hostile Norns. Grenella's egg hatched her a son, whom was named Figgun.

Log Entry 34
Grenella, Grenivar went to join Mib's pack, making the Mib's pack the larger pack. Glavia laid her egg, whom hatched into a son named Gdam. Gratis's pack continues to engage Norns almost constantly, while the Upper Mezo remains Norn-free.

Log entry 35
Grenella is pregnant.

Log Entry 36
Grenivar and Grenella left the Mib's pack for Gratis's pack, reducing the pack to four. Most of the Norns are in the central Mezo, fighting Gratis's Pack.

Log Entry 37
Gratis's Pack has killed another norn. Grenella took issue with Gratis standing so close while she laid her egg and so she slapped him a bit. The Egg hatched her a son, whom she named Gaspil, after his father. Glaciala became pregnant shortly after.

Log Entry 38
Only one female Norn remains, but she laid an egg. Gratis's pack attacked her, since she decided to lay her egg near his pack, but the other Norns in the area got in the way and she survived the confrontation. The Egg is now in the middle of the pack, but the constant warfare has exhausted the Grendels to the point they don't have the energy to do anything with it.

Log Entry 39
Another Norn has been killed by Gratis's pack.

Log Entry 40
Glecii became pregnant and Glaciala laid her egg.

Log Entry 41
Glaciala named her son Gaff. For the time being he is sticking with Mib's pack. I brought the amulet of teaching to him and taught him how to speak. Gaspil migrated down to the bottom of the Mezo. The Norns there are giving him trouble, but he seems to be doing okay.

Log Entry 42
A Grand Victory! The last hostile female was slain. Only males remain. As long as no new Norns come, the population will eventually die out.

Log Entry 43
Glacii beat on Grenella for awhile. Figgun came up and joined Mib's Pack.


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